Good Morning My Children

You Have Chosen to Experience the Impossible

When you know someone is a liar, or in this case, something...your ego's...why do you continue to believe a liar is telling you the truth?

Good Morning My Children

..."please", take a step back, and tell Me, The Infinite Field...The Infinite Everywhereness of Love, does the description of being a limited, mortal, fearful, physical, human being sound as though I made you...I created you in "My Image"...hmm?

Good Morning My Children are experiencing what you have projected upon your Dream World of humanness..."projected"..."projected"...and your projections only create a "perception of Reality", which in your case, My Children, is "non-reality"

Good Morning My Children

Oh yes, your cloaks of human forgetfulness, your human body-brains, for "that" is what you use to forget "who" and "what' you truly are, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine...You embody "your Spirits", "your Souls" in human body-brains, also known as "cloaks of forgetfulness"...

Good Morning My Children

...there will come the day when your essence, which I planted in each of your Soul's, will rise to the surface of your consciousness and say, "enough of this egoism, it is time for me to once again live my essence"...and your essence My Children, is My essence... Incomprehensible, Infinite, Pure Love.

Good Morning My Children

How is it possible that your Christian leaders continue to believe such a "story"? Oh, that's right, "insanity seems sane to those that are insane".

Good Morning My Children

Of yes, I created you. However, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, what and who I created, versus what and who "you perceive" I created, are two very, very different "Creations". 

Good Morning My Children

How are you enjoying your counterfeit guidance, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine...your egoic guidance, based in fear, rather than My Everywhereness of Love?

Good Morning My Children

You are "trapped" in your illusion of humanness

The path to My Everywhereness of Love is waiting for you. It is a path of "change"...major "change"...Life changing "change", as discovered by Jeshua ben Joseph.

Good Morning My Children

Am I being direct enough? Do you understand your ego's will tell you that you are making much progress towards reunion with Me, your Creator, when in Reality..."Reality", My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, they (your ego's) are simply creating another layer of illusion to bury you in.

Good Morning My Children

Jeshua ben Joseph confirms, describes, and elaborates, in great detail (within his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings) just how he "dissolved his ego" and re-established his relationship with Me, Abba, your Creator.  

Good Morning My Children

My Cosmic Children of "The Spirit of Love", and that would be "Me", your Creator, will provide whatever assitance you will accept, for only you can make the decision to "accept"...we cannot do that for you..."You", who I created in My Image.
