Limited Human State of Consciousness
"Good Morning" once again to all who have chosen to embody a human form, a human body-mind, to "experience the impossible"...separation from your Creator, The Infinite Beingness of Love, which is why your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, coined the phrase, "insanity seem sane to those who are insane".
Oh yes, indeed, for if I permeate all things with My Infinite Field or Matrix of Love, how on Earth can you, or anything, magically be separated from Me, and I Am but Love? "Impossible" of course, and yet, if some type of veil of illusion, veil of forgetfulness is placed over and around one's consciousness, one's awareness of what is truly transpiring, then in fact any Soul, any Spark of Divinity, might misintepret what the physical senses are communicating.
Ah yes, and then a state of awareness that could be called "non-reality" would be a new creation that any Soul, any Being of Light Divine, could choose to experience, out of curiosity. It all sounds so innocent, does it not, My Children of Light Divine, which of course it truly is, subject of course to intepretation by the Soul, the Spark of Consciousness, which seemingly occupies temporarily, the human body-brain.
This, My Children...My Christed Beings of Light Divine, is what has transpired on your planet Earth each time you have chosen to incarnate into the Earth dimension of space and time, more commonly referred to as the dimension of physicality or the third dimension.
Hmm...but what about the other dimensions, My Children of Light Divine...what happens to the infiniteness of dimensionality? Why choose to limit what you are conscious of when there is so much, let us say, excluded from your experiences (within your third dimensional experiences on planet Earth), while you seemingly occupy a single human body-brain? Do they cease to exist? Do they somehow, unexplainably disappear while you place your veil of forgetfulness around your Conscious Awareness, hmm? I don't think so, for then...then My Children, there are far too many situations, occurrences, experiences, which have no explanations...and how is such a chain of events then described...explained in terms the human life forms, "your human life forms", will understand?
I suppose you could always pretend such experiences (such as near death experiences) do not exist, even though they are reoccurring, and then...then, how would you reconcile such experiences? How would pretending, or rather, ignoring events that you are conscious of be reconciled with the limitations of what you perceive Life on planet Earth to be?
Ah, a field of consciousness with choice, an Immortal, Multidimensional, Being...a Spirit of Love, chooses to limit their immortal, multidimensional, awareness to the confines of a human body-brain, on planet Earth, to have a new experience of "limited awareness", so limited, that you are not even aware of Me, your Creator...even though I permeate all things, in all of Creation, throughout the infiniteness of all dimensions.
Such a "new creation", and that is the subject of this morning's Message of Love to humanity, here on God's Blog, a component of the internet site devoted to The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, who has returned to your Earth dimension to disclose a sizable body of information that was previously not available to your human population, at least not in a format readily accessible to those who have chosen your veils of forgetfulness.
Ah yes, let us return to your veils of forgetfulness and "the related agreement you all have made", which has manifested in your 3rd dimensional experience on planet Earth in the form of a "new creation", the limited...very limited human state of consciousness.
A new creation, indeed, for that is what I created you all to be, My Children...My Spirits of Love. I created you to be "Creators" of new creations in consciousness, and I must admit, human consciousness was definitely a "new arrival" within the Infiniteness of Creation...the Infiniteness of Consciousness.
What an imagination, "bravo", indeed, the likes of which had not existed prior to human Life forms on planet Earth. You truly are "Creators", adventurous Creators, who have chosen to experience your own creation in a new and unique way. Oh yes "you", My Children, not only chose to experience your limited human Life forms, your human body-brains, but you also chose the "limitations in consciousness" you invisioned for your creation, which of course included your illusion of separation from Me, "Abba", your Creator, The Infinite Beingness of Love.
Separation from Me, My Children?...separation from The Reality of Infinite Love Consciousness?...separation from All-Knowingness, Perfect Peace, and Divine Humility? My, my, such an extreme choice, such an extreme creation, such a total distortion of "Reality", and still, "you chose" to experience your creation, for what you call a "byproduct" of your creation is "non-Love", "non-Me", "non-Reality".
The non-Reality of Love My Children, how could you?...and yet, you did, which of course created the "opposite of Me", what is called the illusion of fear consciousness and separation from Me, your Creator...also referred to by your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, as the human ego and egoic consciousness.
My, my, when I gave you unlimited potentiality or creativity, who would have guessed? Who...indeed, and the answer is obviously "you", My Children of Light Divine, who chose to "incarnate into your creation", your illusionary world of human, physical, egoic, fear consciousness, and separation from Me, your Creator.
Oh, and your creative abilities did not stop there...oh no...for you not only chose to experience your creation, but you also chose to become lost therein!
Oh my, we have told this story so many times and in so many ways, published books, distributed audio presentations, had live channeling sessions with Jeshua ben Joseph, and even created this internet site,, all devoted to pulling back your veils of forgetfulness...and you remain lost in your creation, a creation that many blame Me for?
Oh yes, you know it is true. You often blame Me, The Infinite Beingness of Love, for your status quo in physical, limited, egoic fear consciousness, within your illusion...your Dream World of separation from Me, and I Am but Love.
Okay, I'll go along with your "blame game", for your egos are famous for denying responsibility for decisions that you have made, that have created your Lost World of Fear Consciousness, where you have created the illusion that all of the dark emotions are part of "Reality". Go ahead, blame Me. Deep down within your Souls, within your Spirits, you have buried "Reality"...the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love. You know it is there "within", even if only subconsciously at the moment. Oh yes, "you know", and yet, you have forgotten how to find to find the conscious awareness of The Reality of the Everywhereness of Love, your Creator, Me, "Abba".
Oh yes, My Children, you have forgotten how to find your way back "Home" to Love and Perfect Peace. Your egos continue, and continue, and continue to convince you that they, your egos, "fear consciousness", know how to find Love-Creator Consciousness...and you continue to believe your creation of non-reality, your egoic state of fear consciousness, will succeed???
How can fear find Love My Children? Does that make any sense to you? Is this not what you refer to as "the blind leading the blind"?...hmm? As has been conveyed repeatedly, both here within My Blog, God's Blog, and also within Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery, if your egos knew how to find their way back to The Reality of Love, to reunion with Me, your Creator, they certainly would have done so by now...for how long have you been on Earth, in your self-created dimension of non-reality...thousands of years, in an endless parade of new human body-brains, incarnation, after incarnation, after incarnation.
Your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, discovered your way back to "Reality", and out of your egoic Dream World of fear consciousness...back to reunion with Me, your Creator, and I Am but Love.
Let him show you "The Way" My Children...or endure the empty promises of your egos again, and again, and again. Where have your egos documented for you how Jeshua ben Joseph obtained his "Enlightened State" two thousand years ago?...where? "Nowhere" is there a proven way Home to Love, other than Jeshua's The Way of Mastery Trilogy, which your egos will continue to find excuses not to follow...
How long My Children? How Long will you follow the guidance of your ego's, the voice of fear within...
That is all...
Abba...Your Creator and Divine Parent