"If" You Desire True, Lasting, "Peace", Your Egos Have to Go
Good day to all on Mother Earth, the planet where My Children of Light Divine decided to populate themselves in order to experience physicality, fear consciousness, and the Grand Illusion of being separated from their Creator, Who by now, everyone should recognize as "Me", The Source of All, The Great Mystery of Divinity.
Oh yes, for it has been three years now from when I first began communicating to all of humanity on this platform, jeshuabenjoseph.com. Your brother and fellow human being had no idea of the path he had embarked on when he first agreed to launch an internet site, this very site, devoted to The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, the authentic Jewish name for your now quite famous and alleged only Son of God, who of course was crucified two thousand years ago, arose from the so-called "dead", and shortly thereafter openned up the Gates to My Heavenly Kingdom.
As ususal, and right on script, humanity naturally formulated a story of the chain of events, known today as The Life and Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, more commonly referred to as your Gospels of the New Testament, in addition to the events that occurred thereafter, with his so-called authentic teachings and movement.
As usual, anything humanity does not understand does not stop you from describing it in terms the balance of the population will embrace, for gaining access to My Heavenly Kingdom was certainly something sizable portions of the population quickly embraced...for who would not desire to gain access to My Heavenly Kingdom, when your lives on Mother Earth had concluded?
However...just because the one known today as "Paul the Apostle" developed a storyline the massess could embrace, does not equate to "the Truth, and nothing but the Truth". Oh no, the actual story of The Life and Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph differs substantially from what was finally documented, distorted, and commonly accepted, some three centuries after the crucifixion.
Paul also received considerable assistance, from a variety of sources, that aided in the story created and presented in your New Teatament. Portions of your Gospels are quite true. However, what you refer to as "the Big Picture" is largely missing from your New Testament, inclusive of the subsequent and major distortions by the religion known today as "The Roman Catholic Church", a church, an organization that eventually splintered into what is generally referred to today as "Traditional Christianity".
Alas, Traditional Christianity, and the present day Roman Catholic Church, do not, nor ever have they, closely paralleled the authentic teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph. Yes, it is true many of the elements of the life events of Jeshua ben Joseph, and even some of his alledged words, are reasonably accurate...however, the fabricated elements and sizable missing components result in major distortions, and in some cases, outright lies.
"Please"...what kind of Loving Creator would I be if I sent My Only Son down to Earth to become a gruesome sacrifice to My Self, for sins humanity had never committed? Talk about getting a story "wrong", as habitually happens on your planet Earth, within what Jeshua ben Joseph refers to today as your "Dream World" and "Impossible Dream of Separation" from Me, your Creator.
Oh yes, humanity has a very, very long history of spinning the details of "Reality" into your ego's version of events, some of which never actually occurred, or is often the case, the descriptions are so distorted that referring to them as "reasonably accurate" is simply not possible, that is, if you desire to be "truthful". And how has this long history of labeling your history as "accurate", when it is anything but accurate, come to be My Children?
How...indeed? What is, as could be said, the "core issue" of human untruthfulness? It is your egos My Children...it is your egos, which of course you still do not understand, even after all of the time you have spent on Earth, in your so-called "Reality". Reality, "really" My Children...refer to your lives on Mother Earth, in your human costumes, using descriptive terms, but please...do not refer to illusion as "Reality".
Oh yes, and even as some will read the proceeding paragrahs and become quickly confused and mistaken, your egos will be interpretating My words, and assuming your flawed interpretations as the "truth", the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. This, My Children, is the core issue of your long history of human untruthfulness.
I will, as you sometimes say, "spell it out for you", in a manner that will hopefully make egoic interpretations and distortion considerably...let us say...blatantly inaccurate. You all have egos My Children, and yet, you do not understand what an ego is. Your egos are the mechanism that convert "Reality" into "non-Reality", a phenomenon that has always been a major component of your "human experience".
Within Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery Trilogy, which I might add, continues to be promoted as more than three books by one of your prominent, pro-channeled teaching's of Jeshua ben Joseph organizations, is a good example of how the human ego distorts "Reality", and yet, professes authenticity and truthfulness.
