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Good Morning My Children

What Will Be Your Response, To My Request...the Request of Your Creator?

Monday, December 18, 2023 Blog

Good day, good day...oh my, how are you this day? Oh, I already know, for I Am all knowing...however, it is always nice to be polite is it not...hmm, My Children of the Light Divine? 

Oh, I know how Michael is, for I instructed him to review and "clean up" some of the rough edges of all of the past articles. Oh yes, for this one's punctuation and spelling is...oh my, what shall I call it to be polite...not exactly "spot on" much of the time. Oh no, plus there were times where the emphasis of many phrases and sentences were in need of a bit of highlighting. Oh, so he has been quite busy, for there have been over 150 mornings where we have, as you say, "teamed up" to produce a message to humanity on this, My Blog. Oh yes, for approaching two years now, I...or I should say "we", Michael and I, plus a Heavenly Host of your disembodied sisters and brothers, have gathered to produce a message to humanity in the early morning hours.  

Ah...but this is not the message and primary purpose of our message to "you", humanity, who continue to be lost in your Dream World of egoic humanness. So lost are "you", you do not even realize it...even after we tell you so. Oh no, for about all who Michael has conveyed he is channeling your Creator, yours truly, believe he is "delusional" addition to questioning the validity of The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph

Oh yes, we (in the Spiritual Realm) were expecting some resistance to our "message of Reality", but it is as you sometimes say, "quite different, quite surprising, quite"...what is the word, oh, it does not matter...let us just say watching, listening, and feeling humanity's reaction to the "Reality" of our messages is "a bit stunning and yet, expected" all at the same time. There are those words I was searching for. Oh yes, for I Am not used to conversing in human words, a very normal form of communication for your human race...of yes, a race of incarnated Christed, Spiritual Beings of the Light Divine, pretending to be human, who have yet to realize and accept they are temporarily humans, who are "not" humans. is that for a description of your status quo...temporarily human beings, who are not, in fact, "human", but rather Immortal, Multidimensional, Spiritual Beings...extensions of The Creator, The Infinite Beingness of Love, who have yet to wake-up to the "Reality" of their true identity's or relationship with yours truly, even though "you", humanity have been told over and over again by not only MySelf, but also the famous Jeshua ben Joseph and "friends"

Hmm...imagine this if you will, just for a bit of fun. Jeshua ben Joseph comes back into the same human form, the identical human costume he occupied two thousand years ago, and appears on one of your streaming, twenty-four hour news broadcasts, only to be labeled as "a delusional, crazy man", when he once again, delivers My Message of Love, by chaneling your Creator, yours truly. Oh yes, he communicates a synopsis of The Way of Mastery, in a human form, only to be met with disbelief by all who hear My all of humanity... 

If you consider the scenario just described, it is not that much different than what has happened in your Dream World of your illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, and your status quo within your egoic, fear consciousness...hmm? Oh no, not that much different at all, for "you" perceive your lives of non-reality to be "Reality".

I gave Michael, what is this you call, a "heads up", on the severity of the resistance My Message of Love would be met with, if he accepted my request, oh yes, accepted My request to allow Me, your Creator, to share his "michael human form" to convey My messages to humanity over an extended period. Oh yes, we all tried to prepare him for your (humanity's) reaction, and he was, what are your words, "unaffected"...for his willingness to undertake such a role was only intensified when he realized he would be playing a role in the awakening of humanity from your Dream World...your very dark Dream World of fear consciousness, with its Grand Illusion of separation from Me, The Infinite Beingness of Love, Who even at this moment, permeates all of Creation, inclusive of your Dream World of humanness on Mother Earth.  

Michael's reaction was very close to all whom I have approached with such an "offer", although...some did not, have not, been truly aware of the part, the role, until after they had begun to deliver a sampling or two, only to be rejected by humanity. 

Oh, but this lengthy introduction to My message this morning is simply a "heads up" to "you", My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine. Oh yes, as you say, a form of a "sneak preview" to what may be part of your future role, future part, in the production of The Awakening of Humanity to the Reality of Love is Everywhere, coming to every corner of the experiential dimension on planet Earth. 

Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, "what will be your response", when I, your Divine Parent, penetrate your consciousness, your illusion of humanness, your Dream World of fear consciousness and separation from Me, and ask if you will allow Me, your Loving Divine Parent, "to share your human form", to deliver our message of the Reality of Love, within your Dream World of humanness...with the understanding that no one will believe "us", you and I, for all of My Spiritual Children, who are pretending to be human, are so lost in your illusion of humanness, within your experiential dimension of humanness, that all of your aquaintances, all who hear My Message of Love come forth from your lips, will not believe you...("us")...

That is all...

Abba...The Infinite Beingness of Love...

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