A field of consciousness with choice, a Spirit...or a temporary human form? What is "Reality" and what is a temporary illusion?
The Children...the so-called Children of God, begotten and yet, not made. Oh yes, here "we" are again, another new day on Mother Earth has just begun, and "here" we are, in a place and time which "you", humanity, perceive to be "Reality" when it is truly anything and everything but "Reality".
How very confused you became, so very quickly, after you first began incarnating into your experiential dimension of humanness. How confused you ask, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine? So very, very, very confused that you perceived that the "illusion" of having no conscious, ongoing relationship with Me, your Creator and Divine Parent, was normal..."Reality".
Oh yes, oh my, and if "that" is not very, very, very confused then, your definition of very, very, very confused should be revisited. Oh yes, revisited because this "Reality" of your confused state of humanness greatly expanded into a new category of emotions called "fear-full emotions"...the "dark emotions" they are often called...illusions one and all, which of course you believe are "Real".
Oh yes, and those of you who take the time to read this issue of My Message of Love to humanity will quickly...immediately question what I am conveying to you, humanity, this morning...for your perception of Reality, with an emphasis on the word "perception", naturally includes the non-Reality of your self-created dark emotions.
Oh yes, you perceive, think, live, and own all of your so-called "dark emotions", also known as "fear consciousness" in the Real World of Love or Oneness Consciousness, where all know, live, and own the "Real Reality", that all dark emotions are simply a "grand illusion"...a component of an "experiential dimension", which of course was and is just an element, a characteristic, a quality that "you chose" to experience, out of curiosity, to see if such an experience was possible, and then of course, as has been described often within My Blog, "God's Blog", on JeshuabenJoseph.com, you, "humanity", immediately became lost in your experiential dimension of humanness, which your brother and friend, one known as Jeshua ben Joseph, has referred to as your Dream World of physicality, fear consciousness, and illusion of separation from Me, The Creator, The Infinite Field...The Infinite Matrix of Love, "in" which all exist, as in "all"...everything and everybody.
"Dream World", My Children of Light Divine...would you perceive that anything with such a name as "Dream World" to be a place you could, or should, refer to as "Reality"...hmm? Of course not...anyone who was not insane, and yet...yet, My Children of Light Divine, the Spirits of Love who you truly are, fields of consciousness with choice, have chosen to perceive your creation, your Dream World of humanness to be representative of "Reality".
Ah yes, very, very, very confused are you not...to perceive, live, and own your Dream World as part of "Reality", on your planet Earth, an experiential dimension...an "experiential dimension" you created, and are now experiencing until you tire of your temporary human experience.
"Temporary" My Children of Light Divine...you understand what the word "temporary" means, don't you...hmm? Just like one of your many human games, hmm? And what human...what Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirit of Love, who thinks they are "human", play a game, to temporarily experience what they have never experienced before, become so confused that they believe, live, and own their game as part of "Reality"...hmm?
Do you get "the picture" My Children of Light Divine...your self-made picture, your self-made Dream World of humanness, which you have been so very, very, very confused "within" that you perceive your temporary humanness to be "Reality".
Oh my, have I made your self-made "illusion of Reality", which you perceive as "Reality", clear enough for you, hmm...this time...as I have described so many times before, here on God's Blog, within JeshuabenJoseph.com...hmm?
I am talking to "you", My Children of Light Divine...oh yes, "you" who believe, live, and own your illusion of humanness as "Reality", instead of just one of the infinite experiential dimensions in all of Creation, which you can experience...hmm?
Your Deam World of humanness is not "Reality", My Spiritual Children of Light Divine. There, is that clear enough for you, My Children, My Spirits of Love, My fields of consciousness with choice, who have chosen to become lost in your Dream World of non-reality, of humanness, and then call those who attempt to help you out of your "illusion of Reality", out of your Dream World of humanness, as "insane".
Oh yes, so now, finally, maybe just a few of you will understand, and at least partially appreciate, why I referred to all of humanity as very, very, very confused, hmm?
