Good Morning My Children

Your egoic voices within tell you..."it cannot be our Creator, just listen to what this phony Creator is saying to cannot be true, so it must not be our Creator".

Good Morning My Children

You have created the opposite of "Reality"

You are exactly where you set out to be, "remember"?

Good Morning My Children

Oh yes, you "denied" the authentic teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph two thousand years ago, and "you" are repeating that process again, in your twenty-first century. 

Good Morning My Children

Denial, denial, have perfected "denial"...

You have claimed your humanness as your "substitute for Reality"

Good Morning My Children

The Egocentric Collective Consciousness of Humanity

"Relentless egocentric conditioning from the moment of conception"

Good Morning My Children

My Children, you have been blinded by your ego's, the plague in consciousness, "the cancer of consciousness"...

Good Morning My Children

Game of Humanness and Searching for Love

"Let us do the impossible."

Good Morning My Children

You perceive your "non-reality" of humanness as "Reality"

Follow not those who have yet to re-establish their conscious, living, moment to moment, relationship with Me...your Creator

Good Morning My Children

The Path to Reunion with Me, Your Creator

A new movie: The Lost Children of God in the Dream World of Humanity.

Good Morning My Children

How Do Quantum Physicists Measure Your Dream of Humanness?

Good Morning My Children

And for what seems to be an almost endless process of pointing you in the direction of Pure Love and Perfect Peace...

Good Morning My Children

The Basics

Hmm...egoic, fear consciousness, and aloneness or True Love, Perfect Peace, and Reunion? Your choice My Children...
