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Good Morning My Children

Saturday, April 6, 2024 Blog

Good morning, good morning My Spiritual Children of Light Divine. It is another one of your fine mornings on your Mother Earth...another day for you to possibly awaken to the "Reality" of your true identity?

Is this likely to occur? Likely for you to take the necessary steps to dissolve your deeply ingrained ego's, or at least a sizable enough portion for you to begin the process of re-establishing your conscious relationship with Me, your Creator and Divine Parent...the one your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, has described using a variety of labels...including Infinite Beingness of Love, Ocean of Love, Matrix of Love, all of which "you live within". Likely for you to, as verbalized by Jeshua ben Joseph, to "awaken from your Dream World" of fear consciousness and physicality, inclusive of your illusion of separation from Me, "Abba", The Source of All? 

Well...My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, considering "you have chosen" to be lost in your illusion...your Dream World of humanness, ever since you first stepped foot on your Mother Earth, which of course would not have been possible without choosing to be embodied in your physical bodies...your human anatomies', whereby you became "identified with" your self-created illusion of humanness...the likelihood of you awakening to the "Reality" of your Limitless, Spiritual Selves, is about as likely as you asking for My Guidance in all matters, and actually implementing what I convey to you

Does such a change of venue sound very likely to you, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine...hmm? Does it? Of course sounds like many things, but "Reality" is not one that would immediately come to you. And yet, how would your lives on planet Earth change if all of your decisions were based in Love and All-Knowingness, hmm? Oh yes, just for fun...would you be willing to at least, momentarily, imagine your lives on planet Earth, within your illusion of humanness, if you relied on Me, your Creator, for guidance, hmm? Can you imagine "that", My Spiritual Children of Light Divine? How do you think "Life" on your planet Earth would change if all of your decisions were based in Love...for "that" is what I Am...The Incomprehensible, Infinite, Mystery of Love, Who created you, My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine.   

Hmm...your lives based in Love, all the time, in all, my, that would represent quite the "change" from your current status quo, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, who are hopelessly lost in your illusion of humanness...your "perceived Reality" of fear consciousness, physicality, and separation from Me, your Creator, The Infinite Field of Love, "in which you exist", and yet, deny all at the same time. 

What do you call such a state on planet Earth, within your illusion of humanness, hmm...My Spiritual Children of Light Divine? A race of fearful, physical beings, who perceive that their fearful, physical selves are "Reality", when in fact, it could not be further from the "Truth"...hmm..."could not be further from the Truth", your Truth, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine. 

Ah yes, let us not waste any time this fine morning, on your beautiful planet Earth, talking around the "Reality" of your long history of non-reality. Yes, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, "Spirits" are you, "Spirits of Love", for that is what I Am, your Divine Parent, The Great Mystery...The Great Spirit of Love, Who is "Everywhere". Ah yes, and what do you call the Children of The Great Spirit of Love, Who is "Everywhere", hmm...My Spiritual Children of Light Divine? Oh my, I just answered My own question, did I not? 

Is this not the same Message of Love your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, tried to deliver into your illusion of humanness two thousand years ago? Is this not the same message you could not, and did not accept two thousand years you "deleted" it from the Life and Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph? Oh yes, the story of the Life and Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph...for that is what your Holy Bible describes...a story...a "story" that deleted the heart of his message and teachings

What do you call a race of beings who admire the wisdom and lifestyle of someone, one of their own, and yet, deny the message he delivers, hmm? Oh yes, a race of beings who deny a message of "Reality" from an "Enlightened One", and overwrite "Reality" with "non-reality"? What do you call such a race of beings...hmm, My Immortal, Multidimensional, Spiritual Children of Light Divine? 

Oh...and this is not where the story ends...oh no, far from it...very, very, very far from it. Your Creator, The Great Mystery of Infinite Love, Loves you all unconditionally...I Love you all "unconditionally", My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, even when you deny and delete My Message of Love...My Message of "Reality", your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, delivered to you two thousand years ago. 

Ah yes, "Unconditional Love", My Spiritual Children of Light Divine..."that" is, as you say, "your birthright"..."Unconditional Love", for "that" is Who and What I Infinite, Everywhereness of Unconditional Love...Who is "Incomprehensible". 

Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, and some of My Spiritual Children of Light Divine had a thought, a "possible possibility" it "possible" to experience, to create, the opposite of the Everywhereness of Unconditional Love? Is it, some of My Spiritual Children of Light Divine asked? What would that be? How would it feel? This was the question that had never been asked before...oh no..."never been asked before".   

Ah yes, and this group, this portion of My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, used their Conscious Awareness, Free-will, and Unlimited Creativity...Divine Creativity, to create "the opposite of Reality"...the opposite of The Infinite, Everywhereness of Love.  

Oh yes, and what do you call the "opposite of Reality", My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, hmm? Non-reality, Dream World of fear consciousness and physicality, illusion of separation from your Creator, The Incomprehensible, Infinite, Everywhereness of Love...or...or, how about the illusion of humanness, on a planet called "Earth"?

Oh yes, this is what some of My Spiritual Children of Light Divine decided to try and create. How do you like "your creation of non-reality", which you call "Reality"...hmm?

Why do you think your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, returned to your creation of non-reality to deliver his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings...hmm? His authentic teachings, which describe "Reality", versus that version you call The Gospels of the New Testament

Would you be interested in the "Truth", My Spiritual Children of Light Divine? Would you be interested in how your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, dissolved your illusion of humanness, your illusion of fear consciousness, your illusion of separation from Me, your Creator...hmm...while he continued to occupy a human body-brain? 

Would any such information be of interest to you, you prefer living in the non-reality of your humanness?

Ah yes, the human ego..."your human ego", the necessary part of your creation of so very long ago, when you needed to create the mechanism of illusion, the mechanism that could allow you to experience the opposite of My Everywhereness of Love. The ego, that is convinced it knows everything, "the substitute" for guidance from My Everywhereness of Love

How are you enjoying your counterfeit guidance, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine...your egoic guidance based in fear, rather than My Everywhereness of Love? 

That is all...

The Source of All...


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