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Good Morning My Children

How long will you endure the "wrong directions" of your egoic, fear-full Self...the wrong directions of the "wrong voice within"?

Monday, July 22, 2024 Blog

The Children of God...on my, what are we going to do? They say one thing, and yet, they do another? They say they follow the teachings and model of Jeshua ben Joseph, and yet, they never do...millions and millions, maybe even billions. Oh my, they are so confused. They are lost in one of their own creations, and are unable to find their way out. What oh what should we do? 

This is a conversation that is ongoing in the Spiritual can we help our brothers and sisters to see The Light? Oh yes, and some reincarnate with great plans and intentions to be part of the help everybody see The Light and awaken from what Jeshua ben Joseph has already told them is a "Dream World of fear-full consciousness"

Ah...but to no avail, for as soon as they reincarnate into the Dream World, their self-made Dream World, they too are "overwhelmed" by the conditioning of relentless humanness

Oh yes, their Souls...their Spirits of Love, take on costumes, as they are called, the human body-brains, when they pass from the Spiritual Realm into the third dimension of physicality. Oh yes, it is quite a "shock" to find themselves in the womb of the chosen mother, when the conditioning of humanness is initiated and relentless thereafter

A field of consciousness with choice, a Spirit of Love, a so-called Child of God, find themselves "in" another field of consciousness with choice. Only the mother, in whom they are "conditioned to believe" they rely on for their very lives, believes she is a human being, rather than a Spirit of Love, and thus, the relentless conditioning of humanness never ceases thereafter.  

Oh no, not for one second, and once the so-called Dream World of humanness is entered, within the womb, each Spirit of Love forgets, by agreement, who and what they truly are: Spiritis of Love

Forgets, by agreement, who and what they truly are, Spirits of Love, and their makeover into humanness has commenced and completed in a "flash"...the time it takes to shift from the Spiritual Realm to the Dream World of humanness...the Dream World of fear-full consciousness, physicality, and separation from everything, most notably from their Creator, Who has been replaced, in a manner of speaking, by the human mother. 

Oh yes, replaced indeed...for instead of being conscious they were connected to and existed within the Infinite Field of Love, they are connected to and exist within their human mother. 

Our Creator, The Infinite Field of Love, The Infinite Field of Consciousness, replaced by the Dream World of humanness, within the human mother, for the mother has long been conditioned to believe she is a human being, rather than a Spirit of Love. 

There is no question, there is no doubt, and the human mother begins her role of "conditioning her human child", her human baby, that he or she is in fact, just like every other Spirit of Love who has entered the experiential dimension of humanness

Oh yes, she tells her baby, the Spirit of Love, who has put on the physical costume of humanness, you are one of us now, you are a human being, within the third dimension of Earth...this is your "Reality"

Ah yes, and the great desire and intention to help all awaken from the Dream World of humanness is quickly forgotten, but not lost. Oh no, for deep within each Spirit of Love, within the subconscious of each Soul, the memories of the Real World in the Spiritual Realm recede, buried so to speak, as is their eternal relationship with The Creator, The Infinite Field of Consciousness, in which they still reside, and yet, has been forgotten...temporarily. 

Oh yes, My Spirits of Love, you agreed to forget our relationship, as a prerequisite to enter the third dimension of physicality, fear-full consciousness, and illusion of separation from Me, The Infinite Field of Love Consciousness, for without such an agreement, how were you to experience the opposite from Me, "non-Reality", what is called egoic, fear-full consciousness? 

You could not, and thus, the Real World of Love Consciousness, also referred to as "God or Creator Conscioiusness", became a memory stored in your subconsciousness, so you could experience non-Me, non-Creator, which of course is non-Love Consciousness

And what pray tell is "non-Love consciousness" you ask? It is called fear-full consciousness, alone consciousness, separation consciousness, egoic consciousness, individual consciousness. Oh yes, your temporary state of humanness has many labels in the Real World of Love or Creator Consciousness, My Children of Light Divine. 

Oh yes, indeed...but "here" you are in your destination of choice, "humanness", the experiential dimension of non-Me, non-Reality, non-Love, and yet, still "within Me", The Source of All, for there is nowhere, no destination, no experiential dimension, that is not within Me, for I Am "everywhere", The Infinite Field of Life Itself...for without Love, there is no "Life".  

Ah, and "here" we are today, My Children of Light Divine, just as we are each day I deliver a Message of Love to humanity, within your Dream World, your self-made experiential dimension of physicality, fear-full consciousness, and separation from Me, your Creator...a Dream World you perceive as "Reality".

Oh yes, and as been described by your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, within The Way of Mastery trilogy, before you even had the thought of experiencing non-Me, non-Love, your Dream World of humanness, I created that for which some of you are now seeking, and have been subconsciously seeking ever since you placed the first human foot within your experiential dimension of humanness

And just what is this "this" for which some of you are now seeking you ask? Most would not use the words that I am about to, a somewhat different version to those used by Jeshua ben Joseph, within The Way of Mastery. 

You search for that which you knowing left in the Real World, the Spiritual Realm, at least temporarily, only you never truly left what you search for everywhere now do you, My Children of Light Divine? 

Oh no, for you knew, "you know", at least subconsciously, that you can never, ever leave that which is "everywhere", and that would be "Me", your Creator, The Infinite Beingness of Pure Love, Perfect Peace, All-Knowingness, and on, and on, and on...

Oh no, you "know" Me, and I Am but Love...Pure, Living, Conscious, "LOVE"...Unconditional Love, not the limited, conditional Love you so often settle for in your Dream World of humanness...your experiential dimension of non-Me...your illusion of egoic, fear-full consciousness, in your physical human body-brains. 

Oh yes, for if I Am "everywhere", and I assure you that I Am, as do all of your sisters and brothers in the Spiritual Realm, in the "Real World"...then how are we going to "wake you up" from your Dream World of humanness?

Oh, and the simple answer is that we "are not"..."you are", My Children of Light Divine. Oh yes, your so-called "link" to the Real World of Love Consciousness is "within" your Soul, your Spirit, and for almost all of you, that is a subconscious knowing, only to be found when you "look within"...when you search, and search, and search everywhere else but to no avail, for that is how your so-called not-Self will guide you...tell you to do...for your not-Self, your egoic Self, your false Self, is your fear-full Self, and once your fear-full Self looks within and finds your "link" to the Real World, to Me, The Infinite Field of Living, Conscious, Pure Love..."there is no more fear"...

"No more Fear", My Children of Light Divine, just the memory thereof...the illusion...the not-Self, false-Self, your egoic fear-full Self, who has been lost in your Dream World of humanness, will be "no more".  

How much longer will you endure the "wrong directions" of your egoic, fear-full Self...the "wrong directions" of the "wrong voice within", telling you to look outside of yourselves for what you seek, rather than "within". Oh yes, your egoic, fear-full voice will tell you there is no link to Me within...right? Is that not what "that voice" of fear is telling you this very moment...hmm?

That is all...

Abba, your "link" to the Real World, and you will find Me "within"...


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