More on Christ Consciousness
A good starting point for understanding Christ Consciousness is to begin thinking, realizing, and “owning” that you are not…”not” a mortal, limited, fearful, physical, human being but rather an Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirit of Love and Light, who “chose” to have a temporary human experience. Why is this important? Because as an Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirit of Love and Light you have a much different perspective and make much different decisions than a mortal, limited, fearful, physical, human being.
Christ Consciousness is awareness with free-will, which is the “gift” The Creator gave to all Christed Beings of Love (that’s us) to create our experiences. By using our free-will, we choose what we are aware of, and thereby create our experiences…moment to moment. Christ Consciousness is the divine spark of awareness within that allows us (via our free-will) to be in perfect alignment with the Mind of God…and thereby remember and re-establish our conscious relationship with our Creator.
Why can’t you remember your conscious relationship with your Creator? Because “you chose” to incarnate into the Earth dimension of physicality and fear consciousness (egoic humanness), inclusive of the “illusion” of separation from your Divine Parent. Part of that dimensional shift or change in consciousness is that “you chose” to temporarily forget who and what you truly are: an Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirit of Love and Light.
The concluding phase of our journey into the experiential dimension of physicality and fear consciousness will be when humanity awakens to “Reality” and transforms the fear-based Earth dimension into “Heaven of Earth”. Such a wondrous event, such an experience by millions of Christed Beings has never been done before, in such an emotionally dark dimension of physicality. Mind-boggling, absolutely, and one that requires us to remember and re-establish our conscious relationship with our Creator (Abba).