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Good Morning My Children

Your Dream World of humanness can only be viewed within the movie screen of your mind

Thursday, August 15, 2024 Blog it is...another morning, another new day "here" on Mother Earth for all to see and experience in your "humanness", in your experiential dimension of physicality, "fear-full consciousness", and "illusion" of separation from Me, your Creator, The Infinite Field of Living Love Consciousness, which by some mutative, creative process, "you", humanity have desired to experience, and "wha-la", here it is. 

Ah yes, you have created "the human experience", only you have forgotten that you created it! So, instead of being aware of and accepting credit for...accepting responsibility for your creation, you stumble around in your creation, your experiential dimension, and wonder about a great many things, which you have forgotten that you created

"Good job" My Children of Light Divine, for you have accomplished the impossible, your common "perception" of being separated from Me, The Everywhereness of Love...that which it is "impossible" to be separated from.

Oh yes, you have created the impossible, in the form of your non-reality of humanness, which your brother and friend (Jeshua ben Joseph), most often describes as your "Dream World" that you view nowhere except within the movie screen of your mind

Ah, My Children of Light Divine, My Creation, your rather famous brother and friend tells you that the only place you can find your human experience, your human existence, is within the movie screen of your own mind. Do you realize what this means, My Children of Light Divine, hmm? You have forgotten that "you", humanity, as you have thought yourselves to be, has never truly existed. It (your humanity) has all been, and is, an illusion, according to Jeshua ben Joseph, which he also describes as a "smokescreen and chimera"

Oh my, and you all take yourselves so very, very seriously, My Children, within your "Dream World of humanness". Quite the invention, quite the creation, your Dream World of humanness, which you are all experiencing simultaneously.  

Oh yes, some of your scientists, some of your physicists, have touched on the possibility, which is actually your "Reality", that your experiential dimension on Mother Earth does not even truly exist, which of course the entire human population, with few exceptions, receives as total insanity...incomprehensible...a perception of "Reality" which is obviously "impossible", and yet, "here" you are, within and on the movie screen of your mind, which you obviously have created to be a shared experience

An illusion, "humanness", which is also a shared experience. "Wow", what a creation, what an illusion, what a Dream World, that you perceive as "Reality". Oh yes, and the only way for you to view and experience your Dream World of humanness as "Reality", according to your famous Jeshua ben Joseph, is if you view and experience your Dream World as "an illusion" an experiential dimension of non-reality, which you currently perceive as "Reality".

Do you "get it", My Immortal, Multidimensional, "Spirits of Love", who some of you refer to as "The Children of God", that I made in My Image. "My Image", My Children of Light Divine...I am The Great Mystery of Infinite Love, and I made you in My Image, "The Incomprehensible", and somehow you perceive yourselves to be "human"..."really" you perceive yourselves to be "incomprehensible", My Children of Light Divine?

Oh no, for some of you, within your illusion of humanness, think you have yourselves "all figured out". Oh yes, you think you know you are "human"...a physical, fearful race of beings, with no conscious connection to...relationship with, your Creator, who of course is "Me", the author of this, God's Blog, on 

Oh yes, you live in a "Dream World" of non-reality, which you are convinced is "Reality".

Ah...and here we go again, My Children of Light perceive the non-reality of your humanness as "Reality"...the non-reality of your Dream World of humanness, which you experience as "Reality", and yet, all along, throughout the entire history of your "Dream World" of humanness, it has all been an illusion, a means to experience "the impossible", separation from Me, your Creator, The Infinite, Incomprehensible, Beingness of Love and yet, in the words of Jeshua ben Joseph, within his The Way of Mastery, I can be known, felt, realized, and lived with!  

I, your Infinite and Incomprehensible Creator, a Beingness of Love, created you in My Image, with an eternal relationship with Me, which you know, feel, realize and live within, and yet, you chose to create your Dream World of humanness so you could experience the opposite of your "Reality", which is of course are lives in physicality, dark emotions (versus Love, Perfect Peace, and Bliss), and an "illusion" of separation from Me.  

Oh yes, and now, within your Dream World of non-reality, within your Dream World of humanness, within your Dream World of pain and suffering, when one of your own, your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, a fellow Child of Light Divine, explains to you how to put an end to your Dream World of non-reality, of pain and suffering, whereby you transform your Dream World into the "Real World" of Infinite Love, Pefect Peace, and Pure Intelligence...the world, the Infiniteness of Creation, where you know, feel, realize, and live within your eternal relationship with Me, The Incomprehensible Everywhereness of Love, "you", humanity, somehow choose to remain lost in your Dream World of humanness

"WOW"...that is quite some dream, for you are choosing, via My gift of free-will, to dream your dream of humanness, of non-reality, of fearful consciousness, of pain and suffering, rather than waking-up to the "Reality" of Who and What I created you to be...Immortal, Multidimensional, Blissful, Spirits of Love.  

Okay...when you have suffered enough, and desire to wake-up from your Dream World of humanness, we will be waiting to help you. When that day arrives, you can begin reading Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery Trilogy...and please, continue to read, study, and practice the wisdom contained therein until you live free of all fear, and free of all dark emotions, which of course means you will have remembered, and live within our relationship, and I Am Love.

That is all...

Abba...The Infintie Beingness of Love...


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