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Good Morning My Children

When Does "Life" Begin in the Womb

Monday, December 4, 2023 Blog

My Children...the Children of God, how are you this day in your human forms on planet Earth...hmm? Another Monday morning and off to your varied jobs do you go, to make a pay your many bills. Oh yes, the bills keep coming, and you feel the pressure or anxiety to maintain the income flow. But...income and bills are not the topics this day, this morning for My Message of Love to My Christed Children of Light Divine. Oh no...not this day, for there are many more important topics to address, which you often pay little if any attention to. Your "Spirituality" My Children is our topic this day, for much of humanity ignores your nature, your essence, your true identity as a Spiritual Being of Love and Light Divine

Much of humanity completely ignores your Spiritual essence of Love, for you are Beings of Love, extensions of yours truly, The Infinite Beingness of Love, Who is "everywhere". Ah...but how much time do you devote to your Spiritual side, with its essesnce of Love...hmm? If you are honest, not much My Spiritual Children, pretending to be human, in your human bodies and brains. How very unusual for Spiritual Beings...Immortal, Multidimensional, Spiritual Beings "of Love", to choose to experience "Life" within the confines of a human, mortal, uni-dimensional form...a three dimensional human body, with its beginning within the mother's womb, a mere fraction of its eventual size. 

Ah yes, and then your embodied "Spirit" or Soul assumes the identity of a physical, human form, with all of its human limitations. My, my, quite the shift...quite the change in identities from your "Home" in the Spiritual Dimension or "Realm" as it is sometimes called. From "Spirit" to physical form, from Bliss and Love Consciousness to your illusion of humanness, and fear consciousness...from formlessness, Love consciousness, and timelessness..."unlimitedness" the endless limitations of Life in a fearful human form. 

My, my, quite the drastic change, don't you think? Oh, that's right, most of you do not give your origins, your true "Home", much thought on this Monday, or any other Monday morning for that matter, for you are too busy pretending to be fearful human beings, who do not believe you are pretending. Oh no, for you identify yourselves as your fearful, limited, human bodies...essentially the opposite of Your True, Unlimited, Loving, Spiritual Selves.'s no wonder you devote so little time to your true identity as My Spiritual Children of Light is no wonder why you spend your lives embodied in human forms, searching for True Peace and Perfect Love, for that is from where you came, before you entered your human mother's womb, at the moment of conception

Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, let the great debate about when Life begins be over, in your tiny human forms, in the mother's womb...for it begins at the moment of conception...the proverbial flash of Light as you you shift from your Spiritual "Home" by My side, to your temporary home, embodied in a human form. It is no wonder it is a shock, as you commence another adventure...another incarnation in a limited, human form, conditioned into believing fear and all of the dark emotions are "Real", as well as your illusion of separation from yours truly, The Infinite Beingness of Pure Love, Perfect Peace, and All Knowingness...and I Am "everywhere", literally, except of course in your "illusionary" Dream World, where all humans are conditioned to believe separation from your Creator is "Reality", when such a perception, such an illusion, is simply a temporary adventure into your limited, fearful, human forms

Oh yes, and depending on many factors, there can be a shifting back and forth between "Home" in the Spiritual Realm, and your mother's womb, but typically only during the intial stages of the pregnancy, and sometimes, not at all.

However, please let Me, your Creator, remind you, as in all of humanity, the Soul, your Spirit, your true identity attracts all experiences to it Self, in one way or another, for you are Creators of everything you experience in your human forms. In other words, and let Me be as clear on this point as possible, there is no, or has there ever been, a pregnancy that was terminated without the consent of the Soul...the Spirit. So please, the debates...the very intense debates about when Life begins and when, if ever, the preganancy should be terminated, should be as you sometimes say, "put to bed...finished".

And just so there is no confusion on the subject at hand, any possible termination of a pregnancy was, and is, the product of an agreement between the mother and child...the Spirit of the mother, and the Spirit of the child. Honor those agreements for a perspective based in "Reality", rather than some manufactured human value system, for the Sovereignty of all Souls is Sacred, a fact humanity disregards habitually....always has, and always will, until of course the Great Shift in Consciousness occurs...from your illusion of your limited, fearful, mortal, humanness to the "Reality" of your Unlimited, Love-based, Immortal, Spiritual Selves

Ah yes, one of My favorite topics on this, God's Blog...The Great Shift in Consciousness from egoic, fearful consciousness, also known as "the brainwashing of limited humanness", to the "Reality" of Unlimited Love Consciousness, sometimes referred to as "enlightenment" and "Christ Consciousness"...the Great Shift from your illusion of separation from yours truly, your Creator, The Infinite Beingness...The Great Mystery...the incomprehensible Spirit of Love, Who is "everywhere"...oh yes, from your limited, fearful, egoic humanness to your True Selves...Conscious Christed Beings of Light Divine, temporarily incarnated into the human form

Oh yes, millions and millions of "Incarnated" Conscious Christed Spirits of Love will inhabit your temporary human forms, and your egoic, fearful existence of darkness...your long history of dark humanness will be "over". That..."this" is your future...your agreement with Me, your Creator. I will not elaborate on the details this day...this morning, but the Great Shift in human consciousness is fact, it is already "here"...always has chose to simply experience the opposite first...egoic, fearful, human consciousness. 

"Here" I say...oh yes..."Love Consciousness", also known as "God Consciousness" has always been "here" for "that" is your essence, your simply decided to play a game as part of your Immortality and Divine Creativity, the Game of Pretending to be Human, inclusive of your illusion of separation from that which is everywhere, and "that" would be your Divine Parent, "Me"...and I Am but LOVE. 

That is all...

Abba...The Infinite Beingness of Love...


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