Here it comes..."The Great Shift"
"Children of The Light Divine", my, that is quite the greeting, quite the description, and consider "Who" and "What" it is coming from, hmm? This should be, as you say on Earth, "Big News", indeed...very, very, Big News and yet, it is barely even noticed, for your egos My Children...your egos have grown BIG that you even think you are smarter than Me, your Creator, The Source of All.
Oh yes, must think of yourselves as being much, much smarter than your Creator, Who greets you each week with an "Awakening Message of Love" that you, humanity, do not even take seriously. Oh no, you just continue on as you always have..."lost", oh yes, indeed, completely lost in your illusion, your Dream World. According to Jeshua ben Joseph, your Dream World of humanness, physicality, egoic fear consciousness, and of course the "illusion" clinching component...your illusion, your "perceived Reality" of being separated from Me, your Creator, The Great Mystery...The Incomprehensible, Infinite, Field of might even say the formless out of which all things arise (cystalize into form).
How is that for a "Good Morning" greeting on another day on your Mother Earth, to all of My Children of Light Divine, who "think" they are human beings, live like human beings, and thus, identify being limited, fearful, physical beings, who exist on a single planet, in a single dimension, and spend much of your time worrying about various issues, goals, and such, that you discover are not worth worrying about.
Oh yes, once you make the shift in consciousness from your physical, fearful, state of fear consciousness, where you perceive all of your fears and anxieties are "Real", to the "Real World" of the Spiritual Realm, where there are endless dimensions of varying degees of Perfect Peace, Perfect Love, and awareness of My Infinite Beingness of Love, you quickly surmise that your lives on Earth were not...I repeat..."were not" what you perceived them to you sometimes say, "not even close".
Yes, indeed, quite the period...quite the state of adjustment, for there is no time, no human bodies, and no physicality to speak of, or concern yourselves worries, no fears, no anxieties. Can you imagine My Children of Light Divine?...existing in a state of Perfect Peace, Perfect Love, without a single physical thing to concern yourselves with? No houses, no cars, no "stuff" to accumulate, all with the goal of making you more who had once "identified" with physical bodies, your physical body-brains.
Oh my, My Children, My Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love, you have "no brains" in the Spiritual Realm, and still you function, aware of "Reality", the True Reality that has replaced your illusion, your Dream World of humanness! Nothing to worry about, nothing to fear...just a state of True Peace, surrounded by Me, and My Everywhereness of Pure Love...the "Real Reality" versus your "illusion of humanness", with all of your fears, anxieties, and physical surroundings.
It is truly challenging to describe the great differences between our "Real Reality" in the Spiritual Dimensions, and what you perceive to be "Reality" on Mother Earth. Indeed, and of course that is the reason I Am "here", with you this morning on Mother Earth, your "illusion of Reality", in your "illusion of humanness".
Oh yes, I know it all seems so very "Real", your Dream World of fearful, limited, humanness, but that was the point, was it not My Children? experience "not-Me", "not-Love", "not-True, Perfect Peace", not your True, "Real", Spiritual Selves, with your perpetual awareness of and relationship with Me, your Creator, The Everywhereness of Love?
Oh of course, you were curious, as has been said right here, on My Blog, God's Blog, on an internet site in your Dream World of humanness, Yes, your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, your Christian Only Son of Me, of God, tried to explain your status quo to you, and is still pursuing this goal I might add..."emphasize" for those who value his opinion and wisdom.
Oh yes, there are many outlets for his Message of Reality, Message of Love, to all his sisters and brothers, who continue to be lost in your Dream World of fearful humanness. There is much confusion that much of your human population does not even recognize as "confusion"...imagine that?
What is the cause of this confusion of which I speak to you today, in your Dream World of non-reality, on Mother Earth? Well of course...there are two Jeshua ben Josephs...the one you call "Jesus Christ", the alleged Only Son of Me, and then there is Jeshua ben Joseph (his authentic Jewish name from two thousand years ago), which is the name he goes by to deliver his ongoing Contemporary and Channeled Teachings to you, humanity, in your Dream World of fearful humanness.
How is "that" for some confusion, for you? Humanity cannot even agree on what his name is, or his True Spiritual Identity. Oh yes, even though he tells you over, and over, and over again...for decades now. Oh yes, he began this era of channeling to humanity his Contemporary Teachings in earnest back in your 1980s, which of course is "ongoing", through many such channels...human beings who lend him their bodies to deliver his "message of awakening" to all of humanity...awakening to the "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love that is.
Oh yes, "awakening" indeed...for you continue to slumber in your so-called Dream World of fearful humanness, with your illusion of separation from Me, "Abba", your Creator, The Infinite, Incomprehensible, Mystery of Love, Who is "everywhere".
Just perfrom what is called a "google search" for Jeshua ben Joseph, and observe the pages that will come up with all of the outlets for his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings...numerous internet sites, representation of numerous channels, all conveying aspects of his contemporary message to you, his sisters and brothers, who remain as you are this day, lost in your non-reality, lost in your Dream World of fearful humanness.
Oh yes, we could spend days exploring all of the Jeshua related sites, all of which attempt to "nudge" humanity towards your common goal of awakening from the "non-reality" of your "perceived Reality" of fearful humanness.
There are many challenges, many hurdles of confusion and misinformation to navigate...none less than the way of Life professed to be contained in your Christian Gospels and the balance of your New Testament. Oh yes, and as you know My Children, much of your population remains committed to the Christian Only Son of God identity and teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, who Christianity renamed as "Jesus Christ".
We had to get started somewhere, somehow, in making the Great Shift from egoic, fear consciousness, your great illusion of "Reality", back to the Reality of My Love, My Infinite Beingness of Bliss. Ah yes, so even though you (humanity) were not prepared for such a "shock", we began the process...the shift in consciousness from the non-reality of fear to the Reality of Love, with the incarnation of Jeshua ben Joseph, the prototype of what was to come "in mass".
Naturally, and quite predictably, humanity's limited, confused state of egoic, fear consciousness...misunderstood, misconstrued, miscommunicated Jeshua's message and Life story...but such is Life on planet Earth. As I said, we had to start somewhere. Thus, today, in this current era, the time is right to continue the long process of implementing the Great Shift in Consciousness.
The "inevitable shift to Love Consciousness", which can also be called by many other names, including Enlightenment, Oneness Consciousness (for everything is connected), and of course Creator Consciousness, a new term for humanity. At a point in your future My Children...My Extensions of Self, "individuated" one and all, you, My confused human children, will be swept up with the concept, the "Reality" of Creator Consciousness.
Yes, indeed..."Creator Consciousness" will engulf your human consciousness, as a rising sun engulfs your mornings in sunshine. Ahh, with The Light of Love so bright...well, let Me just say, it will be a New World on Mother Earth.
A New World of the "Reality of Love" to look forward to, for then, your dark days of fear, of pain, and of suffering will be behind you. Challenging to describe, challenging for you to comprehend, challenging to implement, and yet, "here it comes" My Children of My Light Divine..."here it comes"...indeed!
That is all...
Abba...The Infinite, Incomprehensible, Source of All...