Take a "time out" from your temporary Game of Humanness
"Gooooood Morning" My Children of Light Divine. Oh boy! Another new day on Mother Earth, and you have absolutely no idea what will transpire. Oh no, just as you sometimes say..."no clue" as to what will rise up in your Dream World of humanness, of physicality, of fear-full consciousness, within your "illusion" of separation from Me, Your Creator and Divine Parent.
Oh no, and that is what keeps you all "on edge", for your new day maybe progressing as planned, and out of nowhere, an event will arise that will induce a painful reaction...a fearful reaction, a shocking reaction, and there you are, right in the middle of just another series of events that will drain whatever sense of "peace" you thought you had.
Oh, what am I to do moments, situations, challenges that you perceive are just "normal"...just part of everyday Life as a human being on planet Earth. Some will be able to navigate the new challenge without "loosing it", while others will plunge into the depths of shock and fear...struggling to find an acceptable solution to the fate that "Life on Earth" has presented to you.
"Survival", of yes, "survival" is the name of the game on planet Earth. How do I survive, and how do I make my Life as pleasant as possible? Oh yes, so part of the game is to attempt to anticipate what your primary challenges will be in advance, and then formulate a response whereby your fears, your anxieties, will not be so great that your general sense of "peace" will not be in jeopardy.
Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, "Survival on Planet Earth" is the game you have chosen to play, only you do not perceive it as a game, but rather, as "Reality".
It is no wonder that you have lost your identities as My Children of Light Divine, Spirits of Love...Fields of Consciousness with Choice, who have chosen to experience the non-reality of "separation from Reality"...the "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love, Perfect Peace, and Pure Intelligence...the absolute "Reality" of never changing non-duality for the the experiential dimension of duality...of Light and dark, of Love and fear, of Life and death, of joy and suffering, and on, and on, and on your Game of Humanness goes, and goes, and goes.
What an imagination, what a creation, what an "illusion of Reality" you all have created and participate in. From the "Reality of Pure Love and Perfect Peace", in what is often referred to as "your Home in the Spiritual Realm", to the non-reality of humanness on planet Earth. Oh yes, the non-reality of duality, of judgment, of the extremes of Love and fear, Light and dark, day and night, and on, and on, and on your Game of Humanness goes, the non-reality of duality that you have created as a substitute for My Everywhereness of Love Consciousness.
Oh yes, "unimaginable" once you enter your Game of Humanness, for you have changed all of the "Realities" of Pure, Infinite, Love Consciousness with your illusion of physicality, fear consciousness, and all the extremes that are created within your Dream World of endless dualities.
Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, Spirits of Love are you...Fields of Consciousness with Choice...Immortal, Multidimensional, Fields of Bliss Consciousness with Choice...and you have chosen to create, to experience, "the opposite of Reality" for the experience...for what else will you do with your endless existence in Bliss...hmm?
Can you imagine? Can you perceive of the choices that you might make...hmm? Oh yes, My Spirits of Love, take a "time out" from your temporary Game of Humanness, and try to imagine what choices you might make "if" you were conscious of your immortality, conscious of your multidimensionality, conscious of your unlimitedness, conscious of your eternal relationship with Me, your Creator, The Incomprehensible, Infinite, Everywhereness of Pure Love, Perfect Peace, and Pure Intelligence.
Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, you exist in Bliss Consciousness, which goes by many names...The Kingdom of Heaven, Enlightenment, Oneness Consciousness, Creator Consciousness, Love Consciousness, and oh, so, so many more. Hard to imagine is it not...hmm...My Children of Light Divine, Who I created in "My Image", with what your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, has called "the Big Bang of Consciousness". Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, your quantum physicists will find such an event fascinating to contemplate in oh, so many ways. Oh yes, the Big Bang of Consciousness that preceded their Big Bang of physicality, time, and space. Oh yes, the Big Bang, "prior" to their Big Bang. That "Reality" will fill their days, in your Game of Humanness, for many decades to come.
Oh yes, and this is a wonderful introduction to My Message of Love to you all this new day on Mother Earth, who have chosen to become so lost in your non-reality of humanness, that you perceive your non-reality as "Reality".
Oh yes, a phrase, a concept, a description I have used many times before "here", on My Blog, "God's Blog", on jeshuabenjoseph.com.
Are you still in My suggested "time out" from your Game of Humanness, My Children of Light Divine...Fields of Consciousness with Choice...or have you become lost again, so soon, in your Dream World of Humanness...your Dream World of Duality?
"Please"...stay in My suggested "time out" from your Game of Humanness for just a few minutes more, of your precious minutes, which when you view your non-reality of humanness with the "Reality" of your Immortality, become not so precious...hmm?
Many will hear of The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph and immediately judge the body of information as some continuation of Christianity, a religion that is loosing its once popular appeal, slowly, gradually, but loosing just the same.
Ah...a natural phenomenon in your Dream World of Humanness, in your Dream World of Duality, in your Dream World of Egoic Judgmentalism, in your Dream World of Non-Reality.
Ah yes, and here we are, at My Message of Love to you this day, My Children of Light Divine. Within The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph there are "infinite" layers of information...of teachings. Oh yes, a very common realization for any serious student, who claims they understand the contents thereof, but chooses to read them all again. Oh yes, for if a Soul, a Spirit of Love, pretending to be human, is honest, is truthful, they will admit there was more information...more teachings in the second reading that they missed in their first...and this pattern will play out, no matter how many times they choose to read Jeshua's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings.
Of particular importance, as I have pointed out many times before, "here", on jeshuabenjoseph.com, is The Way of Mastery Trilogy. "All" of your answers, to "all" of your questions can be found within the pages of these three books.
Are you still with Me, My Children of Light Divine? Are you still in My suggested "time out" from your Game of Humanness, at least temporarily...owning the concept of your "Real Reality" of being Immortal, Spirits of Love...Immortal Fields of Consciousness with Choice?
"All" of your answers, to "all" of your questions can be found in the pages of Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery Trilogy, including how to put an end to all of the darkness within your Game of Humanness on planet Earth. No more fear, no more anxieties, no more illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, no more duality...no more ego.
Okay, My Children of Light Divine...decision time. You can either begin to study and practice the "Lifestyle of Enlightenment" that Jeshua ben Joseph discovered two thousand years ago, and thereby learn about a "Blissful" end to your Game of Humanness on planet Earth...or, you can choose to return to your Game of Humanness...your Game of Non-reality...your Game of Duality...your Game of Love and fear, Peace and suffering...Life and death...and on, and on, and on...
That is all...
Abba...The Source of All, and I Am Love...