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Good Morning My Children

Would you not choose Me (your Creator) over your ego's?

Thursday, August 29, 2024 Blog

Ah yes, and yes, and yes, and yes, is what each and everyone of you say when asked if you are a human being..."yes, of course that is what I am...what else could I be?" Ah yes, and this is our subject this day, this new morning, on Mother Earth, where My Children of Light Divine, Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love...for "that" is what I Am, The Great, The Infinite, Spirit of naturally, if I have any so-called "offspring's", they would be Spirits of Love...consider themselves to be limited, physical, fear-based, mortal beings, in a single dimension

"Wow", that is quite the difference in perceived identities, is it not, My Children of Light Divine, hmm? Why fear-based you ask? Because you, humanity, perceive that fear, and all fear-based emotions, also known as the "dark emotions", are "Real".

Oh my, oh my, oh believe, and live, and own your illusion of dark emotions are "Real", when they are no different than the non-realities of one of your nightly dreams. How can you say such a thing, is the essence of most of your responses, our fears and dark emotions are not dreams...illusions...for we live them, experience them, feel must be crazy

"Crazy"...Me, The Infinite Spirit of, no My Children, as you have been told endlessly on this, My Blog, "God's Blog", you live, and breathe, and perceive you exist in a dimensional experience of non-reality, which you perceive as "Reality"

"Perception", My Children of Light Divine, My Great Spirits of Love, who chose to become lost in your illusion of humanness, does not always equate to "Reality".

"Oh no", your fearful ego's will say, "we know who and what we humans doubt about it".

"No doubt about it", you say, no doubt about it? Oh my, where have we heard that before, My Children of Light Divine, over, and over, and over again, hmm? Oh yes, and many, many times what is referred to as "absolutely, positively, the way something truly is, and will always be", turns out to non-reality, not true, but rather simply a "perception"...a false perception...a non-reality that humanity mistakenly labeled as "Reality".

Oh yes, indeed, and if we were to begin to list everything humanity has ever perceived to be "Reality"...that turned out to be a non-reality, we will be preparing a list that goes on forever. "Forever", My Children of Light Divine, who are pretending you are human.  

Provide a few examples your ego's ask, in disbelief. A few examples, "really", you don't believe Me, your Creator, an Infinite Beingness of Pure Love, Pure Intelligence, and Perfect Peace? Oh my, how about you once perceived your world, your Mother Earth, was flat...or that you would never fly...or that what you refer to as "space", was empty of anything, just because your limited vision did not see any of the contents of the quantum universe...or that your physical death was "Real"..."Real" in that your conscious Self, your Soul, your Spirit did not continue to live, only in a different dimension.  

Oh...enough of this...for any wise person knows..."knows" it is useless to debate the human ego, something you created to experience your illusion of humanness...your illusion of aloneness and separation from anything and everything, when your quantum physicists' have established the fact, the "Reality", that there is no such thing as "separation"...because in "everything, everyhwere" connected on the quantum level.   

Oh, I just added another "Reality" to our list of your human perceptions, which your ego's once insisted was not "Reality".

"Denial"...your ego's My Children are true experts at "denying Reality", until "Reality" is, as you sometimes say, forced down your throats.

Take death for example. Your atheists generally believe that when you physically die, your "literally die", and that's it...there is no Soul, no Immortal Spirit that continues to live in another dimension...a Spiritual, non-physical dimension. It matters not what evidence is provided, for they are "positive" there is no so-called "Life" after physical death...the so-called "Real World", in the words of Jeshua ben Joseph.

Oh yes, your non-believers in your immortality will debate Jeshua ben Joseph, because their ego's can simply not accept that they are wrong, under any conditions.

Hmm...can your ego's give Me, your Creator, one example of when Jeshua ben Joseph lost a debate...hmm?

Ah yes, let's move on, for it is useless to debate a human ego, for the human egos are truly experts at denying "Reality"...just as they, your ego's, deny the "Reality" of The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph...or that this blog, on, are messages from your Creator to humanity...yes, yes, experts at denying "Reality". "I am right, and you are wrong", is the mantra of the human ego. It has always been this way, and always will be. Just look at your long history, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine. What do you think your endless battles and wars are all about, hmm?

Oh yes, you set up a tradition of endless conflict with your perception of "Reality", called "humanness on planet Earth". How has that worked out for your ego's, hmm...My Children of Light Divine? Are they, are you, experiencing True Peace, True Contentment this day, My Children of Light Divine? No more challenges to overcome, to face this day, hmm...all because things are not as your ego's perceive things should be?

Oh yes, endless conflict, endless frustrations, endless fears and anxieties is your destiny My Children of Light least as long as you allow your ego's to be in make all of your decisions.

Oh my, what a novel idea. What would "Life" on Earth be like without your ego's, My Children of Light Divine...your fearful, I am right and you are wrong, this is good and that is bad, judgmental, never peaceful...never satisfied ego's?

Is it possible to even live without your human egos...your ever judgmental ego's...your ever fearful ego's. What would such a state of existence be like...hmm?

Has anyone ever described what it would be like to live "ego free" existence of non-judgment, hmm? An existence with no judgment, but rather, the very within a State of Pure Love and Perfect Peace...a State of Pure Knowledge and Intelligence?

Ah, but even if there was such information for humanity to draw benefit from, the human ego would naturally "deny" that such a "way of Life" was even possible, for then you would have to find a way to dissolve your ego's! And what ego would knowingly dissolve itself, hmm?

There is only one answer to this question, My Children of Light Divine. The only ego that would ever choose to dissolve itself, would be one tired of living with an ego, with judgmental, fear-full consciousness...the sense of aloneness and separation which permeates the subconscious of all human beings, which of course includes the illusion of separation from your Creator, "Me", for I Am The Infinite, Everywhereness of Love, which your ego's deny is "everywhere".

Ah, back to the characteristic your ego's have perfected, "denial". Oh my, My Children of Light Divine...denial of "Reality" is something your ego's excel at

Are you not tired of living with the egoic illusion of separation, from what it is impossible to be separated "Reality"? Are your fearful, anxiety filled selves not looking for a way, a lifestyle, a methodology to live in perfect union with Pure Love, Pure Intelligence, and Perfect Peace, which of course would be "Perfect Union" with Me, your Creator and Divine Parent? Would you not choose Me over your ego's?

Ah, and when you are tired of living with the endless denials of your ego's...the endless fears, frustrations, and disappointments of thinking Life on Earth will someday be better, free of concficts and all the darkness...come back to, and we will show you "The Way"...

That is all...

Abba...The Infinite, Source of All...




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