“Welcome to Metatron”, a Spiritual Development Endeavor (versus a religion) doing business as JeshuabenJoseph.com, the site dedicated to The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph (aka Jesus Christ) and to God’s Blog. Why The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings some may ask? Because the Gospels of the New Testament are not accurate, so Jeshua has returned, in this current era, to set the story straight regarding his crucifixion, life, and authentic teachings. To say his contemporary teachings are substantially different than the traditional Christian model is a gross understatement. 

Humans are Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love (fields of consciousness with choice) having temporary “human experiences”, and all had eternal, conscious relationships with our Creator-Divine Parent prior to incarnating as limited, physical, fearful, human beings. 

During his concluding incarnation as Jeshua ben Joseph (his authentic Jewish name), he made a “humanity changing discovery”: How to obtain what some refer to as Christ Consciousness, Oneness Consciousness, or Creator-God Consciousness. The details of his path to Creator Consciousness are not contained in any Christian literature or document. 

One of his many Contemporary and Channeled Teachings is The Way of Mastery Trilogy, which explains how he re-established his conscious relationship with our Creator-Divine Parent. He teaches us that we, humanity, are his sister and brother Beings of Love and Light Divine, his “equals”, and that we can use his path (of two thousand years ago) as a model for re-establishing our eternal, conscious, moment to moment, relationship with our Divine Parent…while still embodied in our present human forms.  

Jeshua communicates The Way of Mastery Trilogy will be used by millions to obtain Creator Consciousness, as he did two thousand years ago, resulting in a new era of millions of Incarnated Conscious Christs. Planet Earth will never be the same.   

We were created to be channels or mediums for our Creator whereby our Creator manifests and extends Self (Pure Love) into the dimension of physicality, inclusive of planet Earth…whereby we participate in the creation of “Heaven on Earth”. To this end, the administrator of this site channels bi-weekly messages from the Creator-Divine Parent, which are posted within the God’s Blog section of this site. “Abba” is Jeshua’s name for our Divine Parent, The Infinite Beingness of Love…The Infinite Field or Matrix of Love that is “Everywhere”, out of which all things arise. Incomprehensible…oh yes, but “Reality”.      

To review the messages of our Creator-Divine Parent to all of humanity, which will be ongoing for centuries to come, simply go to the God’s Blog section of this site.