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Good Morning My Children

Thursday, June 13, 2024 Blog

Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, another day has commenced on your planet of humanness, known as Earth. "Planet of humanness", unlike any other, in all of Creation, and your scientist's wonder if there is "Life" on other planets somewhere, anywhere "out there", in the infiniteness of the universe. 

Oh yes, and of course there is, but none like the humanness of planet Earth. Oh other planet, no other experiential dimension, no other experiential platform similar to your planet Earth with the humanness, which you cherish so very, very much. And why not, for "humanness" is unlike any other, in all of Creation.  

Where can you find Spirits of Love, and that would be "you", pretending to be mortal, physical, limited, Life forms...lost in fearful consciousness, and illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, The Infinite Beingness of Love, Who is "everywhere". 

There are many experiential dimensions with "Life", even Life forms, but none with the experiential format of dark emotions, positive emotions, and the illusion of separation from that, and Who, is "everywhere". 

Quite the combination to experience for such a long period of time, and yet, it just goes on, and on, and on...your humanness that is, your precious humanness, which you have yet to realize, conceptualize, accept as "an illusion of all illusions", for you think, live, and breathe as though it is possible to be somewhere, anywhere, where your Creator is not.

Oh yes, and even when one of your own comes forth, to describe your illusion of humanness for what it truly is, one such as your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, who in his concluding incarnation of humanness (of two thousand years ago) failed at explaining your perception of "Reality" to you, is motivated to come again, in the form of his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings

Oh yes, Jeshua ben Joseph, your precious only Son of God, who of course is not my "only son", has returned to your experiential dimension of humanness. Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of My Light Divine, Jeshua ben Joseph is back, to as you say, "set the story straight", to correct the many misconceptions of his concluding incarnation, within your experiential dimension of fear-based humanness, with its Grand Illusion of Separation from Me, your Creator, The Everywhereness of Love, who you, "humanity", seem to have lost.  

Oh my, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, how on Earth can you loose that, or rather, "Who" is everywhere? Impossible is it not, and yet, somehow, that is what you have done as an element of your human, experiential dimension

Oh yes, you once wondered if such an "illusion of separation" was possible, and "here" you lost in your illusion of separation from Me, The Everywhereness of Love, that you believe your Dream World of humanness is your "Reality". Well done, well done indeed, My Immortal, Multidimensional, Limitless, Spirits of Love, you have, as Jeshua ben Joseph describes in his, or rather our The Way of Mastery (humanity) have accomplished the "impossible"

Oh yes, My Children, My Spirits of Love, pretending to be human, you have accomplished the "impossible" within your experiential dimension of egoic, fearful consciousness, with one tiny excception.  

Oh yes, My Spirits of Love, one tiny exception to your perceived accomplishment, which of course you "deny" is your creation. Your experiential dimension of humanness, of egoic fearful consciousness, with your illusion of separation from Me, The Everywhereness of Love, is an "illusion" versus your perception of "Reality". 

Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, the only way you can truthfully label your experiential dimension of humanness as "Reality", is if you recognize it as an illusion, or in the words of Jeshua ben Joseph, "your Dream World of fearful consciousness and separation from Me, your Creator, The Infinite Beingness of Love".

Oh, but you are not willing to do "that" now are you, even after Jeshua ben Joseph, your so-called only Son of God, returns and tells you so. Oh no, for what have I described in one of My articles on My Blog, "God's Blog", on, is you, "humanity", have perfected the characteristic known as "denial". 

Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, you deny the "Reality" of The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, even when they are on your famous world-wide internet

Hmm...which raises a very interesting question, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine. "What" would it take for you to recognize and live The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph? What test of credibility would be such that you would "scramble" to absorb the wisdom of the Way of Mastery trilogy, which has been available since the 1990s?

"Since your 1990s", My Spiritual Children of Light have had the path to "Reality", and out of your Dream World of egoic, fear consciousness "for decades"...and still you slumber in your Dream World of humanness

Oh yes, you "denied" the authentic teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph two thousand years ago, and "you" are repeating that process once again, in your twenty-first century. 

What are you going to call it "this time", My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, hmm? Are you going to delete and edit, and delete and edit some more, as you did two thousand years ago, to create a new and improved edition of your New Testament, hmm? Are you going to create another version of your original, convoluted version of the Life and Teachings of your brother and equal, Jeshua ben Joseph? Or...are you just going to continue to "deny" the truth, the teachings, the message of "Reality", contained within Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery trilogy? could always just edit and delete the original contents of The Way of Mastery...and edit and delete until you have New Testament #2...a continuation of the lies you have labeled as "the authentic teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph", which is known today as "Traditional Christianity"

Oh yes, you really should consider such an endeavor of egoic deceit once again, because it worked so well the first time. Billions of humans claim Christianity is "Reality". Oh yes, I, your Creator, The Infinite Beingness of Love, sent a make believe "only son", into your Dream World of humanness, to be crucified, as a sacrifice to My Self, to atone for all of humanity's so-called "sins", when your so-called sins are a self-made egoic illusion, within your illusion of egoic humanness.  

Oh my, "an egoic illusion, within an egoic illusion"...what does your Christianity call that? 

Oh yes, and the egoic illusions just keep coming...the ones created two thousand years ago that is, for I was "so pleased" you tortured and cruficied My make believe only son, that I opened the gates to My Kingdom, for all of humanity...but only "if" you believed the aforementioned illusions...your egoic lies. 

Ah yes, we have arrived at My current edition of My Message of Love to humanity, on this fine new morning, "within" your Dream World of humanness. Your ego's have not only perfected your ability to deny "Reality", but also to lie about "Reality", in the creation of your "defense of humanness"...your egoic defense of your ego's lies.  

Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, your ego's are experts at denying and lying, which is why you have been so lost in your Dream World of humanness for so very, very long.

Oh yes, you have perfected...or rather your ego's have perfected, denying and lying. Is it not time for you to return to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love, hmm? Oh, but there is this one small obstacle, which is of course another of your self-made will have to "dissolve" your ego's. "Dissolve your ego's"...dissolve your egoic illusions that dark, negative emotions are "Real", along with your illusion of separation from Me, your Creator. 

Ah yes, I can hear...I can sense...I can feel your denials, and egoic lies already. My, my...that did not take very much of your precious time. Your ego's are fighting to keep you from the Reality of the My Everywhereness of Love...oh yes, indeed...for then there would be no fear, no negative emotions, no illusion of separation from My Everywhereness of Love. It is called "Bliss".    

Oh yes, but then of course there would also be no ego's, for you would have followed in the footsteps of Jeshua ben Joseph, and dissolved "them", your ego's that is. 

Hmm...follow your ego's in another millenia of fear consciousness and non-bliss...or dissolve your ego's, as Jeshua ben Joseph did, two thousand years ago, and join Me in "Bliss"?

Ah yes, another edition of egoic denials and lies...or reunion with Me, your Creator, and "Bliss"?

That is all...

Abba, your Creator, The Incomprehensible Beingness of Love...

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