Two thousand years ago, the ancient Jewish sect known as the “Essenes” was the more spiritually oriented and advanced segment of the Jewish culture. Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus) was an Essene, as was his family and many of his inner circle of followers.

Omitted from all Christian records, in the late 60s AD, only 30-some-odd years after the crucifixion, a war broke out between Israel and The Roman Empire. Although the entire Jewish nation was passionately anti-Roman, the Essenes were dedicated to ending The Roman Empire’s brutal and oppressive occupation of Israel…no matter the cost.

During the war, the Roman legions targeted all of the Essene villages for “total destruction”, including murdering all of the women and children. The Essene culture and the authentic Jeshua movement, known as “The Way”, perished because of the war. With the leadership void created by the war, the “Roman Greco version” of Jeshua ben Joseph’s teachings, known as “Christianity”, assumed the dominant leadership role of their so-called "authentic Jesus movement," which was anything but authentic.

These and many other historical facts were either omitted, distorted, or overwritten by the Roman Greco version of Jeshua ben Joseph’s life, teachings, and crucifixion, the foundation for all versions of Christianity. It was the Roman Empire’s Emperor Constantine, who hired Eusebius to edit and publish the first edition of the Gospels and the balance of the New Testament. This "first edition" was a by-product of Emperor Constantine’s Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, some 300 years after the crucifixion.

The Roman destruction of the Essene culture and with it, the authentic Jeshua ben Joseph movement, is why Christianity never, “never” represented an accurate version of Jeshua’s life, teachings, or crucifixion, but rather utilized records of some of his famous sayings and life events to create the “illusion” thereof. You will obviously hear none of this in any Christian Church on Sunday mornings.

This summarizes the motivation of Jeshua to return, in this current era, to convey an accurate version of his life, teachings, and crucifixion, by way of his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings.

For more details of the historical facts, see the book, Jesus vs Christianity – The Myth of Heaven & Hell by Michael Dybicz available on Amazon.