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Good Morning My Children

The experiential dimension, which "you chose" to become so lost within, that you even forgot "Who" and "What" you truly are...

Thursday, June 27, 2024 Blog

Good, good, "Good Morning", My Children of Light are you on this spectacular day, on Mother Earth. Oh yes, "spectacular" indeed, for where else in all of Creation can you pretend to be human, enmeshed in such a variety of emotions, and physical characteristics, and not..."not" be consciously living within your relationship with Who and What created you, and that of course is Me, The Everywhereness of Love, Who you "blocked out" upon entering your experiential dimension of physicality, fear consciousness, and illusion of separation from Me, "Abba", Whom you live within, and yet, pretend you are separated from

Oh yes, how unusual, is it not, for you, My Children of Light Divine, to deny any knowledge or sense of relationship with Who is "Everywhere", Who created you..."you", the Extension of Self, The One, The Only Everywhereness of Love, Who it is literally impossible to be separated from, and yet...yet, such is the illusion, the experiential dimension, which "you chose" to enter, experience, and become so lost within, that you even forgot "Who" and "What" you truly are, even though you retain your Conscious Awareness with Choice, "free-will" it is often called, within your experiential dimension of Mother Earth.    

Oh my, what a combination, what an environment, and for your invention, "humanness", is not what some on Earth refer to as a "one and done". Oh no, you choose to go back, time and time again, with what is called "reincarnation", and you do it within the limitations of time and space...the span of how long your unique human constumes, script, and personalitties survive. It is called a "single incarnation" human lifetime. 

Oh yes, from the very beginning of each incarnation into your humanness, there are built in limitations for the time you spend lost in your experiential dimension of humanness, which you do not perceive and experience with any sense of "being lost". Oh no...not "you", humanity, for you also created your perceived sense of individuality and separation from everything, it is called "your ego", which by definition, "definition" My Children of Light Divine, is fear consciousness.  

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, you live out each incarnation, "within" your experiential dimension, "within" egoic, fear consciousness, a "perceived sense of aloneness", and who would not be fearful of such an illusion, hmm, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, who for the most part are far, far from being conscious of Who and What you truly are, even though you have retained an unusual permutation of Conscious Awareness with Choice

Oh yes, indeed, being lost in your experiential dimension of humanness can be, and is, often far more than just "a little fearful". It can be truly frightening. Why do you think such a variety of despair and depression is so rampant within your experiential dimension of egoic, fear consciousness, hmm? It is as you say, "no accident"...oh no, My Children of Light Divine, "no accident", indeed...for that, your perceptions of darkness, of separation from The Light, My Infinite Light Divine, is and remains, a pre-determined choice you make each time you incarnate into one of your human costumes of physicality. It is called "a human body-brain". 

Ah...maybe now you will understand why we, Jeshua ben Joseph and I, continually refer to your temporary journey into your humanness as your illusion of physicality and egoic, fear consciousness. Oh yes, what a combination, physicality and fear consciousness, which you chose to perceive as "Reality". 

What a perception, what an illusion, what an experience, which you choose over, and over, and over again. It is almost..."almost", I think it is, as if you have become so lost, so conditioned by your illusion of humanness that when anyone, even Me, "Abba", your Creator, attempts to convey to you what "Reality" truly is, you perceive them to be "insane". 

Oh my, can you imagine such a situation, hmm...My Children of Light Divine? Why do you think Jeshua ben Joseph began to perform what you refer to as "miracles" two thousand years ago, hmm? It was the only way you, "humanity", would take My Message of Love seriously. Oh yes, for until your so-called series of miracles began to occur, almost no one perceived Jeshua ben Joseph as "sane"

Oh yes, that little detail, one of the many, was conveniently omitted from your Holy Bible. "That Jeshua ben Joseph", with his stories of "Love is everywhere", "Heaven is spread out upon the Earth, and yet, humanity sees it not"...was perceived as a "crazy man".  

