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Good Morning My Children

Can I create unlike God...can I create, "transform myself" into something other than what God created me to be?

Thursday, July 11, 2024 Blog

Oh yes, another day, and another day, and another day comes and goes, as Mother Earth goes around, and around, and around. Somewhat like humanity, who goes around, and around, and around the Truth, looking for True Love and Lasting Peace but never, ever finds it.  

Oh no, even when someone finds the Truth...finds True Love and Perfect Peace, and then, tells you about to find it, how to experience it, how to own it, and "live it", humanity finds a way to distort the Truth, distort the path to True Love and Perfect Peace, whereby you somehow think your distorted form of Truth, which is clearly not the Truth of the one you say you are following, is how you choose to live your lives, and guess what My Children of Light Divine, you never find True Love and Perfect Peace.

Sound about right, hmm? Oh no, you would never admit to "that", now would you? Oh no, more distortion, more confusion, more rationalization, more lies, more self-condemnation, and "wha-la", your current incarnation is over, and you find yourselves in The Light in the Spiritual Dimension saying to yourselves, "I could have done better"

Oh yes, that is what everyone says when they make the shift from your Earth dimension of physicality and fear consciousness to the True Peace of the Spiritual Realm...the Spiritual Dimension of Light and Real Peace, only there is always something missing, isn't there My Children of Love and Light Divine? Something you did not accomplish in your last incarnation into the experiential dimension of physicality, fear consciousness, and your illusion of separation from Who and What you can never, ever truly be separated from. 

Oh yes, and where have you heard that description before? Oh yes, the specificity of the words, of the description may be slightly different, but oh, the meaning, the understanding is unmistakenly found only in two sources. 

Oh yes, and what could those two sources be My Spirits of Love Divine, hmm? What two sources are you so often drawn to and yet, simply observe and possibly even talk about...possibly even say you emulate?

Ah yes, where are we My Children of Light Divine? We are on, reading the words on My Blog, "God's Blog" it is called.

Oh yes, and what is the message of and My Blog, hmm? What is the message that continues to be delivered by your brother, friend and equal...and of course, continually by Me, The Great Mystery of Love...The Infinite, Incomprehensible, Field of Pure Love and Perfect Peace, which you exist "within" and yet...yet, somehow claim you are separated from?  

Oh yes, what is the message that we continue to deliver to "you", humanity...over, and over, and over again...hmm? Oh yes, around, and around, and around you go, claiming you want what Jeshua ben Joseph discovered two thousand years ago, your eternal relationship with Pure Love and Perfect Peace, which of course is precisely what "I Am", and very much more, and what do you do with this information, hmm?

What do you do with the wisdom Jeshua ben Joseph has provided you with...hmm? The path to Pure Love and Perfect Peace he discovered two thousand years ago, that frightened you two thousand years ago...that continues to frighten you today?

Oh yes, that is correct, the Path to Pure Love and Perfect Peace is now available to all, and many times are we going to have to deliver this message to you...hmm? How many? How many, before you actually read, study, and practice the steps he has delivered to you in the written word and audio presentation?

But oh, reading, studying, and practicing is not enough, My Spirits of Love Divine. Oh no, you must choose to read, study, and practice "until you believe, own, and live". 

Oh yes, but around, and around, and around you go...around and around talking and seeking Pure Love and Perfect Peace, and yet...yet, you continually convince yourselves there are legitimate reasons for not following the path, the lifestyle, the formula for the "Bliss" Jeshua ben Joseph and My Self have offered to you. 

Oh my, and just why is that My Children of Light Divine? Ah yes, a question with answers...endless answers...endless answers which you tell yourselves are justification, rationalizations, for not just following Jeshua ben Joseph and obtaining what he began believing, owning, and living two thousand years ago. 

Oh yes, this is the current dilemma for humanity, the race of My Children of Light Divine, who are pretending you are "not" My Children...Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love

Oh yes, and around, and around, and around you go...just like Mother Earth...only you are finding endless ways of seeking for Pure Love and Perfect Peace, but never finding it, even when you are told by one who has "it" to find it, and live it! 

