Good Morning My Children

A Short Message This Day...From Your Divine Parent

What else is there to say..."You are Lost", in your Dream World of illusions, and do not know it...

Good Morning My Children

"Your Choice", Not Mine

"You chose" your illusions of egoic, fearful consciousness, and separation from Me, your Divine Parent...

Good Morning My Children

Portal to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love

The beginning of the end...

Good Morning My Children

Humanity: "I want Change, But I'm Not Going to Change"

"The blind, leading the blind"

Good Morning My Children

Today...Jeshua's Students Say They Do, But Do Not Live as He Teaches

Christianity does not contain the path to reunion with Me, your Divine Parent, discovered and lived by Jeshua, two thousand years ago...

Good Morning My Children

The Reality of My Everywhereness of Love

Undeniable events confirming My Beingness and Infiniteness are not far into your future...

Good Morning My Children

I, Your Creator, Am Like a Parent Watching Their Child at the Playground, Waiting for Their Child to Say "I've Had Enough, it's Time To Go Home (to Love)"

Good Morning My Children

You Continue to Identify Yourselves as Mortal, Human Beings...

Would you like to learn how to live as your True Selves, as Immortal, Spiritual Beings of Love and Light Divine, while still occupying human bodies?

Good Morning My Children

Who Are You Going to Believe...Your Ego or Jeshua ben Joseph and I, Your Divine Parent?

There are no barriers between us, except for the "perceived" barriers you have created.

Good Morning My Children

Who Do You Think is Living in Illusion...hmm? You and Your Egos, or Me, your Creator...hmm?

You will find Me deep within your Beingness, within the Sacred Silence of your Soul...the Still, Small Voice of Love..

Good Morning My Children

Creation of the Ego: Fearful Consciousness, Deceit, and Illusion

No...I, your Creator, did not create the did.

Good Morning My Children

You Say It Is Not Possible for Me, Your Creator, To Speak Through a Fellow Human Being

You, humanity, have a very, very long history of saying..."no, it is not possible", about a great many things...and you have been wrong.
