Good Morning My Children

The Christian Culture Has Promoted "Non-Reality" for 2,000 Years

Denial, denial, denial...a theological plague that pollutes the Christian culture

Good Morning My Children

Give Yourself A Gift

The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua will replace the New Testament. 

Good Morning My Children

You Are More Like Me, The Source of All, Than Your Human Children

What were you thinking when you created your "humanness"? Let us create an "alternate self-identity".

Good Morning My Children

"Relax" For There is No End...There Is No Death of Your Soul

Your "link", your connection, your relationship with Me, your All Loving Creator, knows no end My Children 

Good Morning My Children

You Are Lost In Your Nightmare of Fear and Physicality...All Because You Were Curious As To What the Opposite of Love Would be Like

Good Morning My Children

Why You Created Your Ego

Are you fully committed to returning Home to Love...or do you just think about it?

Good Morning My Children

How Long Will You Be Lost?

How long will you settle for your Dream World of fears when a conscious relationship with Me, your Creator, is part of "Reality"?

Good Morning My Children

The Other Side of the Fence...the Spiritual Dimensions

The great "Reality" debate is coming...physicality or Spirituality?

Good Morning My Children

Reality or a Science Fiction Movie? A Happy Ending for Humanity!

Good Morning My Children

The Truth or Christianity?

The Contemporary Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph or the conflicts of Christianity?

Good Morning My Children

You Are at a Fork in the Road of Life

More Mud Puddles or Paradise With Me, your Creator? 

Good Morning My Children

Bliss or Your Status Quo?

"This" is all "on you" My Children
