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Good Morning My Children

Thursday, June 20, 2024 Blog

Ah yes, this morning, within your experiential dimension of physicality and fear consciousness, we will explore a few new topics...or at least a few new topics that represent a new context for prior messages, which as you say, "did not get the job done".

Ah, and there are many such prior Messages of Love, are there not, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine? Oh yes, indeed, Messages of Love that were, and remain, simply "incomprehensible" to your limited, make-believe, egoic, human consciousness

Hmm...did you "get that one", My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, or should I, as you say, "spell it out for you"...hmm? Limited, make-believe, egoic, human consciousness...does not, and never will, represent "Reality". Oh yes, a common, reoccurring theme, within these bi-weekly articles on God's Blog, via"non-reality", illusion, Dream World, humanness, Life on Planet Earth, hmm...should I go on, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, who are literally pretending to be lost in humanness, or do you understand My drift? 

Oh, you are at times surprised when I, your Creator, use elements of your human vernacular, to communicate with you here on God's Blog. Oh yes, I almost sound like one of you, but "that" cannot be possible, or so your ego's tell you..."The Creator cannot sound like one of it must not, cannot be our Creator".   

Yes, yes, your egoic voices tell you..."it cannot be our Creator, for just listen to what this phoney Creator is saying to cannot be true, so it must not be our Creator".

Oh my, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, when a liar tells you something cannot be true, and you believe "them", what does that make you...hmm...My Spirits of Love? 

Oh yes, you have conditioned yourselves with limited, fearful, humanness for so, so very long that you have grown to believe your egoic voices are actually telling you the Truth..."the Truth"...egoic, fear consciousness, is not "The Truth", and yet, all of humanity has fallen prey to the never-ending saga of illusion being doled out by your illusion of fearful, egoic consciousness

Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, is that clear enough for you, or should I "draw you a picture" of the never-ending untruthfulness of your egoic voices "within", which you continue to mistake for "Reality".

Oh my, your egoic versions of "Reality" can be described in many, many ways...however...however...are you ready...hmm? "Reality" is definitely not...I say "not" one of them.

What would be a good analogy for Me to describe your egoic dribble...your never-ending egoic dribble? Ah yes, your could I be so slow? "Some" of your politicians will stand up in front of human gatherings, often on your "live" streaming broadcasts, look into the camera, and tell you what they know is not true, but will say it in a manner that attempts to make it sound as though it is "true"

Your egoic, fearful, "voices within" does the very same thing..."constantly", as in "forever"...the forever of the human race on planet Earth, within your experiential dimension, which "you created" to see if you could experience the non-reality, the impossibility of non-Love, and that would be "non-Me", "non-Creator", "non-The Everywhereness of Love", which your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, has described in so many contexts, in an attempt to make you comprehend that your experiential dimension of humanness does not..."does not" represent "Reality"...that he has almost..."almost" used all such possible contexts, that there are no new ones to use. 

Can you imagine "that", My Spiritual Children of Light Divine...hmm? Your ever famous, and truthful, Jeshua ben Joseph, your so-called only son of Me, your Creator, publically returns to your experiential dimension, in the form of a very large body of channeled information (because he has no desire to once again penetrate your egoic illusion of fear consciousness, with another human of your human costumes) and your egoic, fearful dominated, collective consciousness does not believe him???

"Impossible" you say, but then, why don't you believe him, when he tells you in Lesson #1, in his The Way of Mastery Trilogy, that "Life" on Earth is "just like your dreams"...hmm? The same, "I understand his words, but do not comprehend them" response occurs over, and over, and over again, for decades, each time almost any human being reads The Way out of your non-reality of humanness, to the Reality of My Everywhereness of is called The Way of Mastery Trilogy

Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, dreaming you are human beings, your ego's, also known as "your illusion of fear consciousness and separation from Me, your Creator", have you brainwashed into believing that your "Dream World" of humanness is "Reality"...that your Dream World is the "Truth", rather than a Dream!  

How is "that" for clarity, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, My Spirits of Love, who are dreaming your humanness is "Reality" when Jeshua ben Joseph penetrates your Dream World, and delivers his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, your illusion, your fear consciousness, your ego's tell you "within" that it can either not be Jeshua ben Joseph, or...because of your egoic, human, brainwashing, blocks the "Reality" of his message (which also happens to be My message), and "you", humanity, become just like the audiance of your lying politician, who believe lies are the "Truth"

Ah yes, here we are, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, it is time for My Message of Love to humanity this fine morning, "within" your Dream World of Humanness...your illusionary version of "Reality"...your ego's version of non-Reality, who convince you is "Reality"...ah...are you still with Me, My Children...I'm not going too fast for you, am I? 

Your egoic voice "within" has been lying to you, and every human being, ever since you stepped foot on planet your ego's tell you, Jeshua ben Joseph's path out of your Dream World of egoic, fear consciouness, is somehow not to be followed, for what ever reason...such as, "I'm just too busy being human, I just don't have the time", you believe the lie, that you ego's tell you...over, and over, and over again

"You just don't have the time", are you kidding Me, "really"?  You are "IMMORTAL", you have all the time there is, like "forever". You incarnate into your Dream World of humanness, of egoic, fear consciousness, from your Home in the Spiritual Realm, live a life of egoic reality, called "a life of humanness", shed your temporary, physical, human costume (the illusion of death), and return Home, to the "True Peace" of the Spiritual Realm.  

After a period of True Peace, "ah", you say to yourselves, "I did not experience...I did not accomplish all that I desire to, within that Dream World of humanness", and off you go.  

"Not enough time" your ego's tell you, "your illusion of Self", your ego's tell you something, lie to you, over, and over, and over, after life, incarnation after incarnation, and you believe them, your ego's? "WAKE UP"..."WAKE UP". Don't you want to "WAKE UP" from your Dream World of humanness, as Jeshua ben Joseph did two thousand years ago? Don't you want to experience the "Everywhereness of Love", while still in your Dream World? Don't you want to re-establish your conscious, living, relationship with your Creator, "Me", Who just happens to be "everywhere", including "within" your Soul's this very moment...only your egoic illusion of yourselves has you convinced...brainwashed into believing that such a "Reality" is "not Reality". 

Ah yes, another egoic lie, in a never-ending stream of lies, until you dissolve your illusion of Self, which your ego's continue to tell you...lie to you, that such an "egoic illusion" is "Reality"

What do you call someone who has been told they are "living a lie", and how to put an end to such a lie (The Way of Mastery Trilogy), who then chooses to believe, and continue to live the lie? 

That is all...

Abba...your Divine Parent...

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