Christianity is not "The Way" Jeshua ben Joseph discovered two thousand years ago...never has been.
Oh yes, here it is, another one of your mornings, "here" on Mother Earth, to provide you all with another opportunity to awaken from your Dream World of physicality, fear-full consciousness, and illusion of separation from Me, "Abba", your Divine Parent and Creator.
Ah...but how many of you, My Children of Light Divine, will actually take advantage of such an opportunity, as opposed to remaining lost in your Dream World of humanness, hmm? Let Me see..."zero" My Children of Light Divine, a trend which for far too long has been, as you say, "Life on planet Earth"...Life in your Dream World, Life within your illusion of separation from Me, The Infinite Beingness or Field of Love Consciousness, which you have chosen to temporarily substitute with your Dream World of non-Reality, non-Me, non-Love...all the while searching for True Love.
Hmm...what is wrong with this picture My Children of Light Divine? "You chose" to create your Dream World to see if you could create the experience of non-Me, non-Love, which of course is non-Reality, and then, while temporarily lost in your Dream World of non-Reality, which turned out to be lives of physicality and fear-full consciousness, also known as "humanness", you constantly search for True Love and Lasting Peace, which of course is Me, "Abba", The Infinite Field of Pure Love and Perfect Peace, in which you still exist, only pretend that you don't.
Hmm...does that about sum up your status quo, My Children of Light Divine...My Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love? Oh, I left out one ingredient "you created" in connection with your lives in physicality, fear consciousness, and separation from Me, The Infinite Field or Matrix of Love. Your Dream World of non-Love, non-Me, non-Reality needed the perception..."perception" My Children of Light Divine, of individuality and aloneness...separation from everything and everybody, and of course that is what can be called your ego's, which go hand and hand with your creation of fear consciousness versus Love or Oneness Consciousness, also known (in most dimensions) as "Creator Consciousness", because why My Children, hmm? Do you remember?
Do you remember what has been an ongoing theme within these articles on God's Blog, on, and also within your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery trilogy? Oh yes, one of the many aspects of "Reality" which you are mightily challenged to conceptualize, and then, challenged again to accept as "Reality"...because why, My Children of Light Divine? Have you forgotten already?
How convenient, the answer to all of My questions to you this fine morning all have the same answer. I created you in My Image, which of course includes infinite or unlimited creativity, and you were curious if it would be possible to create and experience "the impossible"...non-Me, non-Love, which of course would have to be an illusion or Dream World of separation from Me, your Creator, The Infinite Matrix of Love, Who is "EVERYWHERE", including around and within your Dream World...only you needed to create the illusion of non-Me, and wha-la, "egoic fear consciousness", with your "illusion" of separation from everything and everyone.
Do you remember now...hmm, My Children of Light Divine...My Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love? Oh yes, we have been over this also, many times, and of course the answer is "no, you don't remember", because "why"...why don't you remember My Children of Light Divine? How has Jeshua ben Joseph described the answer to this question?
Oh yes, he, or should I say "we", have been rather creative in searching for the right words to explain to you why you don't remember "what you chose to create". One of course was you put on a "cloak of forgetfulness", so you could experience your egoic, fear-full consciousness with its illusion of non-Me, non-Love, as "Reality", even though your humanness is obviously "non-Reality".
Oh yes, and this brings us to another context within Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery, to explain why you don't remmember, and that is "you chose" to be "temporarily insane", which of course is exactly what you are this very day, this very moment, and all days lost in your Dream World of humanness in that you believe you live separated from Me, your Creator, and I Am literally "everywhere"...Pure, Unlimited, Infinite, Love Consciousness..."Oneness Consciousness", and what do you call someone who claims to live in "non-Reality", such as your egoic judgmentalism of fear consciousness? "Temporarily insane"...
Oh...but we have just hit a bit of a nerve have we not, My Children of Light Divine? Oh yes...indeed, for how do your ego's like to be called "temporarily insane", hmm? Oh, we all know the answer to such an obvious question, do we not My Children?
Oh yes, and this brings us to a third reason or third context for why you do not remember creating egoic, fear-full consciousness, with its illusion of separation from Me, The Everywhereness of Love, and that would be you are literally lost in your "Dream World" on planet Earth. Oh yes, and what is your often perception of "Reality" when you are "dreaming", My Children of Light Divine, and that would be of course that your Dream, which of course is not "Reality", in in fact "Reality". Oh yes, you believe non-Reality is "Reality".