Oh yes, I know, there have been a few humans who have actually found a way to wake themselves up from your Dream World of humanness, but as has been described by Jeshua ben Joseph, within his The Way of Mastery Trilogy, that club is rather small.
Would you like to join the club, My Children of Light Divine, hmm? Would you trade your Dream World of physicality, fear consciousness, and illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, The Creator...for the "Reality" of Love Consciousness, also known as Creator Consciousness, Oneness Consciousness, and Bliss? Would you make that trade, My Children of Light Divine...hmm?
Probably sounds too good to be true, is it not, My Children of Light Divine? Isn't that what your inner voice of fear consciousness is telling you at this very moment, hmm? Just listen, My Children of Light Divine...yes, just continue to listen to that same voice within, your egoic, fear-full voice within, which you created...which you refuse to take credit for. Oh yes...indeed.
You refuse to take credit for all of your human creations of confusion, of non-reality, so you will continue to be so confused...so very, very, very lost in your Dream World of humanness, that you "deny", over, and over, and over again that Jeshua ben Joseph is your brother, friend, and "equal". Yes, My Children, that is correct...you have been told this before, "your equal" versus your hypothetical, mythical, only Son of Me, you Creator and Divine Parent, The Infinite Matrix of Love, "in" which you exist for all of eternity.
Ah yes, My Children of Light Divine, we are back to one of your ego's very favorite mechanisms of defense, "denial". You are in "denial" this very moment. How does it "feel"...hmm? Oh yes, that egoic, fear-full voice within, telling you that I, your Creator and Divine Parent, is not the Creator of all...oh yes, indeed.
Oh yes, just listen to "that voice within", My Children of Light Divine, if you choose to remain lost in your Dream World of fear consciousness and illusion of separation from Me, The Infinite Beingness of Love. Oh yes, this too is a choice for you to make, as you have been making it over, and over, and over again, for the millenia "here", within your Dream World of humanness.
The decision of denying the Real World and owning your illusion of humanness...your Dream World of fear consciousness, and entire gambit of dark emotions. How are your ego's enjoying all of your self-created pain and suffering, My Children of Light Divine...hmm? Ah yes, I can hear your egoic voices "within", for I am everywhere, denying "Reality", denying that your Dream World of humanness is in fact just a "Dream World", a self-created experiential dimension.
Oh yes, indeed...for your ego's are true experts at "denying" what you are responsible for, and that would be your illusion, your Dream World of humanness on planet Earth.
Oh yes, and in doing so, you deny that you have free-will, a gift I bestowed upon you, all of humanity...oh yes, indeed. Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, you have trapped yourselves in your own trap of humanness, forever destined to remain in your cycle of reincarnation into your Dream World of humanness, after short periods in the "Real World of Pure Love and Perfect Peace", in what you refer to as "the afterlife".
The "afterlife"...how amusing, how confused you are My Children of Light Divine. If it is the "afterlife" you are going to, why do so many remember "living" in the afterlife...hmm...My Children of Light Divine? Why do thousands and thousands of case studies of near death experiences all result in the same conclusion, hmm? How does your egoic, fear-full voice within explain the thousands and thousands of near death experiences, where your Spirit, your Soul's, remain in a living, conscious state, "outside" of your experiential dimension of humanness...hmm?
Now...My Children of Light Divine, who is truly confused? When you drop something, anything, and it falls to the ground, what do you prove, My Children of Light Divine? You prove, over, and over, and over again that when you are on planet Earth, there is something called the "law of gravity". It is one of the characteristics of space and time, it is called "physicality", one of the aspects of the Infiniteness of Creation.
When you "shift in consciousness" from your Dream World of humanness to the Real World of Love Consciousness, which your ego's call the "afterlife", you are still "alive", you are still "conscious", you still have "free-will", you still are "within Me", The Infinite Beingness of Love.
Ah yes, an interesting question arises, does it not, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine? Which of those two dimensions represent "Reality", My Children of Light Divine, hmm...and which one represents just an illusion?
That is all...
Abba...The Infinite Beingness of Love...