Good Morning My Children

We Love You...

We are just getting started...not going anywhere...for where would I go...hmm? I Am already everywhere...

Good Morning My Children

What Does "Human Fate" Mean? Just look at your history of pain and suffering...

Good Morning My Children

"You", Humanity, Have Been Ignoring the Opportunity to Become "Enlightened" for Decades...

Good Morning My Children

The Choice is Yours, Not Mine...

...the infinite "experiential dimensions" you have to choose from...

Good Morning My Children

Your "Big Picture Puzzle"

Good Morning My Children

Your Choice: Your Status Quo or Reunion with Your Divine Parent?

Good Morning My Children

Pre-Incarnation Agreement and Your "Link" to the Everywhereness of Love

Good Morning My Children

We All Love You and Are Waiting to Assist You

Good Morning My Children

Sober Up From Your Addiction to Humanness

Good Morning My Children

You Say You Study and Practice Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary Teachings, But You Do Not Believe Anyone Who Confirms Those Teachings???

Good Morning My Children

Study and Practice Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery Until His Teachings Are Not So Mindboggling...Until You Remember You Are Just Dreaming Your Impossible Dream...

Good Morning My Children

Some Day You Will be Tired of Drowning in Your Illusion of Humanness...
