And You Ask: "Isn't There Anything More to Life?"
"Good day" to My Children of The Light Divine on this new day on your Mother Earth, just as it has been for each new millennium, millennium after millennium, after millennium, an apparently endless process, and yet, one which will not be without an end. Oh no, for you are within the dimension of time and space, "physicality" it is sometimes called and so, whenever there is a beginning, as with your so-called Big Bang, there will definitely...most definitely be an end.
But you don't want to hear of any end for your dimension of physicality, now do you My Children, nor do your scientists, for such an event...even the thought of such an event, will trigger a stream of your negative and perplexing emotions. Ah, but as I have told you all many, many times before here, on My Blog, your Souls, your Spirits, have no end, which simply means that prior to your concluding chapter in the dimension of physicality, you will undoubtably make a shift in dimensional consciousness.
Dimensional Consciousness, a subject and "Reality" that you are well versed in, and yet, consciously at this and most other moments, remember very little about. Stored in your subsconscious My Children...all of your memories of the varieties of dimensional consciousness are stored within, and yet, the inevitability of your demise on planet Earth...your human demise that is, for your Spirits will go on forever.
Ah...but your egos don't want to hear any more of this "human demise" subject, now do they, your egos that is, "your illusion" of separation and individuality, for that would mean the end of your egos, a subject you avoid. Oh yes, your egos resist facing "Reality", and up until your not to distant future, have even avoided the "Reality" of your egos...a temporary tool as it were, for your present experiential dimension of fear consciousness.
Ah yes, "fear consciousness" My Children of Light Divine, which can also be called "egoic consciousness", for they are one and the same...very same, and yet, your egos don't want to hear anything about such a subject, for your egos would prefer to have your fears and anxieties to go on forever, just like your Spirits, but alas, your egos are far from immortal, as they are moving oh so directly at their inevitable endings.
"Perception of individuality"..."perception of separation" does not equate to "Reality" My Children of Light Divine. Oh no, as you say, "not even close", and yet, a perceptional experience your egos insist on most of the time, for most also insist your fears and anxieties are "Real", when they are anything but "Real".
Oh my, your Mental Health Practitioners don't want to hear anything about the illusions of your fears and anxieties. Oh no, for they have conditioned themselves, through layers and years of formal education, to reaffirm the many illusions of fears and anxieties. Oh my, I trust you will all comprehend what has just been communicated on some level, at least a level many, if not most, will perceive as delusional, for your egos have told you over, and over, and over again that your fears and anxieties are all part of your human "Realities", and God knows...and your egos do not, that your egoic perceptions of "Reality" do not equate to "Reality".
Oh my, "a conflict in Reality" as expressed by your egos and your says fears and anxieties are in fact "Real", and that would be your egoic point of view...your very limited, temporary, not "All Knowing", egoic point of view...whereas, your All Knowing Creator, Who of course is Me, "Abba", the author of this, God's Blog, is conveying to all of humanity that your perception of "egoic reality", of your fears and anxieties, is no more than an egoic perception of "Reality", which of course makes it "non-reality".
Ah, a new subject, a new area of investigation for your Mental Health Profession, at least for those within the profession who have a shred of an open-mind to such a "Reality", for that is all that remains in most cases, "a shred, a minuscule amount of open-mindedness" to the non-reality of fearful, egoic, illusional, consciousness.
And why only a miniscule amount of remaining "open-mindedness" you ask? How much time do you have? Have you been paying attention? Obviously not, to the past years of conveying to all of humanity that fear conscioiusness, which is the same as egoic comsciousness, is an illusion...a "non-reality", "an impossibility", a temporary state of consciousness that a portion of My Children of Light Divine have chose to experience in your temporary human forms, on your temporary planet Earth.
Hmm...what are you, and your egos, going to do with "that Reality", My Children of Light Divine"? Entertain and investigate of your egos all time favorite past times? Oh, what oh what, could that be? Hmm? You know, one of your egos primary defense mechanisms, which are what, My Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love, Who are only pretending to be hypnotized in your illusion of egoic, fear consciousness...such a deep, deep level of self-hypnosis that you are literally lost in your fearful, egoic, "non-reality of humanness", which your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, has described to you as "your Dream World".
"Dream World", My Children of Light Divine..."deep, deep level of self-hypnosis"..."lost in your non-reality of fearful, egoic, limited, human consciousness" does all of this "Reality" sound to you, and all of your Mental Health Professionals, hmm?
It's time to defend your illusional, egoic, fear consciousness, My lost Children of Light Divine...lost in your own, self-created, Dream World of Humanness. I hear any denials, any attacks...or how about some projections, My Children of Light Divine, who are literally lost in your non-reality of lost that you do not even realize you are lost, and yet, some of you cry out, after incarnating into your Dream World millennium, after millennium, after millennium...human form, after human form, after human form..."isn't there more to Life than this?"
Oh yes, My Children, there is more to Life than your delusional version of it...your egoic, fearful, temporary, human version...much, much more...more than you are currently able to comprehend unless...unless your egos are willing to begin the process of peeling away the "layers of the illusions" that you have subjected yourselves to...layers of fearful, egoic conditioning, in your human forms, all to see if it was possible to experience "non-reality".
"Non-reality" My Children of Light Divine...oh yes, you desired to test the limits of your unlimitedness by experiencing "non-reality", which of course is what My Children?...what is "non-reality"?
Non-reality is non-Love, for "Love is the only Reality", the very "Reality" that is everywhere..."EVERYWHERE" My Children of Light Divine..."Everywhere" as in "Infinite", with no end, no beginning, as in "Me", The Infinite Beingness of Love Divine, Who is literally "Everywhere"..."incomprehensible", in the words of your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, and yet, he also teaches, because he lives it, your natural state of Love Consciousness, Oneness Consciousness, Creator Consciousness, that can be what? What does he teach you within his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings My Children of Light Divine?
He teaches you what he learned by "experiencing It", while he was still living in his (your) temporary human form. Oh yes, he learned "how to know, feel, realize, and Live" in your never-ending relationship with Me, your Creator, The Infinite Field of Love.
Oh yes, "incomprehensible", indeed..."impossible" your egos will say, because why My Children?...why will your egos deny and attack "the only Reality of Love", hmm? Because in order "to experience the only Reality of Love", you must choose to reverse your Dream World of egoic, fear consciousness. Reverse? How do we reverse our Dream World of human, egoic, fear consciousness to know, feel, realize, and Live in Human Love Consciousness? Is such a state even possible?
Possible, My Children of Light Divine?...oh yes...did you not witness such a state for yourselves, as you say, "up close and personal", when your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, walked among you, some two thousand years ago?
Oh yes, it is not only possible, but he also documented for you how he accomplished such a feat...and this knowledge, this experiential path is waiting for you, so you can join him...join us, whenever you want to...whenever you are dedicated to "reversing the fearful, egoic conditioning" that you have subjected yourselves to.
Well, My Children of Light Divine...My Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love, do you desire a taste of Pure, Conscious, Blissful Love, and Perfect Peace, hmm? about living in your current, but temporary, human form fearlessly..."fearlessly" My in living with no more with no more anxieties, hmm? Is that worth some of your precious time and effort, hmm?
And you ask: "Isn't there anything more to Life?"
That is all...
Abba...your Creator, The Infinite Beingness of Love...