Impossible Dream of Humanness
Children of God, playing a game, on planet Earth...who would have ever thought, hmm? Who would have ever imagined that part of such a game included forgetting who and what you truly are, hmm? What kind of game is that? A game where you become lost in your own game whereby you no longer realize, or remember for that matter, that it is "only a game", rather than the "Reality" of Life.
Oh my, a game that is perceived to be "Reality" that is quite the...what shall we call it? How about an entire portion, a large portion, of My Children of Light Divine, who were so taken with a game of mistaken identity, an identity of humanness, that you no longer realized it was only a game. Oh no, My Children, you no longer realize your game of humanness is only a game...indeed.
You have been so taken with your creation...your creation of let's pretend we are limited, mortal, physical, fearful beings, separated from our beloved Creator, that we actually forget who we are, while we are playing our game of let's pretend we are human beings, rather than the offsprings, the extensions of the Incomprehensible, Infinite Beingness of Love, known within our game as the so-called Creator...who your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, named as "Abba".
Oh yes, your brother, who was successful at awakening from your illusion, your Game of Humanness, which he refers to today as your "Dream World of Separation" from Me, your Creator and Divine Parent, The Infinite, Incomprehensible, Matrix of Love, from which all things arise.
Oh yes, indeed, he is the one who finally was able to distinguish between the only "Reality" of Love, and your make-believe Dream World of human, fear consciousness, known today by many names. However, My favorite is The Impossible Dream, for how can anyone, or anything for that matter, be separated from Me, hmm?...for I Am in "EVERYWHERE". However, your Dream World of separation from Me...your Impossible Dream is so...what shall we call it..."Life like" "Real"...that you no longer recognize it as "only a game"...a game of mistaken identity, where all of the participants of the game, and that would be "you", My Children of Light Divine, realize your game of humanness, your game of mistaken, fearful identities, is not part of My Infinite Beingness of Love, but rather, an elaborate "illusion of Reality".
Here comes the truly fascinating part of your game of mistaken identity, My Children of Light Divine. Even after you awaken from your Dream World of mistaken identity, you continue to play your game in full "human costume". Oh yes, because your awakening to the "Reality of Love" segment, the concluding segment, takes varying lenghts of your creation, known as "time".
Oh my, what a "creation", what a "Dream World" of mistaken identity, what an illusion of a gradual shift from fear consciousness to Love Consciousness, also known as the shift from egoic, physical, illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, The Everywhereness of Love, to the "Reality"..."the only Reality" of Enlightened, Oneness, Creator Consciousness...amd I Am but Love.
"WOW", the shift from non-reality, the illusion, the Dream World of separation from Me, your Creator, The Infinite Beingness of Love to "the only Reality", The Reality of My Everywhereness of Love. Oh my, and this all occurs within your game of mistaken identities...your temporary Game of Humanness, within your experiential dimension of time and space, while you are still embodied, physically, in your limited...very limited, human costumes.
Oh yes, very limited, indeed, for you identify with the "illusions" that your physical senses tell you are "Real", when in fact, your physical senses convey, or rather actually confirm and condition you into believing that your game of mistaken identity as physical, fearful, human beings, is "Reality".
Fascinating...truly fascinating that you have become totally lost in your Dream World of non-reality, your self-created illusion of separation from Me, "Abba", The Infinite Beingness of Love...a game your brother has "completed playing", who has created many names, many contexts for Me, in a series of attempts to assist you in joining in completing your game of mistaken idenitity.
Oh yes, Jeshua ben Joseph is no longer in full human costume...however, he continues to participate in the "Real World", which you typically refer to as "the Spiritual Dimension". Oh yes, his many lives within your game of mistaken, human identities demonstrated to him, as you say, "up close and personal", how truly challenging your inevitable shift in consciousness is. And because he loves you so, his sisters and brothers, lost in your Impossible Dream of separation from Me, Abba, that he is actively assisting you in your awakening from your Dream World of mistaken, human identities.
Alas, for without his assistance, you may never finish your game of mistaken, human, identities...for "if" you were capable of awakening yourselves, you certainly would have done so by now.
Do you realize how long you have been playing your game, in your Impossible Dream of separation from Me, The Infinite Beingness of Love, hmm? you, My Children of Light Divine? How long is your history of mistaken human identities? For that is how long you have been mistaking your temporary, human, illusional identities you say...the "real deal".
Oh yes, some of you have had enough of your Impossible Dream, and yet, know not how to awaken to the "only Reality"...the Reality of Pure, Conscious, Living, Thinking, Feeling, "LOVE", as your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph did, two thousand years ago. So, My Children...My Lost Children of Light Divine, Jeshua came back in your current era and began the process of channeling numerous messages of the "Reality of Love", using many human channels (mediums of communication) to convey what actually transpired in his concluding incarnation, as Jeshua ben Joseph, but also how to follow him, whereby you also awaken from your Impossible Dream of separation from Me, your Creator, The Infinite Beingness of Love.
Yes, yes, I know, I have covered this many times before, "here" on God's Blog, at, but for the most part, you...humanity...My lost Children of Light Divine, have not been paying attention. Oh no, for you are still lost in your Dream World of humanness, and I have no intention of leaving you here, for all of eternity...for as Michael says, "eternity is a longtime".
So, My Children...My Children lost in your Impossible Dream, we, as in your Creator and your brother and sister Children of Light Divine, are not leaving you...we never have has only seemed that way to you, lost in your Impossible Dream. We are "here" for you, to help you to help yourselves awaken from your Impossible Dream of separation from Me, The Infinite Beingness of Love.
Oh yes, My Children, for as Jeshua ben Joseph describes in his The Way of Mastery Trilogy...from the moment you had the thought of your Impossible Dream of separation from Me, I created your path back to the Reality of Love, to Me, for I Love you more than you can currently comprehend.
Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, I created your path back to The Reality of Infinite Love and placed it within your Souls, your so-called hearts. Oh yes, what many have searched for everywhere but where it is, "within" My Children. It goes by many names, including the ones Jeshua ben Joseph has used in The Way of Mastery...The Holy Spirit and Rightmindedness.
On My Blog "here", on, I have used a more contemporary label, for I have referred to it as your "link" to Me, your Creator. Oh yes, My Children, your "link" to Me is always has been, and always will be, and you can use it whenever you like...whenever you decide you have had enough of your Impossible Dream of separation from Me, and I Am but Love.
Oh yes, your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, discovered how to find your "link" to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love within. The only question remaining is "when" are you going to learn what he learned, hmm? When will you tire of your Impossible Dream of separation from Me, The Everywhereness of Love...tired enough that is, that you actually study and practice your way back Home to Love...The Way of Mastery?
I Am not going anywhere My Children, for where would I go? I Am already everywhere...
That is all...
Abba, The Incomprehensible, Everywhereness of Love...