"You Have Decided" Not to Come Home Yet, To the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love..."Your Choice" My Children...
Good Morning...Good Morning...
Oh yes, My Children of the Light Divine, another day is here...another day for you to experience the illusion of your humanness, and of course, your biggest illusion of all, and for a member of your human race that is quite the illusion, indeed...your illusion of separation from your Creator, "Me", Abba, Who you can never be separated from. How is "that" for an illusion, My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine?
Hmm, we...your sisters and brothers (and I, your Divine Parent) continue to observe your grand illusion of fear and physicality...of dark emotions of every type of darkness imaginable, and every time we say to ourselves..."ah yes, maybe they (and that would be "you", the human race) have finally run out of ideas of darkness to experience", you just continue to create new ones.
Oh yes, for I gave you Divine Creativity, which of course is "unlimited", and you continue to apply it to your illusion of humanness, your illusion of dark emotions, which anyone will know, if they have been reading My Blog or Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, are perceived as "Reality" within your Dream World on planet Earth, which I, your Creator, refer to as one of the endless experiential dimensions available for you to experience.
Oh yes, one of the endless experiential dimensions you have created..."you" My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, for I created you to be "Creators", to experience anything you may so desire. Oh, and even though I have discussed your limitedlessness before, as has Jeshua ben Joseph, one of your creations, egoic consciousness, also known as "fear consciousness", continues to be in denial.
Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, one of your ego's favorite qualities is "denial", for you refuse to accept the responsibility for creating "your Dream World"...your experiential dimension of humanness, along with many aspects of your self-created illusion of separation from Me, your Creator and Infinite Beingness of Love...which My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, should provide you with some idea, some concept, some overall perception of the scope of your creative abilities, hmm?
Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, your denial days are quickly coming to an end. Oh...that has, what you refer to as a little ring and rhyme...your "days of denial"...your days of projecting your human fate onto Me, your Creator, are over..."over" My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, pretending to be human, for I do not control your fate. Oh no..."you do", remember...for I gave you free will..."free will" My Spiritual Children, pretending to be human.
You decided to incarnate into your human costumes, you created your human scripts, you created your illusion of humanness, you decided to incarnate over, and over, and over again. Oh yes, My Spiritual Children, pretending to be human, if you would like to look at who is responsible for your current fate, as a "make believe human", in your "make believe Life", in your experiential dimension of physicality and fear consciousness, just go look in a mirror.
Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, pretending to be human...oh yes, indeed...it is you who are responsible for your Dream World of humanness, along with your egoic illusion of separation from Me, your Creator. Deny it all you like, project your creation onto Me all you like, but if you ever want to return "Home" to the "Reality" of your eternal relationship with Me, the Infinite Beingness, Infinite Field, Infinite Matrix of Love, you will have to accept responsibility for your Dream World of humanness, your Dream World of seemingly endless dramatizations of darkness...of pain and suffering.
Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, it is not I who will decide when you return "Home" to the Light of My Pure Love and Perfect Peace. Oh no, My Spiritual Children of the Light...oh no...for that is a decision that only you can make.
Oh yes, we will help you, we will assist you, we have already, and you have yet to accept our helping hands, in a manner of speaking. Just read this internet site My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine..."read" jeshuabenjoseph.com, read his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, put them into practice in your daily lives, use the Christ Consciousness Meditation, use the Christ Consciousness Sound Technology, use the System of Behavioral Genetics, to discern some of the details of your human behavioral Pre-Incarnation Selections...oh yes, use some of the information, some of the knowledge, some of the techniques and technologies we have provided to assist you in your journey back to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love.
Oh...you don't want to....oh...you don't have enough time....oh, you have other human priorities...oh, I guess "you have decided" not to come "Home" yet, to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love. Your Choice My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine. Oh yes, "your choice" to remain in your experiential dimension of egoic judgementalism...your lives of fear consciousness..."your choice" My Spiritual Children of My Light Divine...not mine.
Hmm...I believe you have heard that before from Me, your Divine Parent..."your choice, not mine"...many months ago, and what have "you chosen" to do about that decision? Oh, you continue to deny your ability to choose Pure Love and Perfect Peace. Oh, you continue to project your fate of humanness onto anyone or anything you can find, to create the illusion that you are not solely responsible for your human lives, within your human experiential dimension on the planet called "Mother Earth".
Oh my, oh my, My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, you can deny and project all you like...and you can even choose to attack Me some more. Oh yes, I have heard all of the blame you have projected onto Me, your Divine Parent, for all of the egoic darkness which you have created, and continue to create. Oh my, quite...what do your clinical psychologists' call it..."quite delusional" My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine. Oh yes, indeed...truly "delusional".
Ah, but I Love you all "unconditionally" My Children. It matters not what you choose to experience, in your Dream World of human darkness, for I Am always..."always" ready to welcome you back "Home" to Pure Love and Perfect Peace...always. When are "you going to decide" to come Home?
That is all...
Abba...The Infinite Beingness of Love...