Good Morning My Children

Languish in your illusion of victimhood

..."your decisions" to experience more fears and anxieites, incarnation, after incarnation, after incarnation. 

Good Morning My Children

"Decondition" yourselves from the depths of all your illusions...

"Spiritually asleep"

Good Morning My Children

"for there is no separation...only Oneness and Love"

There is no never truly die...your "know" this...and still, you fear what will never happen. It is as you are all blind, deaf, and dumb. 

Good Morning My Children

Your egos are not as smart as you perceive them to be

Not yet tired of your "hypnotized state" of believing you are human beings? 

Good Morning My Children

Your egoic voice within, the source of all of your fears and anxieties

Your egoic voices within are guiding you to perpetuate your fears and anxieties, rather than terminate them. Is that clear enough for you?

Good Morning My Children

"No death" after physical death...the "Real World", according to Jeshua ben Joseph

Your perception of "Reality" is "non-reality"

Good Morning My Children

You will be "Home" once again, and to be "Home" is when you know Me, and I Am but Love

Living "within" the Bliss of My Infinite, Everywhereness of Love 

Good Morning My Children

I wait for you "within"

The answers to all of your questions are "within" My Children..."within"

Good Morning My Children

You found Me, your Creator

Your physcisits have discovered part of Me, your Creator...they call Me "an invisible field of energy and information"...The Zero Point Field

Good Morning My Children

Your Cloak of Forgetfulness have forgotten "the shock" it was to make the shift from Love Consciousness to your human, fear consciousness.

Good Morning My Children

Your ego's have been lying to you "forever" about your Game of Humanness

Jeshua ben Joseph has come back to fill in the gaps Christianity left out of your Gosepels. 

Good Morning My Children

"the beginning of your end of humanness has begun", for why else do you think I Am here, hmm?

Why else would your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, return in this, your current era, to tell you all about his great discovery of two thousand years ago?
