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Good Morning My Children

"Reunion"...speachlessly within and part of "Me", Your Creator

Thursday, December 28, 2023 Blog

"My Children"..."My Creations"...oh my, the Immortal, Multidimensional, Spiritual Beings of Love and Light Divine, pretending to be human beings, "human beings"...the limited, physical, fearful, mortal beings who have forgotten their true identities'. Oh yes, "forgotten" in, as you say, "no clue" they are who and what I created them to be, and yet, here "we" are My Children, My very special Children of the Light Divine. 

Oh yes, here we are, at 2 A.M. on Mother Earth, the experiential dimension of darkness, of death, of dark and Light emotions, all mixed together, and yet, you..."you" My Children are lost, looking for Love and True Peace in all the wrong places, and still your perception of a never ending search goes on, and on, and on...

Oh yes, My Children, you try to deny you are lost. You may get a peak here and there of what you are searching for. You may even tell yourselves you have found Pure Love and Perfect Peace by creating your substitutes for, as you sometimes say, "the Real Deal", and yet, My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, your searching never ends, does it? 

Oh no, for most approach the end of your human lives' with either a conscious or unconscious questioning of "what is Life on Earth truly all about", for it seems as though I am missing something. Oh yes, "I seem to be missing something". I'm not quite sure what "it" is, but I am definitely missing something, and that never goes away...until you release your human body-brain, and make the Great Shift in consciousness into the "Reality" of the Spiritual Realm

Ah yes, "into the Light" it is called by those who have remembered, the few, whose lives as human beings will forever be changed. Oh yes, changed for they remember experiencing "Reality", and then "come back". Oh yes, come back into the human body-brain...only...only "they", "the few", do not remember "everything" they experienced on the other the Spiritual Realm, not in words which they identitfy with anyway, not after they have returned to the illusion of humanness. Oh no, the illusion of humanness, which they "identify with", which they once again believe is "Reality", versus the commonly accepted illusion of humanness, inclusive of your illusion of separation from Me, your Creator and so-called "Divine Parent".  

Ah yes, a name...a title...a description, which I have grown to identify with, as strange as that may first sound, for I did not give birth to you, My Children of My Light Divine...oh no, not in your traditional sense. Oh no, your creation was nothing..."nothing" like what you experience in your illusion of humanness

Oh no...for in your illusion of humanness, you shift from the Light, and then into the darkness of the illusion of humanness, and then, when you are done with your temporary body-brains, you shift back, from your illusion of humanness...from your illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, and back "Home" you go, to the "Reality" of the Spiritual Realm, and the Light of My Infinite Beingness of Love.

Ah yes, My Children, "reunion with your Creator", Pure Love and Perfect Peace...My Light so bright, which you now recognize and identify as "part of you", that you are, as is sometimes said, "speachlessly in Love"...speachlessly within and part of Me, your Creator, whereby the words to describe your true identities' escape you...oh are momentarily overwhelmed with the Reality of your Eternal Reality, Perfect Union with Me, "Abba", as I am called by your brother, friend, and equal, one Jeshua ben Joseph, and the Heaven Host of your sister and brother Spiritual Beings of My Light Divine.  

Oh, oh...speachless are you, in the splendor, in the serenity of your Soul..."ahhh...back Home once again"...

And in a "blink", you reveiw your just completed incarnation, in the darkness of the experiential dimension of Earth, and everything is seen and felt "in a new way". Oh yes, your illusion of humanness is now seen and recognized for the illusion of separation from yours truly that it is...and "all is well"...all is, as you say in your humanness, "okay", for you now know, you now remember. Oh..."the illusion"...the Earthly Dream World of separation from My Creator was "my plan"..."our plan" all along...

The surprise is somehow not a surprise...oh no, My Spiritual Children of the Light, pretending to be human, your human Dream World of separation from Me, The Great Mystery of Love...The Infinite Beingness of Pure Love, is your "eternal Reality", for your Beingness of Pure Love and Perfect Union with Me has no end...this is your new "Reality", which is not new...oh no...but rather just a continuation, a remembrance of what has always been...but forgotten within the experiential dimension of your temporary humanness on Mother Earth.   

Ah...and then, "then" My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, the missing pieces...the answer to the question you asked when you were in your Dream World of humanness (there is more to Life isn't there...what am I missing?) becomes part of your new/old Reality...part of your new/old identity as Immortal, Multidimensional, Spiritual Beings of the Light Divine, "forever" in a relationship with your Creator, yours truly, The Infinite Beingness of Love

Ahh..."what's next" My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine..."what experience am I going to create now", is the question which permeates "your Beingness", in the Light of Pure Love and Perfect Peace. "Ah", you think to yourself, and begin discussing with your Family of the Light Divine...hmm..."what experience could we create in the experiential dimension of Earth, which we have yet to experience, and yet...desire?"

Ah...and the cycle begins to repeat itself, My Immortal, Spiritual Children of the Light Divine. Oh yes, "we are going back into the darkness...back into the illusion of separation from our Creator, because we desire to experience what we have yet to experience"...and off you go...back into the temporary forms of the human body-brains...back into your illusion of humanness...back into your mistaken identities'...oh yes!

Ah...and "here you are", once again, lost in your illusion of humanness, and its grand illusion of separation from your Creator, and that would be "Me". 

What is it you desired to experience, while still in your Dream World of humanness...within your "self-created" illusion of separation from Me, The Infinite Beingness of Love, Who is "everywhere"? You know, where there seems to be no end to the darkness...

That is all...

Abba...The Infinite Beingness of Love...

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