My, my, your egos My Children, you really should consider doing something about the rampant deceit inherent in your "ego dominated culture". In fact, there is no culture, society, or significant group of humans that is free of egoic distortion and deceipt, which is why your planet is such a mess.
Oh yes, "a mess", and yet, your egos will find a way to spin the mess of humanity into some more palatable description. Let Me put it to you this way: planet Earth and your illusionary human race, "is one of the darkest places in all of Creation".
"How can I say such a thing"?...some of your egos will immediately demand. Oh yes, and the spin, distortions, and lies are not far behind, for once again, your egos interpretation of reality and "Reality", do not have any, as you say, "common ground".
So, My Children, your deceitful egos is the message for this day, on God's Blog, at jeshuabenjoseph.com. What are you going to do about your deceitful egos? "Square one", as you say, is to understand exactly what your egos are, where they came from, and most importantly...how, of how, can you dissolve them?
Oh yes, My Children, "if" you are honest, and that is essentially impossible as long as you have your egos, you will never make considerable improvements to your overall lifestyles on planet Earth until you understand and dissolve your egos.
With that said, your egos will immediately interpret My Message of Love, and twist it into a message your egos prefer. Oh yes, the history of humanity is "an ego created mess" that can be framed in many ways...ways which your ego was created to embrace...and around, and around we go, My Children of Light Divine.
Do you want to garner an education on your deceitful egos My Children? Is it possible for your egos to allow such an endeavor, hmm? Has anyone...any human being ever made an indepth study of the ego, whereby they actively understood the ego, and thereby concluded the ego..."their ego" had to go, had to be dissolved in order to obtain "True, Lasting, Peace"?
It all sounds so simple does it not? Simply educate yourselves on your egos, understand why they are the root cause of your problems on planet Earth, and then of course, dissolve your egos, whereby you no longer interpret "Life", your human lives, as a distortion of "Reality"...for that is truly the environment you have created on planet Earth. Oh yes, the planet infected with the egoic plague, which is not recognized as the "plague of consciousness" that it truly is.
Ah yes, and I, The Infinite Beingness of Love, once again return to the Source of Education on so many subjects, inclusive of your human egos, also known as "Fear Consciousness". Do you enjoy your fears My Children, hmm? How about all of your smaller, manageable fears, which your egos refer to as "mere anxieties"?
Take a minute or two, right now, and try to imagine Life without fears and anxieties. Go on...I won't go anywhere...take a few minutes to imagine a world with no distortions of "Reality"...no fears and no anxieties. It is called "True Peace".
"True Peace" My Children, a major quality of what Jeshua ben Joseph refers to as "The Real World", within The Way of Mastery Trilogy. Oh yes, My Children, The Real World is alive and well for eternity, and you know not of such a "Reality", not consciously anyway, and why is that My Children, hmm?
Why do you not live with no fears and no anxieties? Ah...this must be one of your "Big Questions" My Children of Light Divine...a question that has been answered many times before, right "here", on God's Blog, and also within Jeshua ben Joseph's the Way of Mastery Trilogy.
"If" you desire "True, Lasting, Peace" your egos have to go...the source of all of your fears and anxieites. Jeshua ben Joseph discovered how to accomplish such a task, when he walked among you, two thousand years ago. Why do you think everyone "loved" being around him, hmm? Oh yes, I know there are many reasons...however, one of those many reasons is that he lived in "True Peace", because he had dissolved his ego.
"True, Lasting, Peace" My Children, "Perfect Peace" actually, is the byproduct of dissolving your egos. Do you want to know how he did it? Do you desire to live with no fears and no anxieties?
There is only one way, My Children of Light Divine, study and practice The Way of Mastery. Oh yes, study and practice "until" you dissolve your egos, the source of all of your fears and anxieties, and then, you will live in a perpetual state of True Peace, "fearlessly".
Ah...it sounds all so very nice, does it not My Children...until your egos distort My Message of Love this morning, just as your egos distort everything with a shadow of fear and deception...just as your egos will try to distort Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery.
Too busy believing your egos guidance to obtain "True, Lasting, Peace"? Ah yes, just as it has been since you first arrived on planet Earth.
That is all...
Abba...The Infinite Beingness of Love...and True, "Perfect Peace"....