Hypnotized in your humanness...
Oh yes, another day has arrived on Mother Earth, the experiential dimension of humanness where so very many are lost therein. Oh yes, so lost they know not that they are lost. The end!
That is all there is really to say after anyone chooses to read the contents of this blog, on jeshuabenjoseph.com or The Way of Mastery Trilogy, by your very good friend and equal, Jeshua ben Joseph, who actually joined with a Heavenly Host of your sisters and brothers to convey a "message of escape" from your experiential dimension of humanness.
Oh yes, "escape", indeed...for what else would you choose to call a situation, an environement, an experiential dimension where the inhabitants, and that would be the race known as "humanity", are for lack of another description, "hypnotized" by the very experiential dimension which they created, to experience an environment unimaginable in the "Real World" of Love Consciousness.
Oh yes, unimaginable, except for one little inherent quality, which of course is unlimitedness..."unlimited creativity", where there are no limits to what can be created, even if it is only an illusion...a product of "non-reality", which is disguised as "Reality"...a Dream World not perceived to be a "Dream World" but rather, a "Dream World" perceived to be "Reality", and "what-la", humanness on your planet Earth, an experiential dimension of non-reality, which your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, describes so eloquently, so gently, so gradually as your Dream World of physicality, fear-full consciousness, and illusion of separation from that which you can never, ever be separated from, and that or rather "who" is Me, your Creator, The Infinite Field, The Infinite Matrix, The Infinite Beingness, The Infinite Everywhereness of Love.
Oh my, I must be in the rather large side of Creation, if I chose to use so many "Infinites" to describe My-Self, The Great Mystery of Love, which you stumble around and unconsciously search for within your Dream World of humanness.
Oh yes, "Dream World of humanness", My Children of Light Divine, who perceive all who awaken from your Dream World to be "insane". Oh yes, just ask the one through whom I am conveying this bi-weekly Message of Love, as to what the common reaction is to the contents of My Blog, "God's Blog", and the balance of jeshuabenjoseph.com.
Oh yes, ask him, but then, most of you...most of humanity are frightened by such an idea, such a concept, now are you not My Children of Light Divine? So frightened by the "Reality of Love", the "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love, that you choose to not even accept that the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love can even exist!
Oh my, what is your phrase..."how ironic", a race of beings pretending to be what they are truly "not", and that would be human, dreaming away in their "Dream World of non-reality", their Dream World of humanness, so frightened by the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love, in which they exist, because they have been hypnotized to live in a Dream World of fear consciousness.
Oh yes, and what oh what does anyone do who chooses to experience such a Dream World of fearfulness...of fear-full consciousness, perceive the "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love to be? This is not one of your "trick questions", My Children of Light Divine...what do you call them...yes, of course, "got ya questions". You perceive the "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love to be something to be "fearful" of.
Yes, of course, you are fearful of what you constantly seek for, Pure Love and Perfect Peace, for you are in your Dream World of non-reality or non-Love, searching for Love, when you exist "within" that which you seek for.
Oh my, you fear that which you seek for, and that would be Me, and I Am Love, because "you created" your Dream World of fear-full consciousness, also known as egoic judgmentalism, and what you have been hypnotized to not comprehend, and that of course would be Me, The Everywhereness of Love, you judge as unknowable, and anything your ego's perceive as "unknowable", you naturally fear.
Oh yes, and around, and around, and around we go again, My Children of My Light Divine, as we have done so many times before on My Blog, "God's Blog", on jeshuabenjoseph.com.
Oh yes, and because you naturally perceive yourselves, your "egoic selves", to be so very intelligent (a little sarcasm My Children), anything, or in this case, anyone you perceive as unknowable, you have "hypnotized your Selves" into fearing, for that is what your ego's were created to do..."to fear", rather than "to Love", all because you wanted to experience non-reality, and that of course would be non-Love, and what is both non-reality and non-Love, My Children of Light Divine? "Fear"...fear-full consciousness, and illusion of separation from Me, your Creator and Divine Parent...also known as "humanness" on the planet called "Earth".
Oh yes, around, and around, and around we go, for your ego's, which are part of your self-created "illusion", your self-created "Dream World of humanness", deny that "Reality is Reality", even when your Creator tells you so, or even when Jeshua ben Joseph tells you. Oh yes, you did not believe him two thousand years ago, and you don't believe him today.
Hmm...maybe "believe" is not the correct term. How about your self-created ego's cannot "conceptualize" the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love to be "Reality"? Ah yes, now we are getting somehwere, and why are your ego's unable to conceptualize the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love...hmm? Because your ego's are the "opposite" of Reality...fear-full consciousness instead of the Reality of Love Consciousness, which of course is also known as "Creator Consciousness", or "Oneness Consciousness"...or how about "Enlightenment", My Children of Light Divine?
Ah yes, and once you wake-up from your Dream World of fear consciousness, and return to your natural state of enlightenment, there is no more fear! No more fear My Children of Light Divine...or any of the dark emotions and anxieties! How is this possible? How is such a state "Real"?
Are you ready for the answer, My Children of Light Divine...hmm? An answer you have heard before, "here" on God's Blog, and also within the knowledge of the Way of Mastery Trilogy, via your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph.
Oh yes, we have used a variety of contexts to discribe your status quo, in your "Dream World" of fear consciousness, physicality, and "illusion" of separation from Me, your Creator and Divine Parent. Oh yes, we have used our unlimited creativity in attempts to pierce your Dream World of humanness with the "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love.
Oh yes, of course, you did not understand the alternative of the Reality of Love Jeshua told you about two thousand years ago, so "the Reality of Love" was naturally excluded from the stories of his Life and Teachings, that you refer to as your Gospels of the New Testament.
Ah yes, and because you remain hypnotized in your illusion of humanness, you continue to have great difficulty in understanding the same "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love today, even though the methodology for awakening yourselves from your hypnotized state of humanness is now in black and white, the printed word, and described within the audio presentation thereof.
How hypnotized are you? You are so hypnotized in your "illusion" of humanness that even after you read and listen to how Jeshua ben Joseph awoke from your hypnotized state, you "deny" his journey in consciousness is "Reality" or...or, you are so deeply hypnotized, you are oblivious to his message...or My Message of Love, here on jeshuabenjoseph.com.
How much pain and suffering will your ego's create for you, My Chldren of Light Divine, before even your ego's will admit that there must be a better way to live? Ah yes, I know..."still in denial"...still hypnotized in your humanness.
That is all...
Abba...your Creator and Divine Parent...