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Good Morning My Children

I Created you With Free Will and I Will Never Take That From You...

Monday, December 11, 2023 Blog

To My Children...the Children of God this day, this morning, how are you on your planet Earth, in your Dream World of fear consciousness and physicality? My, my, somewhat of an unnecessary question, for if you are in your experiential dimension of fear consciousness and physicality, there is only one way to be, and that is in your illusion of separation from Love, Who would be "Me", The infinite Beingness of Love, Who of course, is everywhere...except where there is illusion, and where else is there more illusion of "Reality" than on Mother Earth, in one of your human forms..."human bodies" they are called.   

Oh my, in so few words, the fate of so many of My Children have been captured and communicated to those who perceive..."perceive" your illusion of separation from Who and What you can never, ever, be separated from is in fact, humanities' illusion of "Reality", which we all know by now, if you have been educating yourselves with Jeshua ben Joseph's trilogy, commonly known as The Way of Mastery, is referred to by Jeshua ben Joseph as "your Dream World"

"Dream World", that about sums everything up does it not? A world, and in this case, more appropriately referred to as an "experiential dimension", for simply referring to a planet in the context of a world, generally gives members of the human race the perception of some version of "Reality", when a world perceived as "Reality", combined with the perception of separation from Me, your Creator and Divine Parent, can be referred to...can be described, in many ways, using a large variety of human words of expression, but...but referring to such a place, such a "Dream World", as "Reality" is definitely not one of them

Has "that Reality", as some of you say, "sunk in" yet...hmm? "Sunk in"...another of your interesting words of expression, for we are not referring to anything connected to water now are we...or any other type of liquid. "Sunk in", oh yes, My Children of Love and Light Divine, has the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love been conceptualized and realized yet...hmm...after I and your brother aspect of Self, Jeshua ben Joseph, conveyed to humanity that your human perception of "Reality" is not "Reality", unless of course you happen to be one of the few, very few, who live in your human Dream World of egoic consciousness...experiential dimension of separation from Me, your Creator, understanding, knowing, realizing the human perception of separation from Me, Abba, is an illusion..."non-reality" My Children. Is that clear enough for you...hmm?

How many times have you read such a message here, on God's Blog, on the internet site of or within The Way of Mastery, by your brother and equal, Jeshua ben Joseph...hmm?

Oh, I was initially much more direct here, in My Blog (God's Blog), than Jeshua ben Joseph was, within the trilogy of his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings known as The Way of Mastery. Quite the phenomenon really...challenging to accept from one perspective, which is simply that most who learn about The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph do not...are not in a hurry to learn what his contemporary message to humanity is...even those who label themselves as "Christians". Hmm...quite odd, don't you think? 

A sizable portion of your human race label themselves as "Christian", a religion allegedly started by Jeshua ben Joseph two thousand years ago, and yet...yet, when Jeshua ben Joseph conveys a contemporary version of his Life and Teachings, inclusive of how to re-establish your conscious relationship with your Creator, it is not viewed as "news worthy", on all of your twenty-four hour news broadcasts? How do you explain "that" My Children of the Love and Light Divine, hmm? How?

I can explain this phenomenon in a few ways, all of which include the human perception..."perception", what an interesting human term...the human perception that Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings are either "not real"...not part of your Dream World of illusion and delusion....oh my, I think it is time to "back-up", and consider the meaning of My last thought.   

The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings are not considered to be "Real"...not considered to be authentic and valid, within an experiential dimension, by a race of beings, "human beings", who believe and live as though non-Reality...separation from their Creator, Who is everywhere, is "not present" in their perception of "human Reality". Does this not describe your perception of "Reality" My Children of the Light Divine? I assume you comprehend the small conundrum, do you not...hmm?  

An aspect of "Reality", The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, pierces your "illusion of Reality" ...the human perception of Reality on Mother Earth, with its...with your illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, and you perceive those teachings as not part of "Reality"?

I must say My Children..."My Children", Jeshua ben Joseph, along with the Heavenly Host of your disembodied sisters and brothers, your Heavenly Host of Spiritual Beings of Light Divine, are confronted...hmm..."confronted", oh, not the correct human about.."are fighting an uphill battle"...ah yes, "bingo", that's the proper human phrase...yes, Jeshua ben Joseph and your Heavenly Host of sisters and brothers are confronted by a very sizable challenge, in that their attempts thus far, to awaken you, "humanity", from your Dream World of egoic, fear consciousness and your illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, The Infinite Matrix of Love, is not, as you sometimes say, going to be an "overnight phenomenon"...oh no, far...very, very far from it.   

Hmm...where do we go from "here" My Children...hmm? Although your Earthly experiential dimension will undergo some substantial changes during your next few hundreds of years...during your next few the interim, My plan of awakening humanity to the Reality of Love, the Reality I Am Everywhere, is to simply create...what shall we call them, My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, pretending to be human...oh, I do like that phrase..."pretending to be human". My Plan is to simply create outlets for the Truth, your Truth My Children, such as The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph and  

Plus My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, the "link" I placed within all of your Souls...all of "your Spirits", which goes by many names. Jeshua ben Joseph refers to your "internal link to Me, your Divine Parent", as "Rightmindedness, the Holy Spirit, and your Christ Over-Soul". Here is as you say, "the bottom line" have never..."never" been separated from Me, your Creator, and I Am LOVE...the Infinite Spirit of LOVE...incomprehensible and yet, I can be known, felt, and realized as "part of you", as Jeshua ben Joseph discovered two thousand years ago

And just as..."just as"...Jeshua ben Joseph lived in his later years, during his famous incarnation two thousand years ago, all humanity will learn...will discover Life as a human, with the conscious realization "I Am part of you", as with everything in Creation, is your so-called "destiny"

As I have repeatedly stated, within this, My Blog, as has your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, within his Contemporary Teachings, I created you with free will, and I will not take "My Gift" back from you...oh no...

So...there will be and are "Outlets for The Truth", your Truth...which will grow in number over time. When you are ready, which is another way of saying, when you are tired of egoic, fear consciousness, with its illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, and I Am Pure, Unconditional LOVE...your path, your way "Home" to My Love is available for all. Oh yes, when you finally tire of all your illusions of darkness and so-called negative emotions, we will assist you in finding your way back Home to "Reality"...The Reality of the Everywhereness of My Love..."Our Love"...for you, My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine, will forever be part of Me.

That is all...

Abba...The Infinite Beingness of Love...

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