Good Morning My Children

What Does It Mean to Live as a Spiritual Being of Love, in a Human Body, Fulfilling the Purpose For Which I Was Created?

..."you have created" your humanness, rather than some illusionary God.

Good Morning My Children

There Must Be More to Life, Isn't There? Isn't There?

Good Morning My Children

You Remain Brain-Washed in Your Humanness

If you cannot look in the mirror each day and say, "I live in True Peace, in union with My Creator", then what are you waiting for? 

Good Morning My Children

"You Chose" to Experience the Brainwashing of Humanness

"Plunged back into your brainwashing of humanness"...time after time, incarnation after incarnation, millenia after millenia...  

Good Morning My Children

I Am The Infinite Matrix of Love

Your long-lasting fear of death should be officially a thing of the past...

Good Morning My Children

Your Earthly Experiential Dimension Is Anything But "Reality"...But You Chose It "Just for the Experience"

...illusions are reality, and "Reality" is non-reality, within your Earthly experiential dimension.

Good Morning My Children

All Souls Plan Dark Experiences During Your Pre-Incarnation Planning Process

Your ego tells you that your Human Dream World of Separation from your True Spiritual Selves is "normal and reality"...

Good Morning My Children

Your Holy Bible Is Based On A Lie, and Contains Many Lies

You, My Children of Love, once lived in the "Bliss" of the Everywhereness of My Love...

Good Morning My Children

Your Ego's have Brainwashed You Into Believing Separation From Me, Your Divine Parent, Is "Reality"

Your ego's fool you into thinking you are moving in the right direction

Good Morning My Children

You Are In Heaven, But You Are Dreaming You Are Human Beings

Good Morning My Children

Your Ego's Will Say...I, Your Divine Parent Is an Illusion, and yet, "Here I Am", On Your Internet...

Good Morning My Children

Dissolve Your Substitute for Me, Your Divine Parent and Creator, With One Simple Thought

No matter where you go, I (your Creator) am there "with you"...your perception of reality is not "Reality"...  
