Your "Dream World" of Humanness
Children, Children, Children...oh my, what, oh what, shall we discuss this morning that you would all like to know about, and that which we have yet to address here, on My Blog, God's Blog, on There are undoubtedly many such topics and yet, which one are you most interested in, hmm?
Oh my, we could find many topics your ego's would cringe with, as we have many, many times since I first began to communicate directly to you on your world-wide internet. Oh yes, many topics where your ego's reacted in "denial", for when the Truth finally, inevitably, finds the "Light" of day, your ego's go running...running away in denial, for how can a creator of illusion and delusion admit what they have done without a fight...without more illusion, to cover-up what they (the ego) has done?
Yes, yes, this is the pattern, this routine of denial, is so engrained within your Dream World of Humanness...egoic, deceitful, fear consciousness, that you, My human children, refuse to admit to the "Truth" of your actions, even when your Creator hits you in the face with your "Truth", the Truth of your actions, beliefs, lifestyles, values, and delusions of "Reality", one and all.
Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, who are "pretending to be human"...dreaming away as it were, and remain in your Dream World of so-called "Reality", which is many, many things. However...however My Children, the "Extensions of Self" (individuated every last one of you), "Reality" is something your ego's know very little about, even though...even though, My Children of Light Divine, you dream away Life after Life (incarnations you call them), within your Dream World of egoic, fear consciousness...on planet Earth.
Oh yes, indeed...and off you go My Children, running away in denial, for your ego's will not admit to "Reality"...oh no, for "that" would mean your ego's would be no more ego's My Children, and where would that leave you, hmm?...Where? With the "Truth" ego's, no more lies, no more illusions of what the "True" Reality of Love is all about...always has been, and will always be.
Oh yes, My egoic, fearful, Children of My Light Divine, run away in your shields of denial or, if you choose..."you choose My Children" could always attack the message I bring to humanity this morning, to the delusional race of beings who know not the "Reality" of My Love that awaits them, not consciously anyway, for your ego's have hidden the "Reality" of My Love away from your conscious thoughts, and buried the "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love deep within your unconscious memories.
Oh yes, when I first created you, before your self-created ego's, before your present day illusion of "Reality" called egoic, fear consciousness, within the human form, which of course your ego's deny is an illusion, you knew all about the "Bliss" of My Everywhereness of Love, for that is where you lived, existed, consciously.
Ah...but then...then, your unlimited potentiality began to imagine many, many things...many potenital environments to possibly create and experience...and off some of My Children of Light Divine went, in many directions, into many new worlds and dimensions to experience "everything" they-you were curious about experiencing, for My only desire is to extend the "Reality of Love", the Everywhereness of My Beingness, which of course could take many new forms...newly created forms, to experience the "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love, for any other creation, any other conscious state, is simply not "Reality", My Children of Light Divine, who are this day pretending to be your creation: physical, fearful, human beings, on a planet called Earth, where you have forgotten, by your design, My Everywhereness of Love, for your substitute: egoic, fear consciousness.
Hmm...oh yes, we have done this again, My Children...again here, on your planet Earth, in your Dream World of fear consciousness, where you perceive that fear and all of your dark emotions are "Real"..."Real", oh my, it is no wonder your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, refers to your illusion of humanness as a "Dream World", "non-reality", "illusion of separation from Me, your Creator", and what other names...for there are many he gently, diplomatically describes and utilizes within his The Way of Mastery Trilogy.
Oh yes, he discovered the non-reality of your Dream World, as you say, "up close and personal", each time he chose to incarnate into your Dream World of non-reality, of egoic, fear consciousness, where forgetting the "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love is essential, or you will not experience the full effects of your illusionary world of fearful consciousness..."egoicness". Hmm...that maybe a new word, but let us move deeper into our subject matter this fine new day, on your Mother Earth of illusion...your ego's My Children. Oh yes, your cloak of forgetfulness, which you have temporarily traded in the "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love for.
How are you today, hmm, as you remain lost in your Dream World of dark emotions and illusion...the non-reality of separation from Me, your Creator, The Everywhereness of Love?
What do your ego's have to say today? What barrage of lies will they-you throw at Me this day, in an attempt to protect and extend the non-reality of your humanness, for you are not yet ready, it return to the Reality of Love...My Love...My Infinite Beingness, in which "all" exist, including your Dream World of dark emotions...your illusion of your human existence...for egoic, fear consciousness is your self-created illusion, which "you chose" to experience, and temporarily live within.
My, my, that actually made a few of you stop and think...what am I doing here? Why did I choose to leave the "Bliss" of The Reality of Love? I must be insane! Oh yes, to the few who had such thoughts, has been repeated many times within this, your Creator's Blog, on, your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, created the description of humanity that truly describes your illusion of "Reality" as human beings, "insanity seems sane, to those who are insane!"
How do your ego's like hearing that description of "Reality" again...hmm...My lost, confused, delusional, Children of Light Divine, who are still defending your Dream World of Humanness to be...mistakenly, "Reality", instead of an experiential dimension of non-reality, with your illusion of egoic, fear consciousness as its foundation, hmm?
Ah yes, the same old topic, using a different combination of your words, all with the motive, the intention, the desire, to awaken a few of My Children from your Dream World of darkness...of egoic, fear consciousness.
Any "takers" this morning My Children, hmm? Anyone interested in Pure, Real, Lasting, Unconditional, LOVE and Perfect Peace? "Prefect Peace" My Children, "Pure Unconditional Love" awaits's coming your way, whether you realize it or not, for eventually...eventually, you will say, "enough of this darkness", to your illusion of Selves, to your ego's, and seek out the wisdom of Jeshua ben Joseph, and how to dissolve your ego's. Ah, "dissolve your ego's", and allow the "Truth", The Reality of Love to shine into your dark Dream World of Humanness.
No more "dream" My Children, no more fear, no more dark emotions and anxieties, no more egos, with their illusion of separation from your Creator, "Me", The Infinite, Everywhereness of Love.
Ah yes, you can choose the "Reality of Love" anytime you so desire, My lost and dreaming Children of Light Divine. All you have to do is to follow the path Jeshua ben Joseph discovered two thousand years ago. Dissolve your ego's, with their illusion of separation from Me, your Divine Parent, and return to "the only Reality"...The Reality of My Everywhereness of Love.
Yes, My Children, we are all waiting for you, within The Infinite Reality of Love Consciousness. Does that not sound "very nice", hmm? Pure, never-ending, "Love Consciousness", also known as Enlightenment, Oneness Consciousness, and Creator Consciousness. Don't you desire to be "Enlightened", to abide with Me, in "Perfect, Perfect Peace"?
Oh yes, come "Home". You can go off on another journey in consciousness, if you so desire, but come "Home" for a rest, from fear and all of your other dark, human, illusions of Reality.
When you are "ready", we will be here, eager to greet you, but in the meantime, we wish you well in your current adventure, your current illusion into egoic, fear consciousness. Ah...who are we kidding..."we Love you all". You have done nothing, which you perceive to be "wrong"...for you are only living, experiencing, an "illusion"...your non-reality of humanness, a "Dream World", and who can be punished for only dreaming a dream? No one...something for you to think about, My Children of Light Divine.
That is all...
Abba, your Creator, The Infinite Field of Love...The Great Mystery...