Good Morning My Children

Humanity: "the darkness of my ego still dominates my decision-making...but I sure do like talking about living in Pure Love and Perfect Peace, as discovered by Jeshua ben Joseph, two thousand years ago"

Good Morning My Children

It is only a matter of time, before others dissolve your egoic illusion of separation, from what you can never be separated from, "Me", your Creator...the incomprehensible, Infinite Matrix of Love, Who is "everywhere"...

Good Morning My Children

Dissolve your ego, and re-establish your relationship with Me, your All-Loving Creator...this is what you call a "no brainer", is it not?

Good Morning My Children

Oh...maybe "this" is why he (Jeshua ben Joseph) has returned, in this current era, to deliver his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings? Surely I jest...

Good Morning My Children

Remember where you were "before" you chose to incarnate into your human costumes of fear consciousness and physicality...hmm?

Good Morning My Children

"We Love You"

The Great Shift in Consciousness from fear to Love...

Good Morning My Children avoid choosing to become "fully committed" to purifying your Soul's of the darkness which "you have created"...which "you chose" to experience...

"One Mind"

Good Morning My Children

If Jeshua ben Joseph had used your common human approach two thousand years ago, he would still be incarnating into your human cycle of reincarnation...

"Our relationship", My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, is just like every other relationship...

Good Morning My Children

Ironic? What Could Be More Ironic, My Immortal, Multidimensional, Children of The Light Divine?

...your illusion of humanness has convinced you The Creator is not "The Creator".

Good Morning My Children

We Not Only Know Your Past and Present, We Also Know Your Future

There are many who say I Am not The Creator, The Source of All...

Good Morning My Children

"You Have Decided" Not to Come Home Yet, To the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love..."Your Choice" My Children...

Good Morning My Children

You Live "Within" the Everywhereness of My Love, and Yet, You Still "Fear"...Do You See the Conflict My Children?

The Second Coming of Jeshua ben Joseph is "here".
