As crazy as this will sound to some, Jeshua ben Joseph (the authentic name for Jesus) began communicating a contemporary version of his teachings through thousands of channels and mediums in the twentieth century. This stunning and game changing process is ongoing. No longer do we have to rely on inaccurate ancient documents, most notably the Gospels of the New Testament, to garner the vast wisdom of Jeshua ben Joseph. He has been and continues to be communicating directly to us.
Much of this inspirational and wide-ranging body of information is available in books and CDs. Jeshua ben Joseph conveys a 21st century version of his teachings, void of the traditional Christian misinformation that has distorted his message for 2,000 years. It is noteworthy (and also evident in ancient texts) that his contemporary teachings mirror 21st century quantum-based principles. Physicists often refer to this as the Unified Field Theory.
The scientific underpinnings of Jeshua’s message about God, who we are, and why we are here are mind-boggling, and yet he answers all of the big questions that humanity has been asking for the millennia. In this regard, synchronization of the Human Energy Field, inclusive of the brain waves, to the Zero-Point Field (ZPF) accelerates the shift to Christ Consciousness. Physicists refer to the ZPF as a limitless, intelligent field of energy and information that spans the universe. As mind-boggling as this will sound, Jeshua ben Joseph refers to our Divine Parent using a variety of similar terms (which mirror those of quantum physicist’s references to the ZPF), including an Infinite Field of Pure Love and Pure Intelligence that is everywhere...and an Infinite Matrix of Love. See Christ Conscious Sound Therapy within this site for more information on accelerating the shift to Christ Consciousness.
The list that follows are some of the books and CDs that are available. They are presented in 3 categories…Introductory*, Intermediate** and Advanced***, as indicated by the number of asterisk symbols next to the book title. The categories do not convey that one source is more important than another.
There has been an ongoing debate, which book or teachings are the most important and/or advanced? This is unfortunate. Our Creator continues to work through Jeshua ben Joseph, a Conscious Christed Being, to provide the educational sources needed by all souls to take their “next step Home”. Hypothetically, let us assume there are 100 steps to The Kingdom of God. What step is the most important?...the 1st?...the 52nd?...the 76th ? Do you get the message? They are all equally important. For those that continue to play the egoic game of “the source I am studying is the most advanced and important”, please recognize that our Creator’s plan of mass Christ Consciousness on Earth is the best plan. If you are content with the status of your pathway Home, so be it. Study whatever source you are drawn to. However, unless you have entered the Kingdom of God…by re-establishing your conscious relationship with your Creator…Who guides you each day on the path of Love…know that you have more steps to take. Thus, this is one of the reasons for the broad, three categories communicated within.
This list is a sample of the books channeled by Jeshua (Jesus).
The Way of the Heart, The Way of Transformation and The Way of Knowing comprise The Way of Mastery course, Jeshua ben Joseph’s step by step process for making the shift from egoic (fear-based) to Christ Consciousness. Complete, unedited books of the original channeled recordings are available from Barnes & Noble. Free, complete, unedited written and audio versions of The Way of Mastery are available at CDs of the original channeled recordings are available at both at and
Note: Book versions of The Way of Mastery (TWM), sold at (their Enhanced Edition), omits 128 pages of the original channeled recordings, which contain all of Jeshua’s Question and Answer (Q&A) sections. These Q &A sections are integral to Jeshua’s teachings. The free PDF of the Q & A sections that is available from the Shanti Christo Foundation (SCF) is incomplete. However, those that use the Enhanced Edition can obtain all of the missing 128 pages of the Q & A sections by using the link and free download below. Further, earlier editions of TWM (sold by the SCF) that predate their Enhanced Edition should probably be avoided…because all of Jeshua’s teachings are edited and the Q & A sections were again deleted.
A Course in Miracles was given initially to two people who had asked from the depth of their being (although they were not aware of it at the time) to be shown a way to perceive differently. A wise teacher first learns the language of the student. And the two that asked the question carried an orientation in which their primary mechanism for experience was through the level of the mind, or the intellect. Therefore, the teaching tool needed to be conveyed in a way that could be acceptable to them as the student.
Secondly, of course, as you well know, the essential message that I sought to bring forth through that teaching device is equally applicable to anyone who may be attracted to pursuing the study of it. And yet, the Course does not seek to answer every question that a teacher of God, will, indeed, come to ask. It is designed only to re-establish the mind at peace, and to cultivate within the mind the willingness to ask of what I’ve called the Comforter, or the Holy Spirit, for guidance, rather than remaining attached to its devices (typically the human ego) for decision-making. This opens the way for the mind to be guided ever more deeply to what is required to become fully re-established as the embodiment of Love (a Conscious Christ incarnate).
…Those that would hold that the Course in Miracles is a complete teaching device within itself are accurate, if they understand that it was given to those who are deeply embedded within the intellectual processes, and that it has a specific goal that is self-contained (establishment of peace). Those that would assert that viewing the Course in Miracles as a complete teaching tool in itself, if they take this to mean there is nothing further to explore, nothing further to deepen and become, are inaccurate. View it then, as a teaching device with a specific goal, given in a way that is acceptable to those that have learned to abide primarily in the level of the mind that is engaged in conceptualization.
Note: Some, who have taken A Course in Miracles, have found it very challenging to understand. In many such cases, this challenging aspect has been at least partially caused by the fact that the student did not abide primarily on the mental plane of conceptualization. This is not good or bad, but rather largely influenced by the Genetic Behavioral Characteristics chosen (by the soul) during the pre-incarnation planning process. For more information, see the Personal Readings section of this site on Genetic Behavioral Readings.
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