What did you bury in your subconscious? Your link to "Bliss"...
Oh yes, we are here again this morning, on your Mother Earth, within your pretend Dream World of humanness...only you have forgotten, on purpose. What kind of game is a "game" if you have forgotten that it is a game? Oh yes, "My Children", My Spiritual Children of My Light Divine, you decided ..."you chose" to make-up and play a new game, as children often do, but you forgot the "pretend game" portion of your creation of humanness on Mother Earth.
Oh yes, indeed...you have forgotten, as planned, that you are Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love so that your "game of humanness", in a dimension of physicality, fear consciousness, and illusion of separation from Me, The Great Mystery of Love, Who is "Everywhere", is not "Reality", but rather only a single dimension to experience within the Infiniteness of Creation that has an infiniteness of experiential dimensions, all of which can be chosen to experience by who, My Children of Light Divine? By "you" of course, who for this moment in the dimension of "Time and Space", have chosen the experiential dimension of humanness, on the planet called "Earth".
Hmm..."get the picture", My Children of Light Divine? Oh...of course not, for you have done a wonderful job of becoming so lost in your Dream World of non-reality, on purpose. You have buried the "Reality" of who and what you truly are, deep within your subconscious.
Your subconscious My Children of Light Divine...you have buried your true identities deep within your subconscious...so that your experiences of humanness would temporarily take on the "illusion of Reality".
Oh my, and because you do not remember who and what you truly are, Spirits of Love...fields of consciousness with choice, you actually believe you are human beings...fear-full, physical, human beings, completely separated from Who you can never be separated from, and of course that would be Me, your Creator, The Infinite Field of Love "in" which you exist and live, no matter where you choose to go in all of the Infiniteness of Creation.
Oh my, we have been "here' so many times before, on God's Blog, on jeshuabenjoseph.com, all because you chose not to believe your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, when he tried to tell you of your true identities two thousand years ago, and even more recently, in your 1990s, with his The Way of Mastery Trilogy.
Oh, it all seems so very inconceivable to you all...all because you have buried "Reality" into your subconscious, so you could experience non-reality as "Reality". What, oh what could that be, My Children of Light Divine? It could be, and is, whatever you choose it to be, because you are Spirits of Love, consciousness with choice, so you can experience anything you choose to experience. It is call the gift of "free-will", a gift I bestowed on only one species in all of Creation, and that would be "you" My Children of Light Divine, who are currently lost in your humanness on a planet called Earth, in Space and Time, your third dimension of physicality...physicality with fear consciousness.
Oh yes, and of course you could not be within an experiential dimension of fear consciousness if you still remembered our never-ending relationship, for I Am an Infinite Beingness of Love, and you obviously "chose" to experience the opposite of Love Consciousness, the opposite of "Reality", or fear consciousness, so you naturally had to bury "Reality" somehwere you could temporarily not remember, and of course that would be deep within your Soul or Spirit, and that would be where, My Children of Light Divine, hmm? Within your subconscious...
Ah yes, you buried the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love within your subconscious so you could experience your "new creation", fear consciousness, within a dimension of physicality..."an experiential dimension" they are called in the Real World versus your experiential dimension of humanness, which of course was your attempt to create and experience "non-reality", more accurately called "fear consciousness", which necessitated the creation of your Dream World or illusion of humanness, with your "perception" of separation from Me, your Creator, The Everywhereness of Infinite Love Consciousness.
Oh yes, indeed...for how could you experience fear, if you knew you were the extension of Me, "within Me", hmm...My Children of Light Divine?
Ah yes, so now we are in the interesting part of your game of humanness...and what might that be you ask? Oh yes...and that has been, and will continue to be described in a variety of contexts, all of which are intended to nudge you a bit closer to saying, "enough is enough...I have experienced enough fear, enough non-reality, enough illusion of separation from The Creator, The Everywhereness of Love, so what, oh what do I have to do to remember the "Reality of Love", and put an end to my pain and suffering...what? I'll do anything. You tell me I buried the Reality of Love in my subconscious? Okay...well, how do I un-bury it...hmm...how?"
Oh, but you are not "there" yet, are you, My Children of Light Divine? Oh no, not even close, because you are still "in denial"...you "deny" that your creation, your Dream World of humanness, is an experiential dimension of non-reality...of physical, intense, fear-full consciousness.
So, on you go in your illusion of humanness and separation from My Infinite, Everywhereness of Love. Oh yes, indeed...and that is all "okay", for I gave you free-will...remember? Oh, silly Me, of course you do not remember being created to be an extension of the Infiniteness of Me...The Infiniteness of Love Consciousness, for you buried "Reality" in your subconsciousness.
Hmm...what, oh what are we going to do My Children of Light Divine, who are so lost in your Dream World of non-reality, you perceive it as "Reality". I cannot force you to look "within", to find what you have buried, for I gave you free-will.
Oh yes, we have a bit of what you call a "conundrum" on Mother Earth, within your Dream World of humanness. Let Me just tell you what your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, first told you two thousand years ago, after he discovered it. I created the answer and resolution to our little conundrum when you first had the thought of creating the non-reality of physical, fear consciousness, within a temporary human form. Oh yes, the answer to your conundrum has been waiting for you My Children of Light Divine. And just "where" is the answer, you ask?
It is "within", My Children of Light Divine...the answer, the solution, is "within"...you simply need to desire to go looking for it, "within". In your modern era terminology, it is your "link to Reality", your link to your eternal relationship with Me, your link to the Everywhereness of My Love.
Your link goes by many names. Initially it was called "The Holy Spirit", the link to your true identities as Spirits of Love Consciousness, Extensions of Me, your Creator. Your link to our eternal relationship could also be called a bridge from the non-reality of your humanness to the Reality of My Infinite Love and Perfect Peace.
You lived within your experiential dimension of humanness for thousands of years, without knowledge of your link, within your Holy Spirit...that is in alignment with My Infinite Spirit of Love. Oh yes, you had your breaks from the non-reality of your humanness in the "Real World of Love Consciousness", in between your incarnations in humanness...but you have always decided to return to your game of humanness.
Ah yes, we are back to a question posed to you many times before here, on God's Blog, on jeshuabenjoseph.com, and also within Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery. When is enough of your humanness "enough", My Children of Light Divine, for you to look "within"...within your subconsciousness, to discover your true identities...to discover the "Bliss" of My Everywhereness of Love?
Ah yes, one more question for you My Children of Light Divine...whenever you answer My first question with a response of; yes, I have had enough of humanness...how do I find my link to "Bliss", to reunion with You, The Infinite Beingness of Love? And My response will be...you can choose to either stumble around in your humanness searching for your link to "Bliss", or you can follow the path discovered by Jeshua ben Joseph, two thousand years ago, as documented in The Way of Mastery.
That is all...
Abba...Your Creator and Divine Parent, The Infinite Beingness of Love...