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Good Morning My Children

Would you like to finally know the truth behind the crucifixion?

Monday, June 24, 2024 Blog

Good Morning, Good Morning...for today is the day that My Children of Love and Light Divine will awaken to the "Reality" that their humanness is just a temporary state of beingness in their (your) immortal travel through the infiniteness of Creation.

Of yes, My Spiritis of Love, "today" is that day, which will be written about in your history books, on planet Earth, for centuries to come, and eventually, as you say, "fade into the sunset", for you will all move onto other dimensions, other experiences, and your temporary period of humanness will be a "blip" in your never-endingness! How about that, hmm!

"Unbelievable" right? "Not possible", for why would we want to move on from our long history of humanness, you are saying to yourselves. It is simply too wonderful here on planet Earth in our experiential dimension of physicality, fear consciousness, and separation from The Creator, "if" there is a Creator

Oh yes, why would any Infinite Spirit of Love want to remain "here", on planet Earth, when there is so much to experience...the entire gambit of emotions and physicality, when there are so many, "literally Blissful" experiences "out there", in Creation, which will be "just there", waiting to be experienced. 

Oh yes, My Children, why would you want to leave all of your pain and suffering here on planet Earth for the infinite experiences of "Blissfulness" that await you? Why, oh why? 

Oh yes, I can hear some of your thoughts, your feelings, your illusions of humanness, that make you want to stay right where you are, "here" on planet Earth, for there is so much potential for more pain and suffering, which is the very essence of your humanness on planet Earth. Leave all of your dark emotions? All of your fear, anger, and such...why? Why leave your humanness for Bliss? Who would ever want to do such a thing, hmm?

Ah, surely I jest...but not really, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine., for that "Blissfulness" which I am referring to is what Jeshua ben Joseph discovered two thousand years ago. Oh yes, he did, while he was still incarnated in your Earthly experiential dimension, and he could of just, as you say, faded into the sunset with Mary Magdalene, but I whispered into his mind, "go...go Jeshua, share what you have learned, and put an end, once and for all, to the illusion of separation from your Creator"

He did not hesitate, he did not debate, he did not question, is such a thing even possible? Oh no, and off he went, back to his homeland, to commence what is sometimes called his "public Life", after a lifetime of searching, and then finding, the "Reality" of reunion with Me, your Creator

Oh yes, for he knew, if he had accomplished reunion with Me, your Creator...the Bliss he lived..."they lived"...could be lived by all of humanity

Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, for the Bliss of "Reunion with Me" imparts the knowingness that "nothing is impossible", even the awakening of the human race to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love. Oh yes, for once you remember Who and What you truly are, the Extension of Blissful, Love Consciousness, that is "limitless" by definition, by experience, what could possibly be impossible? "Nothing", for in the process of awakening to the Reality of the Everywhereness of Blissful, Love Consciousness...of "Reunion" with your Creator, you know, as Jeshua had discovered, "nothing is impossible".

Ah yes, and so, "as the story goes", as Jeshua ben Joseph extended his helping hand to those in his homeland..."Come follow me to Paradise, to reunion with The Creator of All, The Everywherenss of Blissful, Pure Love", the Jewish leaders, the reigning Roman occupation, reacted in disbelief...this Jeshua ben Joseph is a crazy man, and look, the people are beginning to believe him, to follow after him...what will become of our influence, our control, our authority, our lives of privilege?  On no, they feared, this cannot be so! 

Ah yes, as is sometimes said on your planet Earth, within your experiential dimension of humanness, of "non-reality", or using the words of Jeshua ben Joseph, within your Dream World of physicality, fear consciousness, and illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, "the rest is history"

Ah yes, and so the Jewish hierarchy, the Sanhedrin, long the "hand picked puppets" of The Roman Empire, once again followed the directions they were given, for their fears were simply too great, for who on Earth would challenge the supremacy of The Roman Empire? No one, unless they wanted to join the endless landscape of those who had been crucified, the long established "reward" of anyone who challenged Rome. 

Oh yes, and this "Reality", illusion of "Reality" actually, was modified, edited, overwritten, as some may say, and "wha la", three hundred or so years later, the Roman version of events became the law of the land, or in this case, the law of The Roman Empire. Oh yes, it is known today as your New Testamant, the second half of your sacred Bible...the so-called Life and Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, the Only Son of God. 

Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of My Light Divine, and so, The Roman Empire's version of "Reality" became the "manufactured Reality" of westen civilization, solely controlled at that time, by The Roman Emire. Oh my, and the truth of the Life and Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph became not the foundation of western civilization, but rather something else...something forgotten, something buried in the ashes of Jesrusalem, when the Roman's leveled Palestine in the death and destruction of the entire country, in the second half of your first century. 

Oh yes, and once again, the history books of the era, and for centuries thereafter, became the version manufactured by the victor, and of course, that would be that of The Roman Empire. 

Oh yes, and the Roman law of the land, became quite simple, and predictable..."if you do not follow our version of the Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ (the Roman Greco given name for Jeshua ben Joseph), you cannot enter paradise upon death...on no, you cannot enter the Kingdom of God, of Heaven"

Oh my, and the somewhat primitive mindset of the population thought, FEARED..."I will never enter Heaven if I don't believe the New Testament (the Roman Empire's version of the Life and Teachings of Jeshau ben Joseph)", and the rest is "history". Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, the so-called history of western civilization. Oh yes, and even two thousand years later, the Christian leaders are drolling out the propaganda of the long forgotten Roman Empire. Oh yes, the conditioning effects of your New Testament are still everywhere within your Dream World of humanness...maybe not as repressive as it once was, but its illusions of authenticity live and breathe throughout humanity, in one form or another. 

Ah, but a wave slowly began to arise, centuries ago...but today, is growing each day, recognizing the foundation of Rome's version of the crucifixion simply "cannot be true". Oh no, this story of the only Son of God being sent down to Earth, by God, to be tortured and crucified, "as a sacrifice to God", to atone for the sins of mankind...that allegedly opened the gates to the Kingdom of Heaven...this "story" cannot be makes no sense.  

Ah yes, My Children of the Light Divine, you are right, "it makes no sense", so...some may ask, "what truly happened two thousand years ago, in Palestine, on that fateful day, when the wise man, Jeshua ben Joseph, was crucified?" 

Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, who have discovered that there is "no death", in the form of your "near death experiences", but rather, a change of dimensional awareness...a change of dimensional consciousness

Ah yes, if there is no death, as Jeshua ben Joseph is said to have proven two thousand years ago, what does he have to say happened, on that fateful day, when he was crucified? Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, pretending to be human, before you return to the Spiritual Realm of your near death experiences, where is Jeshua ben Joseph today...let us go ask him.

No need, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, for he has already answered "that question", for all to read and contemplate. His version, Jeshua ben Joseph's...his twenty-first century version of his crucifixion, is peppered throughout his The Way of Mastery Trilogy, one of the cornerstones of his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings. 

That is all...

Abba...The Infinite Matrix of Love...and "I Am Everywhere"... 





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