Good Morning My Children

Don't Think I Sound Like "Me", Your Divine Parent? Just a Little Divine Sarcasm My Children...

Good Morning My Children

"Reunion"...speachlessly within and part of "Me", Your Creator

Good Morning My Children

Live Your Temporary Periods of Humanness...Recognizing You Are "Not Human"

Good Morning My Children

The Inevitable Transformation of the Human Psyche is Truly "Inevitable"...Nothing Can Stop it.

"My Light" is found in the substucture of all atoms. 

Good Morning My Children

What Will Be Your Response, To My Request...the Request of Your Creator?

Good Morning My Children

You Are Part of Me and I Am Part of You (as a Wave is to The Ocean)...There is No Separation.

"pretending to be human"


Good Morning My Children

I Created you With Free Will and I Will Never Take That From You...

...incomprehensible and yet, I can be known, felt, and realized as "part of you", as Jeshua ben Joseph discovered two thousand years ago.  

Good Morning My Children

What Are You Waiting For...the Flash of Light?

Good Morning My Children

When Does "Life" Begin in the Womb

The Game of Pretending to be Human & the Great Shift in human consciousness is coming...

Good Morning My Children

We Love You...

We are just getting started...not going anywhere...for where would I go...hmm? I Am already everywhere...

Good Morning My Children

What Does "Human Fate" Mean? Just look at your history of pain and suffering...

Good Morning My Children

"You", Humanity, Have Been Ignoring the Opportunity to Become "Enlightened" for Decades...
