Good Morning My Children

Your future "Reality"

you have on a "human disguise"

Good Morning My Children of Light Divine

Here it comes..."The Great Shift"

A New World of the "Reality of Love" to look forward to...

Good Morning My Children

Your Scientific Method - Experimentation & Observation

"Big Bang" of Consciousness

Good Morning My Children

Your only way "Home" Unconditional, Pure, Living, Thinking, "Feeling Love".  

Good Morning My Children

The Script Was Written Long Ago

The Reality of My Love or more of your fears and anxieties?

Good Morning My Children

Your Journey in Consciousness

Illusion of fear to the "Reality of Love"

Good Morning My Children

Conditional, Counterfeit Love

A new term for you, "Creator Consciousness"

Good Morning My Children

Non-Reality of Fear Consciousness

The Christian hierarchy, the manifestation of the blind leading the blind

Good Morning My Children

"Enlightened, Conscious, Beings of Love and Light Divine"

Ah yes, a return to your true identity's, "a remembrance", rather than anything new. 

Good Morning My Children

"This to shall pass"

Still in denial My Children? Yes, of course, for your ego's are still in control..."you are right and I Am wrong".

Good Morning My Children

"The Real Reality"


Good Morning My Children

Limited Human State of Consciousness

..."limited awareness", so limited that you are not even aware of Me, your Creator...
