The Illusion
Ah yes, another, and another, and another new day will come to be on Mother Earth and My Children of Light Divine, who have chosen to have temporary human experiences, will continue to believe, to think, to own their illusion of humanness, which of course includes, at least for the time being, that you are somehow, inexplainably, mysteriously, separated from Me, your Creator, the Formless...The Grand Mystery of Infinite Love.
Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, pretending to be human, you are somehow separated from that and whom you can never be separated from, which of course means that your "perception of separation", with an emphasis on the word perception, does not equate to "Reality". Oh no, which of course means that at least a sizable portion of your "perception" of humanness is an illusion..."non-reality", and in the words of your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, who walked among you two thousand years ago, "you live in a Dream World of physicality and fear consciousness", which of course means you have created, and exist within, a substitute for the Kingdom of Heaven...the "Real World", as opposed to your humanly non-reality on planet Earth.
Oh my, that is quite the introduction on this fine morning, within your illusion of Reality...within your "perception of Reality", which of course is precisely what your illusion of humanness is all about, is it not, My Children of Light Divine...hmm? It is all about your creative abilities to create whatever you desire, which simply means that you desired to experience an experiential dimension of non-Me, of non-reality, of non-Creator Consciousness.
That is what you would call a "WOW", is it not, My Children of Light Divine...hmm? You desired to, and also "created the impossible", an experiential dimension that does not represent "Reality", for how else would you describe a place in time and space that does not include "That" and "Whom" is literally "everywhere", which of course is Me, your Creator...hmm?
Oh yes, indeed..."what else" My Children of Light Divine? I suppose we could devote the balance of this Message of Love, to humanity, to describe endless permutations of the words non-reality, illusion, and Dream World, but to what end, My Children of Light Divine...hmm? To what end, indeed...for at the end of such an endeavor, you would still be lost in your illusion, your non-reality, your Dream World of humanness would you not, hmm...My Children of Light Divine?
Oh yes, most definitely, for when anyone, even one such as Jeshua ben Joseph or My Self, The Creator of All (either directly or indirectly) tells you, "humanity", that your illusion of humanness, your illusion of non-reality, your Dream World of separation from Me, The Great Spirit of Infinite Love, does not represent "Reality", you perceive them to be crazy ones...what you refer to as "insane".
Oh my, do you realize how lost you are now, hmm...for you, humanity, are "the crazy ones", who perceive your Dream World of humanness and separation from Me, your Creator, to be "Reality".
Oh yes, indeed, and when anyone follows The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph...more specifically, The Way of Mastery Trilogy, and "re-establishes" their relationship with Me, your Divine Parent, you naturally label them as "insane", when it is you who are laboring under the "illusion" that your temporary state of humanness is "Reality", rather than "non-reality".
Oh yes, so just maybe, My Children of Light Divine, just maybe you should entertain the "Reality" that in order to see one who is insane, that you go look into one of your mirrors, hmm? Could you do that for Me, Your Creator and Divine Parent, hmm?
Oh yes, and when you look at yourself in the mirror, please repeat after Me...I believe, and think, and own the "illusion" that my "illusion" of separation from My Creator is my "Reality", when in fact, it is "impossible" to be anywhere, in all of Creation, where my Creator is not present.
Oh...I don't think you believe yourselves, My Children of Light Divine. Oh maybe, just maybe, you should continue to look at yourselves in your mirrors, and say My Statement of Reality a few more times, hmm?
Oh yes, I think so...I hope so, for your Dream World of humanness is permeated with your "illusion" of non-reality...your "illusion" of separation from Me, The Infinite Field...The Infinite Matrix of Love Beingness.
Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, you live in your Dream World of non-reality, of non-Me, of non-Matrix of unless you make a concentrated effort to wake-up from your Dream World of non-reality everyday, every week, every month, and everyone of your years, you will fall back into your illusion of non-Me, and you know what "that" is don't you, My Children of Light Divine...hmm?
Oh please, after all of this time...after Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery Trilogy, after all of these entires in My Blog, "God's Blog", you are going to pretend that you do not know the answer to My question, hmm? Someone...anyone, what is the description of an experiential dimension of non-reality, of the "illusion" of non-Me, of non-Love Consciousness?
Oh my, do you see...hmm? Do you realize how lost you are My Children of Light Divine? Well, of course not, for you have created the impossible, non-reality, and yet, you have brainwashed yourselves into believing, living, that your illusion of egoic, fear consciousness is "Reality"...for why do you think that fears are "Real"? Why?
Because you believe your Dream World of humanness, with your "illusion" of separation from Me, The Infinite Field or Beingness of Love, is not "everywhere"...even around you and "within you" at this very moment...and every moment, for if you lived in the "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Infinite Love, it would be impossible for you to be fearful of anything...or anyone..."impossible" My Children of Light Divine. Just ask Jeshua ben Joseph, or the one known as Mother Mary, or any other one who is awake to the "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love.
Oh...most of you do not believe you can communicate with any fellow Soul, any fellow Spirit of Love, who is not taken on the cloak of forgetfulness in the form of one of your human body-brains. So...go ask one of your channels, one of your mediums, who speaks with non-incarnate Souls in the Spiritual Realm. Yes, yes...go ask one of your channels to ask Jeshua ben Joseph, Mother Mary, or any fellow Child of Light Divine who resides in the Spiritual Realm.
Oh yes, go ask, for if they are not "phony channels", the response, the message, will be all the same. could always just ask the one, your fellow Soul, through whom these bi-weekly Messages of Love are delivered. He will tell you the same thing Jeshua ben Joseph and Mother Mary will tell you, if you ask him whether your fears are "Real" or not, for he knows, because he has studied and practiced...and then studied and practiced some more, the wisdom of Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery.
Oh yes, I know, there are many who say they have studied and practiced The Way of Mastery, or other elements of Jeshua's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, but how many say they "live without fear"...hmm? How many can say that I, "your Creator, guide them through each day", as they live in a human body-brain? How many function as a channel for My Messgae of Love, as a matter of routine, hmm? How many say "they have departed the Dream World of separation from Me, The Infinite Beingness of Love, and yet, still walk among you in one of your human forms", hmm?
Yes, go ask the one whom I speak through on this, God's Blog, at, "if" your ego's will allow you to that is.
Oh, oh, do I hear some more of your denials, My Children of Light Divine? Oh yes, a chorus of denials...that it is "impossible" to have such a relationship with Me, your Creator, while still in a human body-brain. Oh yes, "impossible" you say...some of which also claim to have studied The Way of Mastery Trilogy, by Jeshua ben Joseph.
If you say (if your ego's say) it is impossible to have a daily routine of communications with Me, your Creator, whereby I guide you through your Dream World of humanness, with the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love...."then" can you say you embrace The Way of Mastery...hmm? You cannot...
Ah..."your ego's", My Children of Light Divine, are lying to you again, as they always they always will.
As Jeshua ben Joseph teaches all in The Way of Mastery, in order to "re-establish" your eternal relationship with Me, your Creator, The Everywhereness of Infinite Love, you must dissolve your ego's, and thereby your illusion of separation from Me, and "then", you will remember what has always been, and will always be...our relationship of Love Consciousness, and thereby dissolve all your fears and anxieties.
That is all...
Abba...The Great Mystery...The Everywhereness of Love...