"Stupid"...Don't you know, in the depths of your Soul's, that there must be something more to Life?
Ah...another new day on Mother Earth for all who are pretending to be human, to continue the charade, which has been going on for the millennia...unabated. Oh yes, there have been a handful of Souls who have broken the barrier of illusion, the barrier of your humanness, to actually remember Who and What you truly are. Ah, but that group, "that club", as described by Jeshua ben Joseph, who have walked your Earth in the True Splendor of Your Beingness is rather small, indeed.
Ah, and that is precisely why we are back, again, in a new era, "this era", to open the door to Truth and Love as never before, to see if there are a few more who would like to join the club.
Does it not seem quite odd to you all that Jeshua ben Joseph refers to you, humanity, as his bothers and sisters...his equal, Christed Beings of Love and Light Divine, anointed by your Creator, and that would be "Me", and yet, you stumble around your planet Earth in your illusion of humanness...your illusion of dark emotions, without any conscious memory of our eternal relationship?
Christed Beings of Light Divine, extensions of Self are you, humanity...and yet, you are satisfied with your "illusion" of very limited humanness...incarnation, after incarnation, after incarnation, in what appears to be a never-ending cycle of fear-full dark emotions, and one new human costume after another. Do you really think that "being human for eternity" was the reason I created you? Don't you know, in the depths of your Soul's, that there must be something more to Life...hmm?
Apparently not, for most of you, in this current era, do not as you say "blink", when you are told there is a wealth of knowledge waiting for you, within the large body of information known as The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph. Yes, that is correct, "the alleged" Only Son of God to any Christian, has returned to educate all of humanity on your true identities...Immortal, Multidimensional, Christed Beings of Light Divine, who I created in My Image.
"My Image?" Do you really think that being a very limited, fear-full, physical being, with a Life span of less that one hundred years, is reflective of being "created in My Image", your Creator and Divine Parent, hmm? Are you that stupid, are you that hypnotized, are you that brainwashed, are you that lost in your illusion of humanness that you think, believe, and own your limited status of being human, with no conscious, feeling, blissful, relationship with Me, is reflective of being created in "My Image"..."really"...is that what you want Me to believe, The Incomprehensible, Infinite, Being of Love, Perfect Peace, and Pure Intelligence?
Well...My Children of Light Divine, you may have chosen to become lost in your "illusion" of limited, fear-full, physical, humanness, but I am "here" on God's Blog, on JeshuabenJoseph.com, to tell you that you have your story...your identities, all wrong.
Ah, and there it is, your non-blink of disbelief again, and again...and again. If I took on a human form, walked up to you, and slapped your face, as I told you are not limited, fear-full, physical beings, called "humanity", on one tiny planet in the Infiniteness of Creation, but rather The Extensions of My Infinite Beingness of Love, would you still not believe Me...would you...hmm?
Oh no, for you are so very, very, very lost in your illusion of humanness that almost nothing will make you "wake-up to Reality". "Almost nothing", My Children of Light Divine is not "everything", oh no...oh no, indeed.
Ah, but you have been told many, many times here, on God's Blog, and also within The Way of Mastery, by your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, there is a way back to the "Reality" of Who and What you truly are...to Who and What I created you to be, to lives of Pure Love, Perfect Peace, and Pure Intelligence, and still..."still" you continue to stumble along, lost in your illusion of humanness.
Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, you stumble along in your limited, painful, fear-full humanness...when the door to reunion with Me, your Creator, has been openned for you, as you continue to stumble along, experiencing one incarnation of your illusion of humanness after another.
Were you a bit "shocked", a bit resentful, a bit "how dare you refer to us as stupid", a bit earlier in My Message of Love to you, humanity, this day...hmm? If not stupid, My Children of Light Divine, than what would you call yourselves, hmm?
We keep coming up with one new context after another in attempts to help you wake-up from your illusion of humanness, pointing you to the "Reality of Bliss", and you don't even blink. Oh no...you don't even blink when you are told reunion with Me, The Creator, The Infinite, Incomprehensible, Mystery of Love, awaits you.
"No thank you" is the essence of your response, time, after time, after time..."you must be crazy to think that such a reunion with The Creator is possible", and off you go, lost in your humanness.
Oh, we have ended so many of our entries into God's Blog, on JeshuabenJoseph.com, in recognition of just how lost you are, My Children of Light Divine. So lost in your illusion of humanness and disbelief that you perceive that I, your Divine Parent, The Creator, would never actually address all of humanity on your world-wide internet...and extend you a helping hand out of your illusion of humanness...out of your illusion of pain and suffering.
"Oh no", I, The Infinite, Incomprehensible, Being of Love, Who created you, would never, ever do such a thing. "Oh no", nor would "your brother", your fellow Christed Being of Love and Light Divine, the one known as Jeshua ben Joseph, come back into your dimension of limited, painful, humanness to document, in meticulous detail, just how he discovered reunion with Me, so that you could follow in his footsteps.
"Oh no", your egoic voices within tell you, over, and over, and over again. If not stupid, if not lost, if not hypnotized, if not brainwashed in your illusion of limited humanness, what would you call your "egoic voices within"...hmm?
That is all...
Abba, your Divine Parent, extending another helping hand of Love...