"The Real Reality"
Another Message of Love from your Creator-Divine Parent on this new day, new morning, is about to be delivered to The Children of Light Divine, on planet Earth. Oh yes, as you sleep, as you dream, your Creator is reaching out to all of humanity with another message of awakening to the "Reality" of your Dream World of fear consciousness...egoic fear consciousness, which you refer to as "Reality". Reality?...when your lives on planet Earth, in your human costumes are anything but "Reality", for how can an illusion, a Dream World, a dimension where fear and all of the dark emotions are considered to be "Real", be mistaken for "Reality"?
I could tell you once again this morning, as I, your Creator, The Infinite Mystery of Love, have been communicating to humanity for some three years now, right here, on My Blog, "God's Blog", and how your brother and equal, Jeshua ben Joseph, has described (in some detail), within The Way of Mastery Trilogy that he delivered to you approximately three decades ago, but to what avail...hmm? To what avail My Children?...for you are so busy with your "parts" in your Dream World of Non-Reality that you don't have the time to absorb the "Reality" that you know very little, if anything, about "Reality" within your Dream World of Humanness.
How is that for an introductory "good morning" My Children of Light Divine, hmm?...you who perceive yourselves to be the highest so-called "life form" on your planet Earth, in your dimension of time and space. Well, My Children...the Extensions of Self, the Extensions of Love, the Extensions of your Infinite Beingness of Love, Who is "everywhere", how do you explain your perceived reality of fear, when you are Extension of My-Self, The Infinite Beingness of Love. If you are as smart as you "think" you are, then...how can Extensions of Love, Extensions of your Creator, possibly "mistaken" fear and all of the dark emotions as "Reality"?
How? I will tell you how, as I and your borther, Jeshua ben Joseph, have and will continue to tell you, over, and over, and over again...so, when you have finally had your fill of fear, the illusion of fear, along with your illusion of being separated from Me, your Creator and Grand Mystery of Love, the entrance to the Real World, the "Reality" of The Everywhereness of Love will be available...your only alternative option for you to choose.
My, my, do you realize what I, your Creator, The Mystery of the Everywhereness of Love, have just described, "again", for you My Children? Will such a revelation ever manifest within your Dream World of Humanness? Oh yes, eventually, when it becomes so dark, so very, very dark on your planet Earth that some, a few initially, simply cannot take it any longer, and I Am not talking about the weather, My Children of The Light Divine. Oh no, I Am referring to your "perception", your "illusion" of egoic fear consciousness, My Children, playing your "game" of Dream World of Separation from Me, your Creator-Divine Parent.
Ah yes, a game, a test, an adventure, an "experiential dimension" of dark emotions combined with some Light, some "Reality", some conscious feelings of The Reality of Love that peirce the non-reality of your Dream World and yet, are largely beyond your perception of the Reality, which is not "Reality"...lost within your subconscious memories of the "Real World".
And where might this Real World of Love reside My Children, My Extensions of Self, who currently perceive you are physical, fearful, limited, mortal, human beings, on a planet called Earth?...hmm? Where oh where can your Home be located?...the Real World of perpetual Love and Light twenty-four seven, as you say, in your human costumes.
Jeshua ben Joseph once told you, two thousand years ago, and he has reminded you of this again, and again, in his most recent Contemporary and Channeled Teachings. Ah, but you were not paying attention, were you, My Children?...oh no...too busy playing "your game" of being fearful human beings to discern, to understand, the opportunity waiting for you...the opportunity to once again bask in The Reality of My Everywhereness of Pure Love and Perfect Peace.
Oh my, My Children...my, my, my...lost are you, hypnotized are you, brain-washed are you, within your very own Dream World of non-reality, called "Life on planet Earth". Ah...and here he is, pen in hand, waiting...waiting for my next words for My Blog, on jeshuabenjoseph.com, the internet site devoted to your awakening to the "Reality of Love", which could also be referred to as "your awakening to Me, your Creator-Divine Parent", and our eternal, everlasting relationship, which of course you have chosen to temporarily "bury" deep within your Soul, your Spirit, your consciousness.
Ah yes, you chose to bury Me "within", as though I Am not "here", with you, in your Dream World of Humanness. For some, I exist in My so-called Kingdom of Heaven, and for others, I Am not even "there", oh no...for they, the "non-believers", do not even accept My Reality, My very existence.
Ah yes, the non-believers, My Children of Light Divine, who have no answers to so many questions that they simply pretend "no answers" are "the answers"...or that their answers are simply additional egoic illusions, piled on top of your ongoing illusion of humanness, your illusion of egoic, fear consciousness, within your human forms...your human body-brains...limited, mortal, physical, "containers of consciousness", which they identity with, and claim to be their true identities.
"Wow", those non-believers must as you say, "all own shovels", for they have dug a very, very deep hole, and as you say, "buried their heads in the sand" (yuk, yuk, yuk...a little humor My Children is always welcomed). Oh yes, they refuse to recognize the "Reality" of the Real World of Light and Love, which peirces your illusion of humanness on a more frequent basis, as each of your days on Mother Earth pass.
Oh yes, the human ego avoids the "Reality" of the growing number of fellow humans who have documented their near-death experiences, their past life and life-between life regression experiences, induced by trained and well educated therapists. Once upon a time the exception, the freak, the so-labeled "delusional ones" who label their so-called delusions as "Reality", have in fact experienced glimpses into the Reality of Me, The Reality of Love, and yet, are discounted and minimized by the non-believers.
And that is all "okay" My Children...delusional, but okay, for The Sovereignty of the Soul is "Sacred", as the non-believers have the right to create whatever experiences they so deisre, for I created them to be "Creators", just like My-Self, The Source of All, The Infinite Beingness of Love.
Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, you all can create whatever experiences that you so desire, for how else would you explain your current status quo?...on Mother Earth, within your Dream World of Humanness, that you mistaken day after day, year after year, millennium after millennium, as "Reality"? How?
Please do not believe that story in your Holy Bible, that I threw you out of My Kingdom, My Paradise. "Pure fantasy" My Children, for I did not throw you out of My Kingdom. Oh no, the Reality is that "you chose" to have the experience of not being in My Kingdom, which is "everywhere", so...you, in your infinite creativity, that I gave you, created your Dream World of Humanness...of egoic, fear consciousness, as a "substitute" for My Kingdom...My Everywhereness of Love.
Oh yes, your egos, fear consciousness, excel at creating "illusions of Reality", and then, label them as "your Reality".
Ah, and once gain we are at the beginning of your mistaken human "Reality", for the "Real Reality" of the Infinite Reality of Love. Ah yes, a story of "Reality" that will be told week after week, month after month, year after year, and believe it or not, century after century, right "here" on My Blog, God's Blog, in one form or another, as a manifestation of My helping hand to all in your Dream World of Humanness.
Ah yes, for I Love you all far, far, far more than you currently comprehend, much less realize, and I am going nowhere...for where would I go My Children?...I Am already "everywhere", even within your hearts, your Souls, your very Spirits, which were created by the Big Bang in Consciousness, proceeded by the Big Bang of physicality...
Ah yes, "Creation", such a fantastic topic. "Creation", which has no boundaries, no limits in dimensionality, no limits to the Infiniteness' of My Love..."The Real Reality"...
That is all...
Abba...The Real Reality...