Ah, but when the miracles began to occur, that changed everything...that garnered everyone's attention, most notably the Jewish hierachy, the Sanhedrin, and of course, the brutal representatives of The Roman Empire, who demanded absolute control over the Jewish population. 

Oh yes, the shift in perception of "Jeshua the crazy man" "Jeshua, the long-awaited Messiah of the Jews", occurred literally "overnight", for the belief in a savior of the Jewish culture was deeply engrained. 

In a "blink", there was not a small following, of the once perceived "crazy man", called Jeshua ben Joseph, but rather the entire population, along with the reigning Roman's, became very much aware of Jeshua's Message of Love...and the existential threat to the balance of power, which the Romans had imposed. 

Long story short, that is why Jeshua ben Joseph, along with his authentic Jeshua movement, did not survive the crushing dominance of The Roman Empire. Oh no, even though your history books and Roman Greco Christianity tells a very different story.  

Ah, but we have covered this "Reality" many times before on this, My Blog, God's Blog, on, and I will continue to do so, until The Great Shift in Consciousness, which was discovered by Jeshua ben Joseph two thousand years ago, becomes the inevitable perception of "Reality", which it is destined..."destined" My Children, to become. 

Oh yes, The Way of Mastery Trilogy, will arise from the obscurity of, to be a focal point of interest and investigation for a larger, and larger, and larger portion of the population. There will be wave, after wave, of those who will fail to recognize the "Reality" contained within The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, but as you sometimes say, "what is new about that"?

What is new? What is new, you ask? Have you read The Way of Mastery? Have you studied and absorbed the literal meaning of its Message of Love, or are you one of the many who have read The Way of Mastery, who remain dominated by your choice of egoic, fear consciousness, which "loves" to see things through the illusions of fear consciousness, and separation from Me, The Everywhereness of Love? 

Ah yes, if you have read The Way of Mastery, you most likely fall into the group who may claim they comprehend The Way of Mastery, and yet...remain cloaked in the forgetfulness of egoic, fear consciousness

Ah yes, the human ego...Jeshua ben Joseph devoted a lifetime of acquiring the knowledge, the techniques, to awaken from your Dream World of egoic fear consciousness, with its illusion of separation from Me, your Creator..."a lifetime", My Children of Light Divine, and in just a single reading or two of The Way of Mastery, some Souls, Spirits of Love, lost in your Dream World of humannessclaim "complete comprehension" of Jeshua's Message of Love, of the shift in consciousness required to once again live in the "Reality" of our eternal realtionship

My, my, the human ego...quite "the creation" My Spirits of Love, which excels at a perception of "Reality", that is anything but "Reality". What am I to do with you, who are so lost in your self-created "Dream World", as described by Jeshua ben Joseph, that you selectively "pick and choose" what elements of The Way of Mastery you will embrace, and which ones your ego's choose to ignore. 

My, my, an uninformed observer of the human race would look at your long history and say, "you are doomed in a self perpetuating cycle of darkness", which of course your ego's will claim is "a steady march in the evolution of humanity...look at all of the progress, the best is yet to come". 

Look at all the progress, the best is yet to come? "Really", this is what your ego's tell you...and you believe it? Really? How many died in the battle fields of humanity this day? Not only the battle fields of where a war is being wagged, but in the streets of your cities, My Children of Light Divine?  

Shall I go on...hmm...or do your ego's want to "spin away" the darkness in which you live...incarnate into, over, and over, and over again?

From one perspective, it is challenging to understand how your illusion, your egoic fear consciousness, has remained in control of your Dream World of humannness for so long. Ah, but that "egoic voice within you all" is so very effective at directing you away from the "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love

"Impossible" your ego's tell you? "Impossible"...oh, you of little faith. Impossible for you to awaken from your "Dream World" of humanness to the "Reality" you are Spirits of Love? "This" has already occurred, My Children of Light Divine, but you choose to see and feel it not, for you have chosen to forget you are Multidimensional..."Multidimensionally Aware" My Children.

Ah yes, and that will give you something to think about.

That is all...

Abba..."The Creator"...The Great Mysterry of Love, Who is "Everywhere"....


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