Good Morning My Children

Your ego's excell at lying (often unconsciously)...deny My Everywhereness of Love, a lie about what "Reality" is. 

Good Morning My Children

"Come follow me" (Jeshua ben Joseph) to reunion with your All-Loving Creator, for I know "The Way"...and your ego's response..."not today".

Good Morning My Children

Oblivious are "you", humanity, in seeking the advice and consultation from The Ultimate Intelligence in all of Creation.

Hmm..."humility"...a huge problem for your ego's...

Good Morning My Children

Today, in your twenty-first century, you are going to believe that "The Creator" sent his Only Son to Earth, to be tortured and crucified, as a human sacrifice to "Me", The Infinite Beingness of Love..."really"? This is the story of Jesus Christ you are going to hold onto..."really"? 

Good Morning My Children

Your egoic illusion of reality...or "the Reality of Love"? only "think" you are human, rather than your True, Spiritual, Christed Selves...

Good Morning My Children

These egoic creations are what you are going to identify with, as your justifications for your "perception of Reality", which is "not Reality"?...Oh yes, many of you, in your illusion of humanness, even deny I exist...

Good Morning My Children

Humanity: "the darkness of my ego still dominates my decision-making...but I sure do like talking about living in Pure Love and Perfect Peace, as discovered by Jeshua ben Joseph, two thousand years ago"

Good Morning My Children

It is only a matter of time, before others dissolve your egoic illusion of separation, from what you can never be separated from, "Me", your Creator...the incomprehensible, Infinite Matrix of Love, Who is "everywhere"...

Good Morning My Children

Dissolve your ego, and re-establish your relationship with Me, your All-Loving Creator...this is what you call a "no brainer", is it not?

Good Morning My Children

Oh...maybe "this" is why he (Jeshua ben Joseph) has returned, in this current era, to deliver his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings? Surely I jest...

Good Morning My Children

Remember where you were "before" you chose to incarnate into your human costumes of fear consciousness and physicality...hmm?

Good Morning My Children

"We Love You"

The Great Shift in Consciousness from fear to Love...