Shall I go on My Children of Light Divine...hmm? Can your ego's take anymore? Oh...of course not, for they are already in "denial", one of your ego's favorite techniques or defense mechanisms' for defending your Dream World of non-Reality to allegedly be "Reality".
"Denial", yes of course, humanity is famous for denial up in the Spiritual Realm, in the "Real World", where "everyone knows" I Am Love, and I Am literally "everywhere". Why do you think everyone is "Perfectly Peaceful", hmm? Oh, but I do not want to become sidetracked just yet, from My main topic this fine morning, within your Dream World of humanness, with your illusion of separation from that which you can never, ever be separated from, and that would be "Me", your Divine Parent, The Infinite Everywhereness of Infinite Everywhereness, which has been described as an Infinite Field, Infinite Matrix, and Infinite Ocean, in which "all"..."all" My Children, in which "all", as in "everything" exists.
Shall we go on with our partial list of reasons why you do not remember the Everywhereness of your Creator, who of course is "Me", hmm? Oh yes, let's, and that brings Me to "brainwashed in your humanness", which of course includes your egoic, fear consciousness, your physical costumes, and of course your illusion of separation from Me, and I Am "LOVE".
From the moment you entered the womb of your mother (the moment of conception), with the understanding you are a Spirit of Love, a field of consciousness with choice, you are relentlessly brainwashed into believing you are what you are not, a physical, judgmental, fear-full, human being on planet Earth...a victim, who is separated from Me, The Everywhereness of Love.
Oh yes, and from that very first moment on, you are relentlessly conditioned or brainwashed into believing non-reality is "Reality", because why My Children of Light Divine? Because "you chose" to experience non-Me, non-Love, non-Reality.
Oh yes, do I hear some more denials, My Children of Light Divine? Oh yes, I certainly do..."I would never make such a decision", your egoic voice "within" tells you.
Oh yes, and of course there is "the egoic voices within" that are saying, at this very moment, "why did you do this to me...I don't deserve this"...denying responsibility for your own creation.
Oh my, and on, and on we can go, My Children of Light Divine...on and on we can go, explaining to you how you have arrived at this particluar place in space and time, within your illusion, within your Dream World, within your "experiential dimension" of physicality, fear consciousness, and illusion of separation from Me, your Divine Parent and Creator.
But to what end My Children? How many explanations, how many contexts will it take for your self-created ego's to "accept responsibility" for all of your fears and anxieties? For your endless searching for True Love and Perfect Peace? How many My Children?
Okay then, for those who choose to deny responsibility for your fears and anxieties, so be it...for until you do, not much will change within your experiential dimension of humanness. That's "your choice", because I gave you free-will, to create whatever experiences you so desire.
Ah...but there are "a few" of you who are waking up from your Dream World and saying, "enough is enough, how do I re-establish my relationship with My Creator? How do I, once again, become conscious that I live, breathe, and exist within an Infinite Field of Love? How do I put an end to all of my fears and anxieties?"
Is it not wise to follow the path and model of one who has already accomplished that which you seek? Is it not wise to take the quickest path to Pure Love, Perfect Peace, and an end to all of your fears and anxieties?
The path and model I am describing is the path and methodology Jeshau ben Joseph went searching for two thousand years ago. Oh yes, he was just like you, lost in your Dream World of darkness...of fears and anxieties...searching for True Love and Perfect Peace. Oh yes, and he found...he discovered "The Way", and in this era, has documented for all his sisters and brothers how to dissolve the ego, with its fear consciousness, and illusion of separation from Me, your Creator.
"Denial" My Children...or the acceptance of responsibility? Denial that Christianity is not "The Way" Jeshua ben Joseph discovered and lived two thousand years ago, or the acceptance that something must be missing in Christianity...which simply means something must also be not true.
Ah...the acceptance of responsibility is "not" a favorite of your ego's, My Children of Light Divine, for your ego's love to play the "blame game, the game of the victim".
I did not create you to be victims My Children of Light Divine, and yet, I also gave you free-will, to experience whatever you so desire, and you desired to create your experiential dimension of humanness, your Dream World of egoic fear consciousness.
Is it not time to begin the process of dissolving your creation, egoic fear consciousness, and transform it into a new generation...a new and improved version of humanness? A form of Loving humanness your brother, friend, and equal discovered, lived, and experienced two thousand years ago?
Oh yes, he tried to tell you all about his discovery two thousand years ago, but you were far too lost in your Dream World, too lost in your temporary insanity, too lost in your brainwashing of humanness...
Are you still too lost My Children...too lost to follow Jeshua's The Way of Mastery?
That is all...
Abba...your Creator...The Everywhereness of Pure Love...