Your egoic voice "within" conditions you, by lying to you...
Another day on planet Earth, in your human costumes, in your "humanness", pretending you are something and somebody you are not, and yet...continue to insist you are.
Oh my, no wonder you are confused much of the time, living lives you planned in advance, in the Spiritual Realm, which you have been conditioned into believing represents "Reality", and yet...are not "Reality".
I wonder how many ways we can express the same message to you all, within your experiential dimension of humanness...point you in the direction of "Reality", and have you turn your backs on us, denying we know what we are talking about? appears this general scenario will be ongoing for quite sometime considering it has already been "decades" since your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, first began breaking the Truth to you with his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings.
Oh yes, he was never so bold and direct as I have been these past few years, in confronting your egoic, fear-full selves, but then again, the undeniable and inevitable Truth was coveyed by Jeshua ben Joseph within The Way of Mastery Trilogy back in the 1990s.
At that time, the "Reality" of who and what you truly are was described to you, humanity, over a period of years, gradually. Oh yes, we knew it was going to be a "shock", an unbelievable, and yet, Truthful rendition of how you have arrived at your present day, in your "illusion" of humanness, within your experiential dimension of physicality, fear-full consciousness, and separation from Me, your Divine Parent.
We all knew, and yet, so many had begun to cry out, in so many ways, that you "just could not take it any longer" (your illusion of humanness), and were searching for a way out, pledging never to return again to your experiential dimension of humanness.
That is what suicide is all about, a useless attempt to escape your experiential dimension of humanness. Oh yes, "useless", because those Souls just choose to reincarnate again, to face the same challenge...the challenge they had tried to avoid with suicide. The one through whom I convey this message, and all prior articles on, within God's Blog, can tell all about the path of suicide, for he has tried more times than you would believe, but I will leave such an investigation to those of you lost in your humanness to make such inquiries, if you so desire.
The point being is that you are all "immortal", and chose to have a particular experience, so as challenging as it maybe to conceptualize, it matters not how many incarnations you have had, how much pain and suffering you have endured in your illusion of humanness, once you are in the "Real World" of the Spiritual Realm, completely aware of your Immortality as Multidimensional Spirits of Love, you will choose to come again, and again, and again, into your experiential dimension of humanness, to have the experience which you originally set out to have, so, so very long ago.
Oh yes, My Children of the Light Divine...My Children of My Light, have and continue to cry out while in your humnness, "how do we escape the darkness? How do we escape the pain and suffering? How do we escape the experiential dimension of non-Love, of non-Me, your Creator and Divine Parent, The Infinite Beingness of Love? How do we make the fear, the depression, the bottomless experience of dark emotions stop?"
Oh yes, I know, most of you are too busy being lost in your illusion of humanness to confront the inevitable, but for those who are searching for The Way Home to the "Reality of Love"...Pure, Conscious, Living, Infinite Love...we wanted to provide the means, the tools, to do so.
We have made many such attempts, beginning in earnest two thousand years ago, with the incarnation of Jeshua ben Joseph. Ah, but the depth of your illusion of humanness was simply too severe to comprehend his message, which we will continue to deliver in this current era.
Oh yes, the conditioning effects of your journey into your illusion of humanness is, and continues to be, so "overwhelming" that almost no incarnated Spirits of Love (Souls), and that would be "you" My Children, can comprehend our message of the "Reality of Love", even after you read the words, listen to the words, "feel" the words, describing what your experiential dimension of humanness is all about, on your planet Earth.
There are moments here and there, as you try to absorb the message of "Reality", within Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery, or "here", within My Blog, and for short periods of time a step or two is made in the direction of "The Reality of Love", and out of your illusion of humanness...but...the conditioning of egoic, fear-full consciousness runs very deep. Oh yes, indeed.
How deep you ask? So deep within your Soul's, and so pervasive within your experiential dimension of humanness (on planet Earth), that only those Souls, those Spirits of Love, who have truly become "totally committed" to The Way of Jeshua ben Joseph, can navigate their way out of your human conditioning, and claim their True Selves...claim, live, know, and "own" their True Selves as Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love, more commonly known as "The Children of God".
Oh yes, My Creation you are, and will be for all eternity, and yet, "here" you are, utterly lost in your illusion of humanness and separation from Me, your Creator...your Divine Parent, The Infinite Field of Pure Love Consciousness.
Needless to say, it is not an easy path "you have chosen" to travel..."to experience". For in order to live as your True Selves, you must persevere against all of your human conditioning, which you are "surrounded by" each of your days.
Is such a feat possible? Oh yes, how do you think I am conveying this message to you this day, week after week, month after month, year after year?
It is just as your brother and equal (Jeshua ben Joseph) discovered two thousand years ago, when he walked among you, in one of your human costumes, as he endured the constant bombardment of your human conditioning, which he has now communicated to all with The Way of Mastery trilogy.
Oh yes, he tells you that you must place the re-establishment of your relationship with Me, your All-Loving Divine Parent, as your "first priority". Can you even imagine such a mindset? Your first and then maintaining your relationship with Me, your Creator, while you continue to occupy a human body-brain?
"Oh yes", many have said, and even aspire to such a lifestyle, and then...that "other voice within", which you have listened to and been guided by since birth, begins to explain to you, in so many ways...relentlessly, why your mundane human priorities "must be addressed".
Ah yes, the story of humanity once again unfolds. The Soul is committed to the path of Jeshua ben Joseph, but "that voice within"...the same voice the Soul has been conditioned by...incarnation, after incarnation, after incarnation...assumes, once again, the position of authority.
Ah yes, and the commitment to follow The Way of Jeshua ben Joseph, The Way he discovered two thousand years ago, The Way that never made it into your Gospels of the New Testament, is once again "overwhelmed" by your egoic, fear-full, voice within, which disguises itself so well, you don't even notice you are "not" following The Way of Jeshua ben Joseph. Oh, you may read some of his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings now and then, you may gather with a few friends to discuss how you embrace The Way of Mastery, and yet..."you don't", not really, even though your egoic voice within will lie to you...lie to you, and convince you that you do.
Let us come back to the real test My Children of Light Divine. Is re-establishing, and then maintaining, your relationship with Me, your All-Loving Divine Parent your first priority, consistent with The Way of Jeshua ben Joseph? Yes or no? Not your second priority, or fourth, or tenth, or fourteenth, after all the other priorities your egoic voice within convinces you are absolutely necessary and more important...although "your egoic voice within" will never use such words, but rather "conditions you" into maintaining your illusion of humanness, rather than claiming, living, knowing, and "owning" your True Identity as one of My precious Spirits of Love.
That is all...