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Good Morning My Children

You Live "Within" the Everywhereness of My Love, and Yet, You Still "Fear"...Do You See the Conflict My Children?

Thursday, January 4, 2024 Blog

Good  Day..."good day" My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine. Oh yes, everyday is a "good day", for Life streams forth and through you all as you move through your human lives on your planet Earth. "I bless you all, everyday, every minute" for your undertaking of what you all refer to as your human lives on a tiny planet, in one dimensional experience available to you out of a choice, a possibility, out of a selection that is "infinite" My Children. Oh yes, you have selected the third dimension of planet Earth to experience...a planet, a dimension like no other in many respects. A "challenge", oh yes, an understatement of the temporary lives you have selected to experience, to "challenge yourselves", to "test yourselves"

Oh yes, "test" is a stretch, I believe is a few of your words to describe the dimension of fear and physicality of the...of your human domain on planet Earth. 

Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine...Immortal and Multidimensional are you, forever..."forever" My Children, in relationship with Me, your Creator, The Infinite Beingness of Love, Who you have chosen to separate from "within your illusion", your Dream World of humanness, for as I and Jeshua ben Joseph have described, quite clearly, mind-boggling to your human psyche, you can never, ever be truly separated from Me, your Loving Creator, for I Am literally everywhere, so the only place, My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, where you can experience separation from Me, your Creator, The Beingness of Love, The Matrix of Love, The Infinite Field of Life and Love, which has no boundaries, in all of Creation, which is "infinite" within an illusion.

And here is one of the endless mind-boggling aspects of your temporary, human incarnations, within your Earthly dimension of fear and that I Am also "here"..."here with you", every moment of everyone of your days...oh yes, as you say, "24/7". 

We all watched, observed, witnessed...oh yes, as small gatherings of your human race initially reacted to The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph. Oh yes, a few humans here and there, were as you say, "seriously challenged" to absorb and comprehend what could be called "the Second Coming of Jeshua ben Joseph". Oh yes, and as I, your Creator, have stated to you...first through Jeshua ben Joseph, and now, more directly, through this one who has come forth to participate in the awakening of the human race to My Reality of Love and Everywhereness, even within your illusion, within your Dream World (using a concept from your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph), within your experiential dimension of humanness, as I convey My Message of Love with the form of communication you, humanity, refer to as "a blog", on your internet, at this very site called  

Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of the Light, pretending to be human, is "this" not a "test" and a "challenge" to absorb and comprehend, hmm...your Creator, "The Creator", communicating directly to humanity, using one of your human body-brains, and an internet site, to communicate My Message of Love...a Message of Awakening to the Reality of My Everywhereness?

Ah yes, and here is one of what some of you refer to as "a kicker", one of your many unique human terms which, at least on the surface...on the surface...what human words shall I use to less than what some minds would perceive as "logical"...hmm?

Ah yes, back to "My kicker". You, My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, pretending to be human, created this human illusion, this human experiential dimension, to experience what you had never experienced before, so you could transcend it all...all aspects of your Earthly experiential dimension of humanness, to remember Who and What you truly are, and to again in the "Reality" of your relationship, in your..."our" Perfect Union once again, "consciously", and here it comes, My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine...the "last kicker"...experience Perfect Union with Me once again, while you are still in your Dream World of humanness...within your "perception" of occupying one of your temporary human body-brains.  

Ah yes, just as Jeshua ben Joseph first experienced two thousand years ago, only his attempt to pass this information onto his sisters and brothers..."how to awaken"..."how to transcend" your illusion of humanness was temporarily lost within the confines of your experiential dimension of humanness...oh yes, which you refer to as "the third dimension on planet Earth"...two thousand years ago My Children of the Light, pretending to be human.   

As I have said before, within these articles from your Creator, within "God's Blog", on some time...please...and read this article a few more times, from the perspective of your "New Reality". "New Reality" My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, pretending to be human, for it is finally time, finally possible, for humanity to awaken to the Reality of My Everywhereness of what some refer to as "The Kingdom of Heaven"...My Kingdom...the "Reality" of which has penetrated your illusion of humanness. Oh yes, finally..."finally" My Spiritual Children of the Light, pretending to be human

You have a choice to make, My Spiritual Children of the Light...a choice using your free will to create what you of My many gifts to you, My Children. You can either ignore this Message of Love, from your Creator...ignore the path, the methodology your brother Jeshua ben Joseph discovered two thousand years ago, to remember your Perfect Union with Me, Abba, your Divine Parent...or you can continue pretending you are merely human beings...physical, mortal, fear-based beings, living out incarnation, after incarnation, after incarnation in your egoic, experiential dimension of darkness..."fear consciousness", with its illusion of separation from Me, your Creator...for if you live within the Everywhereness of My Infinite Love, and I assure you that you do, what is there to fear...and yet, "you fear"?

Hmm...something to consider My Children...

That is all...

Abba, The Everywhereness of Love...    



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