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Good Morning My Children

The only "Reality", The Infinite Matrix of Love

Sunday, December 22, 2024 Blog

Another new day, another new morning is here...on Mother Earth, and My Children of Light Divine remain as they/you were just the day before, dreaming away in your illusion of humanness, dreaming away in your self-created Dream World of physicality, fear consciousness (egoic consciousness), and illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, also known on this, My Blog, as The Everywhereness of Love.

Oh yes, My Spirits of Love, you have yet to awaken from your Dream World, which of course you insist is "Reality". My, my, Spirits of Love who you insist are mortal, physical, fearful beings, rather than Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love. That is quite the mistaken identity that I, The Infinite Beingness of Love, have and will continue to point out to you, My Children of Light Divine, for many, many years to come, right here on God's Blog, on

Ah yes,, the internet site created to convey the path and means of awakening from your Dream World of fearful, limited, humanness that your brother discovered some two thousand years ago, communicated to you in the 1990s, and yet, you continue to misunderstand and ignore. Hard to believe and yet, not unexpected, given your dreaming state of non-reality that you insist on as your so-called "Reality". 

"How" is such a mistaken identity and mistaken "Reality" possible, so many inquire, who have become exposed to the "contemporary message" of Jeshua ben Joseph and yet, most of you My Children, My Spirits of Love, do not even progress that far. Oh no, most do not even comprehend such a state of affairs, for you have "conditioned" yourselves to recognize your Dream World of Humanness as the only possible "Reality", rather than the illusionary, experiential dimension that it truly is. 

Oh yes, we, Jeshua ben Joseph, and of course My Self, My Infinite, Loving, Self have made your status quo of illusionary humanness abundantly clear many, many times, and still you, humanity, slumber in your Dream World of physical, fearful, limited, non-reality...known within your experiential dimension of non-reality as "human Life", on planet Earth.  

"Human Life on planet Earth", perceived as "Reality"...that's a "Wow". How can you possibly perceive such a non-reality as your "Reality"?...and yet, even after such a non-reality is conveyed as such, by none other than Jeshua ben Joseph, the so-called Jesus Christ, and your Infinite Creator, "Me", "Abba", you either ignore and/or misunderstand our message over, and over, and over again.

Oh yes, most who have read Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery Trilogy (The Way of the Heart, The Way of Transformation, and The Way of Knowing) fail to comprehend the written words, in black and white, which have been given to humanity as a gift...a proverbial "wake-up call" for humanity, so that you might finally, after all of your time in your Dream World of Humanness, comprehend your mistaken identities, as human beings.  

You are not human beings, My Children of Light Divine...oh no, the words of your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, "dreaming that you are". Is that clear enough for you, once again...and the means of awakening from your Dream World of limited, mortal, fearful, humanness is contained within The Way of Mastery, a three volume component of Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled Teaching's. 

Oh yes, My Children, he delivered the path of your awakening to you in your 1990s, and still...still you slumber in your Dream World of physical, fearful, limited, humanness, rather then in the "Reality" of My Infinite Love..."Infinite Love" My Children, pretending to be fearful, human beings, somehow separated from Me, your Creator, The Everywhereness of Love.   

You do understand what the words "everywhere" and "Love" mean, do you not? Oh, that's right, you don't, because you have chosen, once again, to condition yourselves, to hypnotize yourselves, to be drunk in your illusion, your Dream World of humanness, rather than back in "the only Reality" there truly is, "The Everywhereness of My Infinite Love"

See...see, you have done it again, as you have many, many times before. When we confront you, humanity, with the Only Reality, you fail to comprehend your state of non-reality, your Dream World of Humanness, on planet Earth. Ah yes, fearful, limited, physical, humanness, rather than Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love..."that" is the choice you have made, you have created, just to see if you could do it, to test yourselves, to experience "the impossible", separation from Me, so you could then experience transcending your illusionary identity of being human, returning once again to the Reality of My Infinite, Everywhereness of Love, known by many names, but then again, you have heard this all before, and yet, choose to remain lost in your Dream World of Humanness...fearful, painful, limited, "humanness", within your self-created illusion...the "non-reality" of being separated from Who it is "impossible" to be separated from...Me, "Abba", your Creator, The Infinite Matrix of Love, which you came forth from, crystallized as it were, into your illusionary human forms.    

Oh yes, My Children, back and forth you journey to and from your experiential dimension of physical, fearful, humanness...with your self-created illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, to "the only Reality", the "Reality" of My Infinite, Everywhereness of Love, which Jeshua ben Joseph so appropriately refers to as "The Real World", the Spiritual Realm...what is often referred to as your "Home". 

"Home", My Children of Light Divine, the memories thereof are stored in your subconscious, which you have chosen to temporarily store therein, just for the experience, the experience of experiencing your "Impossible Dream", separation from Me, your Creator, and I Am but LOVE...Pure, Infinite, Everywhere...unless of course you choose to live in a self-created illusion, one of which is your Dream World of Humanness

Oh yes, around, and around, and around we go, on God's Blog, describing your status quo of limited, fearful, often painful, illusion of humanness, openning the doors to the Reality of Infinite Love...and once again you doubt Me, your Creator, and that is, as you say on Earth, in your limited, fearful forms, "okay", for I gave you free-will, to experience whatever you so desire. 

Oh yes, My Chidren, so have your experience into your Dream World of separation from "the only Reality", the "Reality" of My Infinite Love, and when you finally tire of your limited, fearful existence as temporary human beings, the path Home will be waiting for you, right here, on that time has finally arrived, when some of My Children will say "enough...enough of this fearful, human experience, I'm going Home to True Love and Perfect Peace". 

That is all...

Abba, The Only Reality...The Reality of Infinite Love...


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