What is your excuse today, My Children of Light Divine? Oh...please, do not begin to tell Me all of your excuses, your justification for not believing, owning, and living Jeshua ben Joseph's the Way of Mastery, because I have heard them all before. 

Oh yes...over, and over, and over again...all of your excuses, all of the lies, all of the reasons why you continue to seek instead of "owning and living" as Who and What I created you to be, My Infinite Spirits of Love. 

Oh yes, do you remember...hmm? Of course not, for that is one of your excuses! You do not remember what started your endless search for Pure Love and Perfect Peace...and Perfect Union with your Creator and Divine Parent.

Shall we tell you again, My Children of Light Divine? Tell you something again, and again, and hopes it will help you choose to follow your brother, friend, and equal, Jeshua ben Joseph? Follow in his footsteps to Pure Love and Perfect Peace, rather than just creating endless excuses, so you can avoid that which you seek for...hmm?  

How insane does that last sentence make you sound...hmm? Creating endless excuses so you can avoid that which you seek for. Oh my, what would your psychiatrists tell you to do with "that one", My Children of Light Divine? What do they tell themselves, your Mental Health Professionals...hmm? What excuses do they create to avoid what they seek for? Oh, they make it sound so very educated and intelligent...and yet, they continue to avoid what they seek for

Oh yes, back to what started this cycle of avoiding that which you seek for...again. Oh yes, and before I tell you again, of the decision you have all made, let Me once again, tell you all what your reaction is going to be...hmm? 

What have I, your Divine Parent, told you, humanity...over, and over, and over again...about "your creation"...egoic, fear consciousness, hmm? What are you favorite defense mechanisms for defending "your creation", which has manifested as your illusion of separation from Me, your Creator and Divine Parent?

Forgotten so soon, My Children of Light Divine? That's okay, for I am about to remind you of something you have heard over, and over, and over again. Your favorite defense mechanisms, for defending your ego's, your illusion of individuality and separation, are attack, denial, and projection

Oh yes, attack, denial, and projection...and when those are not successful, what is your favorite fallback technique, hmm? "Guilt" create guilt in the other, or at least you try to. "Oh, woe is me", for this reason, and that reason, and this excuse, and that excuse...and on, and on, and on...and around, and around, and around you go. 

Oh yes, attack, denial, projection, and the creation of guilt...your ego's are bona-fide experts on all four, and why is this so, My Children of Light Divine, hmm? Because you have had so much practice...incarnation, after incarnation, after incarnation...for thousands of years.   

Ah, but I digress, My Children of Light Divine...back to the beginning of this cycle of illusion, cycle of excuses, rationalizations, and of course, attacks, denials, and projections. Once again, what event triggered all of this? 

"You" all made the decision, alone, in the depth of your being, in your Soul, can I create unlike God...can I create, "transform myself" into something other than what God created me to be? This was the beginning of the entire drama of humanness, "The Dream of Separation", and your creation of egoic, fear consciousness...your dream, your illusion of aloneness and fear, rather than the "Reality" of "Oneness and Love".

There, I have told you, "again", as has Jeshua ben Joseph, in The Way of Mastery..."You must come back to claiming ownership, alone, in which you decide to use the power of the mind to make a different decision--in the depth of your being. For you stand alone before your God, Who waits patiently for His Child to awaken...No one has caused you to feel what you feel, to think what you think, to act as you have acted. You have used the power of the mind to attempt the great impossibility of making yourself into something that is other than what God has created. And now, it is time to deliberately use the power of the mind to decide with your Creator." 

It is time, My Children of Light Divine, if you so choose, to return and claim ownership of Who and What I created you to be, and you do that by following in "The Way" of Jeshua ben Joseph, The Way of Mastery trilogy, for I/we have provided you with directions on how to find your way "Home" to True Love, Perfect Peace, and reunion with "Me", your Creator and Divine Parent.

That is all...




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