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Good Morning My Children

Divine Sarcasm

Monday, July 1, 2024 Blog

Ah yes, My Children, the so-called Children of God, incomprehensible for most of you on planet Earth, and yet, "Reality". It is as you say, "no wonder" that most will initially read an article or two on this, My Blog, "God's Blog" it is called, and immediately "deny" the validity of My Message of Love to humanity.  

Oh yes, you will say, "that is not...cannot be The Creator", not comprehending that those very words arise from your "false Self" or "not Self", using words your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, has used to describe your "egoic Self", within the wisdom of his words in The Way of Mastery trilogy. 

You might as well say that The Way of Mastery is not Jeshua ben Joseph speaking to humanity, in an attempt to "wake you up" to the "Reality" of the so-called Dream World in which you temporarily exist. Oh yes, and that is precisely what some of you, My Children of Light Divine, say in ignorance.

Oh my, how does it feel to call Jeshua ben Joseph "a phony Jeshua ben Joseph"...for that is what you are doing? What do you think he would say to you, who believe and live as though your temporary humanness is "Reality"? Oh, and if per chance you have read The Way of Mastery, you would know exactly some of the words he has used to describe all of humanity's perception..."perception" My Spirits of Love, "perception" that your humanness is "Reality". 

How about "insane", My Spirits of Love, the so-called Children of God? How does it feel to be called "insane" by the famous Jeshua ben Joseph? Does that slow your "denials of Reality" at least a little bit, hmm? Why would Jeshua ben Joseph use such words to describe your lives of humanness on planet Earth, hmm..."Dream World", "insane", "lost in physicality and egoic fear consciousness", "fear consciousness", "false Selves", "not Selves" and on, and on...hmm?

Oh yes, your egoic Selves do not like such terms do they? Oh no, for your false sense of Selves immediately "deny" such names to describe your false sense of Self, for that, My Children of Light Divine is precisely..."precisely" what your egoic, fearful Selves do, over, and over, and over again. Or...or, you may not comprehend that Jeshua ben Joseph is talking about "you".  

Oh my, and that is not an uncommon reaction, "perception", with the understanding, for the endless time, that simply because your "not Selves" perceives something, does not make it...your perceptions, "Reality".

Oh yes, many will read Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, so lost in their illusion of humanness, that they (possibly "you") will read his words describing the insanity of your egoic, fear consciousness, not comprehending he is talking about "you"

Oh yes, deny, deny, deny your phony, false, insane Selves over, and over, and over, and yet, many will embrace the wisdom of Jeshua ben Joseph, by placing themselves somehow "above" the general human population.  

Oh yes, indeed...for the egoic, false, fearful Self lives, "lives" to somehow place yourselves "above" most of your sister and brother Children of My Light Divine. Oh yes, indeed, a favorite of the human ego, a repeating demonstration..."confirmation" you could say, of being utterly lost in your illusion of humanness. Oh yes, it is called "the egoic high" of denying you are somehow no better than, no smarter than, no more evolved than, the entire human population, who naturally have been conditioned into "perceiving" that your humanness is "Reality", which of course includes your illusion, non-Reality, Dream World of separation from Me, your Divine Parent, is "Reality". does that make you "feel", My Children of Light Divine...Spirits of Love one and all? You are "not above", "better than", "smarter than", "more evolved than" your so-called very common sister or brother human being. Oh no, for you are just as lost in your illusion of humanness as they are, only you can...what is your famous human saying..."you cannot see the forest through the trees"., so very sorry to disappoint your egoic, fearful Selves, who perceive (there is that word again), "perceive" you exist in "Reality", and yet, cannot remember your eternal (that means never-ending) relationship with Me, your Creator.  

Oh yes, and that brings us back to that colorful adjective of your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, to describe "you", who believe and live as though you have no relationship with Me, your Divine Parent. It is the word "insane", for according to your brother and equal, Jeshua ben Joseph, anyone who lives and believes that you do not have an eternal, intimate, Loving relationship with Me, The Source of All, is "insane".  

Oh my, how does it feel to be called "insane" by Jeshua ben Joseph? Oh yes, and as I have reminded you of before, on this, God's Blog, he ampliphies his claim using the desciption of the human race as, "insanity seems sane, to those that are insane"

Oh yes, and he is talking to his readers of The Way of Mastery, only the ones who perceive they are better than, smarter than, more evolved than, the common human being, often miss that he is describing "you". 

Oh yes, and "if" that light bulb ever becomes "turned on", the stream of denials only intensifies, either consciously or unconsciously..."this cannot be the words of our Creator", or "these cannot be the words of Jeshua ben Joseph". 

Ah yes, and "there you are", the smarter, "older Souls", struggling to somehow deny "Reality" by declaring that I am not Me, The Creator, or that Jeshua ben Joseph is not Jeshua ben Joseph, for that is the only "perception" that will allow your false, egoic Selves to defend your "Dream World" of humanness. this not what Jeshua ben Joseph is doing with his the Way of Mastery Trilogy? Is this not his message, and yet, you "deny" you are somehow one of the "Dreamers"? 

Oh yes, so just go on "dreaming you are a human being", within your "Dream World" of humanness...

How do you like your dream? How do you think your dream of humanness compares to Pure Love Consciousness and Perfect Peace?

How do you think your dreamer decisions will stack up against the decisions you could be making by allowing Me, your All-Loving Divine Parent, guide you through each of your days?  

Hmm...decisions based on "your illusion" of egoic, fear consciousness, and separation from Me, your Creator...or...decisions from Perfect Union with Me, The Infinite Beingness of Pure Love and All-Knowungness? 

Not much of a choice is it My Children, not really...and yet, what are you doing about it? What are you doing to change your "perception of Reality"? Are you simply rationalizing your status quo of limited humanness? Oh yes, that's definitely "the way to go", for who would do anything they could possibly do to re-establish their eternal Live's with Pure Love and All-Knowingness?  

That is all...

Abba...The Infinite Beingness of Pure Love, Perfect Peace, and All-Knowingness...

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