..."insanity seems sane to those that are insane", and that would be "you", My Children of Light Divine
Ah..."good day, good day"...another one of your days has arrived on Mother Earth, just in time for another Message of Love from your Creator. Hmm..."your Creator", and just how many of you, My Children of Light Divine, ever consider exactly Who and What your Creator truly is, hmm? "Not too many", as you sometimes say, for you, humanity, are far too busy being human beings, on your planet Earth, to ponder such a Big Question that has such an infinitely Big Answer, hmm, My Children of Light Divine?
Oh no, not too many consider the makeup and personality of such a one as Me, your Creator, for your desire to experience your illusion of humanness is quite a busy occupation, by design...for humanity has infinite distractions...ups and downs, crisis after crisis, challenge after challeng, which...as I have discussed before, here on God's Blog, condition you all into believing, feeling, and owning your "illusion" of humanness.
Oh my, your desire to see if you could create and experience non-Love has been so effective that you have completely forgotten who and what you were created to be, as you, humanity, have become lost in your experiential dimension of non-Love, non-Creator, non-reality that you created your "non-selves", "false selves", and as Jeshua ben Joseph describes in his The Way of Mastery Trilogy, your fearful, egoic selves.
Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, your initial thought, which turned into a desire, to experience not-Me, not-reality, not-Creator has created your "not-selves"...fearful, egoic selves, who search for the opposite of your fearful, egoic selves...and of course that would be Me, for I Am Love...Infinite Love, Who exists everywhere, everytime.
Ah...and because your creation, your not-selves, are the "opposite" of the Infinite Reality of Love, you created a endless search for yourselves, for everyone, in all of Creation, including My Self, My Infinite Self...desires to experience our True Selves, which of course is "True Love", for if you are My so-called "Children", which I assure you that you are, then...then, My Children of Light Divine, you must also desire, if only subconsciously at this particular point in time and space, True Love, for that is My only desire.
Ah, and I just realized that not many of you, My Children of Light Divine, are able to follow this morning's Message of Love, for you are lost in the non-reality of fear-full consciousness...which of course is what we call your "illusion of humanness", for I Am Everywhere...so if you are experiencing fear consciousness, you must be experiencing an illusionn...hmm?
Do you get it, hmm...My Children of Light Divine...your humanness on Planet Earth must be an illusion of non-reality, for that is what you desired to create and experience..."non-Me", and I Am Love. Oh yes, so that would make your experiential dimension of fearful humanness, the opposite of where I exist, which is everywhere.
Ah, do you see, do you understand, do you comprehend the "Reality" of your non-reality of humanness, hmm? Oh, of course you don't, not really, for if you did, you would be searching for ways to live in the "Reality" of Love, of Me, and your fearful, egoic, not-selves have been conditioned, quite thoroughly I might add, to believe, to think, to live, "to own" that your fears and dark emotions are in fact "Real", versus "not Real".
Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, you are as Jeshua ben Joseph describes in The Way of Mastery Trilogy, "insanity seems sane to those that are insane"...and that would be "you", My Children of Light Divine.
Oh, it would be so nice if you could go to one of your many mental health professionals, and obtain one of their prescriptions, so you could simply take a few pills to correct your illusion of humanness. Ah, what a transformation, hmm...My Children of Light Divine...the shift to Love Consciousness from fear consciousness for a mere $19.95, what a bargain, what a delight! The shift from your illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, The Infinite Beingness of Infinite Love, to "Perfect Union" with Me. Oh yes, from your illusion of human, fear consciousness to the "Reality" Love Consciousness for just $19.95.
Oh my, the pharmacies would have such a long line of humanness waiting for their prescriptions of the "Reality of Love". Oh my, for if you could, if you believed in the "Reality" of the Everywhereness of Love, do you think you would continue to settle for your "illusion" of human, fear consciousness, with all of your endless anxieties, with all of your endless dark emotions, with your "illusion" of separation from Me, your Infinite, "Living", Matrix of Love...hmm?
Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, you mostly consider Me, your Creator, to be "incomprehensible" do you not, hmm...an Everywhereness of Living, Conscious Love with whom you have an eternal relationship, who you were created to be in perfect, perpetual, union with, and yet...yet, you chose to create and experience your illusion of physical, fear consciousness to such a degree that you think your illusion of humanness is "Reality". Would you not prefer to know, feel, realize, and live in Perfect Union with My Everywhereness of Pure Love, Pure Intelligence, and Perfect Peace...hmm?
There is no prescription you can purchase at your pharmacy to induce the shift from non-reality and fear consciousness to "Reality" and Love Consciousness, My Children of Light Divine, oh no. However...however, My Children of Light Divine, because you exercised your free-will to become so lost in your illusion of humanness, the "only way" for you to currently make the shift back to Perfect Union with Me, your Creator, The Infinite, Everywhereness of Love, you must once again exercise your free-will, and reverse your "illusion" of fear consciousness and separation from Me, "Abba", your Divine Parent.
Your brother and perpetual friend, fellow Child of Light Divine, Jeshua ben Joseph, went searching for many things two thousand years ago. Oh yes, the answers to all of your so-called "Big Questions"...who am I, why am I here, is there a God, a Creator, how do I find the Creator, is there a Heaven, and on, and on, and on...the really Big Questions, My Children of Light Divine. Oh yes, and he surmised, after many years, and searching all over your planet Earth, there was no book, scripture, writings that conveyed all of the answers to all of his questions...and still his search continued.
One of your many illusions of humanness, at least for some of you, is that Jeshua ben Joseph was The Only Child of God, of Me, and that he came into your illusion of humanness, on planet Earth, "conscious" of this Only Child of God identity, "enlightened" as it were. Oh yes, and those of you who continue to believe such a "story", such a misconception, would be wrong.
Jeshua ben Joseph is just like you, My Children of Light Divine, for I created you all the same..."identical, Infinite, Spirits of Love"...individuated Souls, with a "perception" of separation from Me, The Infinite Matrix of Love, and yet, there is no separation from Me, but rather perfect, perpetual, union...even "now', this very moment, as you read these words on JeshuabenJoseph.com.
As I, your Ceator, have told you endless times on this, God's Blog, "perception" does not always equate to "Reality", My Infinite Children of Light Divine...oh no..."perception" of separation does not mean the "Reality" of separation...for there is no separation from Me, Abba. How can you be separated from Who is "everywhere"? How can a wave be separated from the ocean? How can a sunbeam be separated from the sun...hmm, My Children of Light Divine?
Ah, we have returned to a common theme, a common question here, on My Blog..."God's Blog". When are you going to exercise your free-will, and reverse your prior decision to experience the non-reality of My Everywhereness of Love, hmm? When? When are you going to follow in the footsteps of your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, hmm?
Two thousand years ago, there was no books that taught him how to re-establish, and thus, remember his relationship with Me, in Perfect Union. Oh no, but there is today, his The Way of Mastery Trilogy. Now...or later, My Children of Light Divine, hmm? More pain and suffering, more non-reality, more dark emotions...or, The Way of Mastery? Your choice...not Mine...
That is all...
Abba...patiently waiting...in "Bliss"...