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Good Morning My Children

Mistaken Identity of Humanness Script

Sunday, December 15, 2024 Blog

Again, and again My Children, another new day has arrived on your very precious Mother Earth...another new day with the possible "awakening" of My Children of Light Divine...possible and yet, not particularly probable, for you will once again choose to slumber within your Dream State. Oh yes, your dreaming state of believing that your "illusion of reality", your human experience, is "Real", with all of your self-created dark emotions, one and all.  

Oh yes, once again the knowledge and information of escape from your Dream World awaits you on your world-wide internet, and once again you will choose "illusion" over the "Reality of Love", My Love, your Creator's Love. Oh yes, over, and over, and over again, the gift from your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, will be misconstrued by your entire population on Mother Earth, rather than recognized as the Life changing information that opens the doors to My Kingdom of Love "within"...within your Hearts, Souls, and Spirits.

Ah yes, your Spirits My Children of Light Divine, for you rarely perceive that you even have "Spirits", field of consciousness with free-will, for as ususal, lifetime after lifetime, you are truly hypnotized by the illusion of your physical, and very temporary forms. You have a fancy name for your illusion of is called your "human anatomy". Yes, My Children, your temporary costume of make believe humanness hypnotizes you all into identifying with your temporary physical costumes, rather than your "Spirits" My Children...your Spirits, which have the essenence of My Love.   

"The essence of My Love", My Children of Light Divine, who are pretending to be physical, limited, fearful, human beings, rather than the Spirits of Love that you were created to be. Can you imagine "that", hmm? Well of course you can, at least the half that is your proverbial illusion of humanness, for that is what you have been identifying with, and as, millennia, after millennia, after millennia. In what appears to be a never ending cycle of mistaken identity, My mind-boggling Spirits of Love, who labor under the "illusion" that your fear consciousness is "Reality", your Reality, "your mistaken identity" incarnation, after incarnation, after incarnation.  

Oh my, you have dug yourselves a grave of mistaken identity Life, after Life, after Life...millennia, after mellennia, after mellennia..."hypnotized" in your human state, "hypnotized" in your "illusion" of reality, deep within your mistaken identities of physical, fearful, limited, humanness

If you were writing a script for a movie, which is a very appropriate analogy, what would the end of your movie look like, My Children of Light Divine, hmm? How would you end such a movie? Oh my, and some of you are failing to comprehend My message, My analogy, for your Dream World of Humanness, on your planet Earth. 

"It is all an illusion" My Children, My Spirits of are "not" truly human beings, but rather, only living out your self-created scripts of humanness, on planet Earth...time, after time, after time. Oh yes, you call them "incarnations", rather than what they truly are...temporary, illusionary, experiences of humanness, which of course have the illusion of limited, egoic, fear consciousness as the essence of your temporary human personalities. Indeed, for if that is not a "mistaken identity" My Immortal, Multidimensional, Limitless, Spirits of Love, what is...hmm? 

And yet...yet, time after time, incarnation after incarnation, millennium after millennium, you never choose to change the script of your movies of illusionary humanness? Oh yes, I know, we know, we observe from the Real World, the Spiritual Realm, that you write endless variations of your basic human storyline of living and believing that fear, and all of your dark emotions and anxieties, are perceived as your "Reality"...your "illusion of Reality", which is why your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, coined the term "Dream World" to describe your temporary, human state. 

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, your repeating "Dream World of Humanness" is the primary theme of each of your scripts, each of your incarnations on planet Earth. I, or rather "we", would have thought by now you would be tired of the same old core theme...but no, for it appears you never tire of your Dream World of human, fear consciousness, for it is the repeating theme over, and over, and over for each of your scripts, for each of your incarnations into your Dream World.  

"Dream World", what a wonderful analogy for your "illusion of Reality", your never-ending human incarnations. Oh yes, indeed, it is just like your repeating themes for movies on your Big Screens, which you use over, and over, and over again. Where is the variety My Children, hmm? I created you with unlimited potentially...unlimited creativity, and still, you write scripts for your incarnations just like the scripts of your Big Screen movies, over, and over, and over again.

Have you not experienced enough fear, dark emotions, and illusion of being separated from Me, The Infinite, Everywhereness of Love, hmm? When are you going to change your script, for your next incarnation? When? How many times do you have to experience the illusion of egoic, fear consciousness, and all of the darkness over, and over, and over again? 

You have been seeing and living this same movie, on your planet Earth, over, and over, and over again. Oh yes, "your scripts" for your Dream World of human, egoic, fear consciousness, with your illusion of separation from Me, "Abba", your Creator, are just like some of your popular television series. Oh yes, years and years of episodes with the same themes over, and over, and over, which keep you asking for "more".

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, you keep writing variations of your basic, human, egoic, fearful illusion of separation from your Creator scripts over, and over, and over again, for each of your incarnations...and your endings never change. Each time, each script, each of your human incarnations end with the "shock" of your shift in consciousness from your Dream World of fearful humanness, to the "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love. "Into The Light" it has been called, by those who have remembered portions of the "shift" in dimensional experience...from your Dream World of Humanness, your experiential dimension of human, fear consciousness, to the "Real World"...the Spiritual Realm...The "Reality" of the Everywhereness of Infinite Love, of reunion with Me, Abba, your Divine Parent.   

Ah, but then again, those who have remembered portions of the shift in dimensional experience, the shift in consciousness from the illusion of fear to "the only Reality", The Reality of Love, have not remembered the entire story...the entire experiential shift in consciousness

Do you know why My Children, hmm? Do you? Hmm...I could tell you, but then again, I don't want to ruin the surprise...besides, you would not believe Me, your Creator, and do you know why, hmm? Because "you have created" your Master Mistaken Identities, your egos, your fearful egos, to think they are smarter than I, your Creator, The Infinite Beingness of Love. 

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, go look into one of your mirrors, and say to yourselves, "I am smarter than my Creator, Who is All Knowing and All Loving"

How long will you believe "that" My Children of Light Divine, for then you will know when your "final episode" of your Dream World of Humanness will occur. For until you admit to your ignorance, you will slumber in your Dream World of fears and anxieties.  

Something for you to think about... 

That is all...

Abba...The Infinite Beingness of Love...

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