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Good Morning My Children

The Omitted Destruction of Jeshua ben Joseph's Authentic Movement and Teachings'

Wednesday, December 18, 2024 Blog

Good day, good day My Children of The Light Divine. Oh my, what a title, what a description, and still you do not "get it" after all of this time...and effort, and everything else that can be said about you...oh, so long of a history on Mother long that few even remember being here, on Earth that is, at the very beginning of your incarnations into your Dream World of physicality, fear consciousness, and what else My Children, for it has become known as "the trifecta of illusion and delusion" throughout the infinite dimensionality in which you currently labor, to discover all of the answers to your "Big Questions". 

Oh yes, oh my, the answers to your big questions that your scientists seek, and alas, will never find in the places they are looking, and yet, the search goes on.

Ah yes, you have not heard that description before, "the trifecta of illusion"...not using those words, but I and your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, have discussed the trifecta on many occasions, most notably here, on God's Blog and within the lengthy contents of Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery Trilogy. Oh yes, the trilogy of The Way of Mastery, which details how Jeshua ben Joseph journeyed, seeking the answers...all the answers I might add, to your, humanity's "Big Questions".

Oh yes, he was after all of the answers, not just one or two, which is the usual case with one of your scientist's. And he found them, all of them, as I have told you, humanity, over, and over, and over again, in my early morning messages to you all "here", on God's Blog. 

Oh yes, the many messages to all of humanity from your Creator, The Infinite, Grand Mystery (of all mysteries), The Infinite Matrix of Love, Who is speaking to you at this very moment and yet, few listen. Few listen, and why is that My Children, hmm? Why do so few listen to The Beingness of Infinite Love, Who gave you Life, Consciousness, and Choice? Oh my, another trifecta, your true identities, and yet, you understand it not, your identity that is, for you think you are "human beings", on planet Earth, rather than the "Extensions of Self", My Infiniteness' of Love, which you exist "within", and yet, you still know Me not. 

"You-who" I Am, right here with you all, on planet Earth, your Ceator, and still, you labor in your humanness, seeking the answers to all of your many questions, many of which arose early on in your history of mistaken identity, when I have been, and will remain, with you always and yet, you, within your illusion of humanness, within your "Dream World", using the descriptive location of Jeshua ben Joseph...and still you remain lost, and yet, not lost by your standards, your delusional standards, for you continue to believe "this is Reality", your human existence on planet Earth, where your egos perceive fear and all of the dark emotions are "Real".     

A world where all of the dark emotions are perceived to be "Real", in addition to being separated from your Creator, and you, humanity, call this place "Reality"?..."really"?..."truly?"..."Reality"?...okay, I will play your game, which you do not even realize is "a game".  

Oh, but we have been here before My Children, which your Holy Bible says, and yet, you believe it not, for "if" you were truly "created in My Image", you too would have to be "everywhere", for that is exactly where I Am, and yet, you see Me not.  

I Am "within" you and around you this very moment...always have been, always will be, and still you labor, you dream in your Dream World of separation from Me, "Abba", the name given to Me by your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, who came back into your Dream World a few decades ago, to once again attempt to tell you what he first attempted to, some two thousand years ago.  

Oh yes, and he succeeded this time, for he did not return in human form, so there was no human body to murder this time, out of your fears, your endless egoic fears, that motivated you to crucify him two thousand years ago. Oh yes, and after you crucified him, you continued to persecute his inner circle of followers, which culminated with what few today accurately depict as the destruction of his authentic movement and teachings'

Oh yes, why is that My Children? His crucifixion was "misconstrued and twisted" into a story of non-reality, "pure fiction" as it were, which oddly became the foundation of a religion that spread throughout the land, and yet, you also murdered his inner circle of followers, and with those many atrocities, effectively murdered his authentic teachings'. Where are those facts in your Holy Bible, My Children? Where?

Oh, that's right, they are not in your Holy Bible, for the Roman Jewish War, that broke out only decades after the crucifixion of Jeshua ben Joseph, is not mentioned. "Not even mentioned"? How is that possible?...the war of Rome (the Roman Empire) that targeted the Jeshua bloodline and close followers, which went on for decades, even after the total destruction of the Jewish state of Palestine.  

Oh yes, those, and many other facts of the first century, were all forgotten when the production and related "editing process" of your New Testament occurred, some "three centuries" later. "Three centuries later" My Children? What happened in the "three centuries" following the crucifixion of Jeshua ben Joseph?...which included the Roman Empire's war on the small Jewish country, where millions were slain, and the specific Jewish sect, a long established Jewish tradition, in which Jeshua ben Joseph was born into and raised, was targeted for total destruction by the Roman legions.   

Why was all of this information, which I have just briefly touched on, "omitted" from your Holy Bible? Why? Jeshua ben Joseph was an "Essene"...raised to be such by his parents. Oh yes, he was educated by what I will call "the Essene Master Teachers", who were perceived to be the most "Spiritually Advanced". Why were all of the Essene communities leveled by the Roman legions, where atrocities of horror were the "order of the day"?  

Can you imagine committing suicide, even the elders and children, just to escape the Roman atrocities, hmm? Why are these facts omitted from your Holy Bible, and section known this day as Acts (of the Apostles)? Oh yes, the section of your New Testament that is represented as the history of events following the crucifixion...the history of Jeshua ben Joseph's authentic teachings and followers. 

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, oh yes, indeed, your Holy Bible is missing the true, as you say, "chain of events" following the crucifixion of Jeshua ben Joseph, your so-called Only Son of Mine. 

Oh my, My Children of Light Divine, I could go on about many details missing or misrepresented in your New Testament, but who would believe Me, hmm?...I Am only The Infinite Beingness of Love, Who gave you Life, Awareness, and Choice. 

Your history books and your Holy Bible are missing many facts surrounding possibly the most famous of all human beings, one Jeshua ben Joseph, and that is okay, for that is what you wanted...and created...just another layer of illusion...another piece of the puzzle...another chapter in your "Dream World" of separation from Me, "Abba", your Creator and Divine Parent.  

"Dream World"...a world of non-reality that you, humanity, say is your "Reality"? Okay, your egos have had their way since you arrived on "planet Earth of humanness", and so it shall be, for a little while longer.

Ah, but "Reality" is knocking at your door, My Children of Light Divine, who are dreaming they/you are human beings. Oh yes, dreaming away are you, who believe fear is "Real", and Love is something to search for, and yet, never quite find...ah, but that is another story, that has been told many times on this, God's Blog, My Blog, and also within the many Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph. 

You cannot crucify him this time and hide his legacy. Oh no, not this time, for we are here again, on your planet Earth, within your Dream World...and we are not going anywhere this time...for My plan is "My plan" is unfolding before your very eyes, and you see it not...not yet, but oh, you will...oh yes, this time you will not be able to hide the "Reality of Love", the "Reality of Me", your Creator, from the masses.

No, no...not this time...

That is all...

Abba...your Creator, The Everywhereness of Love... 



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