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Good Morning My Children

Monday, July 8, 2024 Blog

Good, good, "good morning" to all on planet Earth on this fine new day. Oh..."what a day" to dream away in your illusion of humanness, and separation from that which you can never, ever be separated from. Why? Because you literally live "within" that which you perceive you are separated from, and that would be "Me", The Creator of All, The Infinite Field of Love Consciousness, and oh, so very much more. 

Ah yes, we...Jeshua ben Joseph and friends, have covered all of this so, so many times before, and we will continue to do so until we pierce your illusion of humanness, your illusion of "Reality", whereby a trickle of Souls, a trickle of Spirits of Love, begin to awaken to the "Real Reality" which Jeshua ben Joseph first began speaking about two thousand years ago.

Oh yes, My Spirits of Love Consciousness, who for so very long denied the title which you more commonly describe yourselves as, and that would be The Children of God...The Children of "Me"...The Children of Christ Consciousness, who have lost their way in your "self-created" illusion of humanness.

Oh yes, a story often told on this, God's Blog, of a portion of My so-called "Children" who have lost their way within the experiential dimension of humanness. How lost you ask? So lost that you believe your experiential dimension of perceived humanness is "Reality" versus just one of an infinite number of experiential dimensions. 

So lost that even when your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, returns to your experiential dimension of humanness and describes, in detail, how he awoke to "Reality" two thousand years ago, "you", in the entire human race, minus a very, very few here and there, essentialy say to Jeshua ben Joseph, to Me, your Creator and Divine Parent, no, no..."not yet", we think we are physical, fearful, human beings, on this tiny little planet of humanness, so when anyone..."anyone", even Jeshua ben Joseph and our Creator, tells us how to shift from our illusion of humanness ("Dream World" as it has been described) to the "Reality" of Oneness...the "Reality" of Love or Creator Consciousness, we simply are too busy being human, too lost in our Dream Wolrd, that we continually do what any Spirit of Love does when they are lost in the illusion of fear consciousness.  

Oh yes, and pray tell, what could that be, My Spirits of Love Divine, hmm? You deny you are lost in your self-made illusion of egoic, fear consciousness. Oh yes, it has become a way of Life for all My Spirits of Love "who choose" to enter the experiential dimension of humanness. Deny, deny, deny, when you choose to stop attacking and projecting that is. Oh yes, you will attack anyone who tries to pierce your illusion of humanness with the "Reality of Love". You project your state of non-reality on those few Souls who have found their way Home to the "Reality" of Love Consciousness, the "Reality" of Creator Consciousness, as some would say, by relentlessly projecting a state of insanity on those who are actually living in the "Reality of Love".   

Is "that" lost enough for you, My Spirits of Love...My Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love? So lost that you call those who are living in the Reality of Love Consciousness...those who are trying to help you out of your Dream World of fear consciousness...Dream World of pain and suffering, as "crazy people" when it is you who are "crazy"...crazy addicted to your illusion of humanness

Oh yes, My Children, you who are lost in your Dream World of humanness, call those who live in the Reality of Love as "crazy", or one of many other adjectives to make your ego's feel superior. 

Oh my, that is what you sometimes refer to as a very, very, "bad joke", is it not...hmm...My Spirits of Love, pretending to be human? 

Oh yes, within The Way of Transformation, the so-called book number two of The Way of Mastery Trilogy, Jeshua ben Joseph devotes two Lessons to describing your creation and then, your entrance into your Dream World of humanness. And I must say, he has done a very effective job of describing the "Reality" of the path you chose to take, a path of illusion, a path immersed in the non-reality of your pain and suffering, and yet, even when he delineates how to return to the "Reality of Love Consciousness", which of course is the choice to re-establish your relationship with Me, The Infinite Everywhereness of Love, you say, in so many words...hmm..."Reality" and the Bliss of Oneness Consciousness, or our Dream World of humanness...our Dream World of fear consciousness...our Dream World of pain and suffering...hmm...I have not had enough pain and suffering...I think I will stay "here", in this Dream World, in this experiential dimension of fear consciousness

How is that possible you say? Just go look in the mirror, My Children of Light Divine. Look what "you have created", planned for, and are living out...another lifetime of humanness

Oh yes, it as your ego's often tell you, that it was not "your choice" to incarnate into into your experiential dimension of humanness...your so-called Dream World of fear consciousness. Is that not what your ego's tell you, hmm...that voice within, that tells you lie, after lie, after lie?

Oh yes, lie, after lie, after lie, for that is what "your egos" are experts at...lying to you, during the course of each of your incarnations into your Dream World of humanness. Oh yes, a select few of your psychiatrists have even begun to delve into "your egoic voice within", but alas, their ego's avoid the "Reality" of what your egoic voice within truly represents.   

Oh yes, that voice of illusion, that voice of fear consciousness, that peppers you with a relentless, never-ending, stream of illusions and delusions about your Dream World of humanness being "Real", so you must not do "that, or "that", or "that", for "that" will only make your lives worse. 

Oh my, more pain and suffering...we want to avoid more pain and suffering, your egoic voices within tell you, and yet...yet...your illusion of aloneness and separation...your illusion of egoic humanness, is the root cause of your pain and suffering...cause of your relentless search for True Love and Everlasting Peace.

Oh yes, and this egoic voice within is the very voice you allow to guide you throughout each of your incarnations into your Dream World of humanness. 

This state of affairs is no longer any "big surprise", My Children of Light Divine, unless of course you remain brainwashed, and deny the wisdom of Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery Trilogy. Who would do such a thing? Who would be aware of the path Home to True Love and Perfect Peace, that Jeshua ben Joseph discovered and traveled two thousand years ago, and somehow succumb to the egoic lies of your egoic voice within?   

Thousand and thousands of Souls, lost in your Dream World of humanness, lost in your illusion of physicality, fear consciousness, and separation from Me, "Abba", your Creator and Divine Parent, have made such a choice. 

How is this possible? Have you been paying attention? Are you reading the words and somehow, not understanding the message? Please, raise all of your hands, and admit it...admit that you are reading My Message of Love and choosing to do what? What have I described to you this morning, on My Blog, on 

I have described to you, as has Jeshua ben Joseph, within his the Way of Mastery course, you have been guided by your egoic voice of fear consciousness "within". Right "now", this very moment, your egoic voice of deceit and illusion is telling you what you should do. Oh yes, and what is your egoic voice within telling you...hmm?

"Oh yes, this Message of Love from your Creator and Divine attention, and follow the guidance provided." 

No, no...this is not what your egoic voice within is telling you to do...oh no. For the Truth is that your egoic voice within finds one way or another to avoid the Truth of the Message of Love...the "Reality of the Everywhereness of Love", of which I Am...always have been...always will be.  

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, you have a choice to make. Continue to be guided by the lies of the egoic voice within your beingness, or dissolve it, just as Jeshua ben Joseph did, two thousand years ago. Dissolve the source of the lies, and replace "that voice" with My Voice...My Voice of Truth, Love, and Perfect Peace.  

Would you not prefer to be guided by the Truth, Pure love, and Perfect Peace in place of "that voice" you have been following ever since you first stepped foot within your experiential dimension of humanness? 

Your choice My Children...for I gave you "free-will", to create whatever experiences that you so desire. No more excuses My one to blame for your state of affairs...except that Soul you see in your mirror, who is pretending to be human.

Had enough?

That is all...

Abba...your Divine Parent, The Everywhereness of Love...


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