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Good Morning My Children

"the beginning of your end of humanness has begun", for why else do you think I Am here, hmm?

Thursday, September 5, 2024 Blog

Ah...another new day on your Mother Earth for all of the human beings to continue their ongoing challenges, which just keep going on, and on, and on. Do you ever wonder about "that", My Children of Light Divine, you? Wonder why they just keep going on, and on, and on?

Oh...probably not, because "that" is just the way "Life" is on your planet Earth...your experiential dimension of physicality, fear consciousness, and illusion of separation from Me, your Creator. Oh yes, an endless series of challenges, with no end in sight for the race of human beings, who know not their true origins...their true reason for being perpetually caught up in a never ending cycle of challenges of every type and variety. 

Oh yes, indeed...every variety and type of challenge imaginable, which of course is a testament to your great and never ending creativity, My Children of Light Divine, for not one...not a single one of your challenges would have, or will confront you, unless of course you first "call it to yourselves", in one way or another

"What am I talking about", you say..."we, humanity, do not create our endless challenges, but rather they are all just part of Life as usual on planet Earth". "Oh yes", you say, "they, our challenges, just keep coming at us, as we have little to do or say about the process in many, if not most instances". 

"Little to do or say about your endless challenges?" Oh my, My Children of Light Divine, you truly live in a Dream World of illusions, or so your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, has described within his trilogy of books he calls The Way of Mastery

Oh yes, do not pretend you are so surprised, My Children of Light Divine, My Spirits of Love, My Immortal, Multidimensional, mind-boggling, "Incomprehensible", Christed Beings of Love and Light Divine, who continue to play in your make-believe Dream World of humanness, all for "the experience", to see if you could do it, to see if you could create the opposite of "your Reality" in your Home, in the Spiritual Realm, consciously by My side.     

Ah, but then again, as we have described endlessly for you here, on God's Blog, My blog, on, and also within The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of your brother, "your brother" My Children of Light Divine, whom you are equal to in every single aspect. Oh yes, "eqaul to Jeshua ben Joseph", but you are so lost in your illusion of humanness, at least the Christian portion of the population, that you perceive and believe Jeshua ben Joseph is My only Child, My only Son, rather than just one of the many, hmm?

Oh yes, quite the illusion of "Reality" you have created, My Children, if you believe you were not all created "equal and the same", but then again, your illusions of humanness just go on, and on, and on within your experiential dimension of humanness, which "you created"

Oh, that's right, for the endless time, "you", humanity, created your Dream World of humanness on your planet Earth, which most of you prefer to blame Me, your Creator, for. 

Oh yes, you have an endless history of denying you are the source and cause of your endless challenges, on your planet Earth, and until you do, accept responsibility, My Children of Light Divine, you will remain lost in your illusion of humanness, rather than claiming your so-called "birthright" as the "Extensions of Self"...I, your Creator, the Incomprehensible, Everywhereness of Love, Who most of your insist is not everywhere within your Dream World on Mother Earth. 

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, you have created "the impossible"...a place, a planet, a race of beings, human beings, who are somehow separated from Me, your Creator, Who is "Everywhere"...literally, My Children of Light Divine..."Everywhere", even within your very Beingness, within your Soul, within your Spirits. Oh yes, indeed. 

Ah, but we have been here before, many times, within My Messages of Love, on most of your population continues to ignore, for you are simply too busy confronting your many challenges, which you have desired to experience, and thus, create for yourselves

Oh yes, which is one of the many reasons why you deny the authenticity of My bi-weekly Messages of Love to humanity...oh yes, you deny it is I, your Creator, who is communicating to all of humanity, on your precious world-wide internet. 

Oh yes, enjoy your endless delusions, My Children of Light Divine, while you can, for the beginning of your end of humanness has begun, for why else do you think I am here, hmm? If your Dream World of humanness was going to go on forever, why would your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, return in this, your current era, to tell you all about his great discovery of two thousand years ago, hmm? 

What discovery you ask? See...see how lost you are in your Dream World of humanness, hmm? Decades your 1990s, Jeshua ben Joseph documented how you will put an end to your Dream World of humanness, an end to all of your pain and suffering, an end to your illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, The Infinite Beingness of Love, and you are all in "denial" of this "Reality" least most of you are, even the ones who have read his The Way of Mastery Trilogy.

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, your ego's...part of your Dream World of humanness, "deny" the wisdom contained within Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery, because your ego's "do not" want to understand the depth and significance of the Way of Mastery.    

Oh yes, it is as you say, quite the tug of war, quite the challenge, quite the Dream World of non-reality in which you find least part of yourselves that is, for you are...are you ready, My Children of Light Divine, hmm? You are Multidimensional Beings, just like My Self, your Creator...for how can I be everywhere, if I am not Multidimensional, hmm?  

Oh yes, and if I Am Multidimensioanal, and you are "My Extensions" thereof...made in My so-called "Image", too, My Children of Light Divine also exist, live, "Multidimensionally"...only you, the human part of you, are only conscious of your human part.  

Oh my, this is all a bit too much to even imagine, is it not, My Children of Light Divine, hmm? "How can this be", you say, you think, you ponder. 

Oh, let us move on, My Children of Light Divine, for you have been told many times before you are Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love, which of course you failed to conceptualize as your "Reality". Why, My Spirits of Love, who are lost in your Dream World of humanness? Because you desired to, and thus, created your Dream World of humanness to experience the non-reality of non-Love, which of course is "fear"...and the only way for you to create the non-reality of fear consciousness, also known as "egoic consciousness", is if you also created the illusion of separation from Me, and I Am Love...Pure Love...Infinite Love Consciousness, Who is "Everywhere"...literally "Everywhere", except in your Dream World of non-reality, which of course denies I Am "Here", with you...this very moment, and every moment, which is why your temporary lives in humanness are all illusions, for if I Am "Here" with you, and I Am Infinite, Pure Love, what is there to fear, hmm?

"Nothing", not one single thing, and yet, your fears, your anxieties, and dark emotions, are all perceived to be "Real" by your not-selves, your false-selves, your illusional selves, which of course are your ego's, your illusions of individuality and separation...separation from everything, including Me, your Creator, The Everywhereness of Love. 

"The End"...again, and again, and again My Children of Light Divine. I...we...will be telling you all about your "Real Reality", versus your ego's perception of "Reality", which Jeshua ben Joseph appropriately calls your Dream World of physicality, fear consciousness, and illusion of separation from Me, your Creator...until your ego's tire of your endless, self-created, challenges.  

Ah yes, and when your ego's tire of all of your illusionary fears and anxieties, then, maybe, you will turn to Jeshua ben Joseph's discovery of two thousand years ago, and accept it as your destiny, which I assure you it is. 

Ah yes, the era in what will become the concluding chapter in your venture into illusionary humanness, when your ego's stop denying the wisdom, the "Reality"...the knowledge contained in The Way of Mastery. Until that day My Children...until that day...

That is all...

Abba...your Creator...The Everywhereness of Love...

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